Kandy is so fattening

Chapter 5 - ch 2 contd getting very full

"I am a little thirsty, not that all this food hasn't been nice and moist." I didn't want to insult her baking skills, and everything she served me seemed the best ever. She offered me a large glass, and I drank it fully and quickly, the milk sweeter and creamier than any I had ever had before. I lowered the glass and smacked my lips. "I might be a growing boy, but I think I shouldn't be growing horizontally like this." I patted my overfilled belly and laughed at my own joke, then felt more self-conscious about myself once again as she refilled my glass in silence.

"You're fine, but you're talking too much." She handed me a box of huge fluffy donuts. I could feel through the box they were still warm from the oven. "You can worry about it later. For now, let yourself go. Nothing wrong with you pigging out a little. Eat, eat, eat."

"Uh, well, you are so nice, and those look so delicious." I slowly picked up a donut, then looked down again at my obscenely bulging belly.

Questions and thoughts started spinning through my brain, maybe because of all the sugar overloading my system:

"This is fun and all, but what am I thinking? Why am I doing this? Acting like such a glutton when I am the guest of such a pretty girl? And why is she trying to get me to eat so much? Maybe she is just being nice. Or maybe she wants me to get fatter? But why? Maybe she is just priming me to make fun of me later, call me a fatso."

Feeling a bit disgusted with myself and my self-indulgence, I placed the donut back into the box.

"What's wrong?" Kandy asked sweetly.

"Nothing. I think I've had more than enough. You are so nice, and all this food is so good, it has caused me to overeat. I need not get so fat, you know, I'm a cute boy, like you said, and all that." Emboldened a little, I even winked at her, trying in my innocent way to be a little flirtatious.

"But I have all this food prepared just for you. It would be rude if you didn't eat any more than what you have." Her forehead furrowed a little.

"Well, uhm." I looked at the food, then at her firm smiling face and twinkling eyes, then back at my bulging belly. "It is mighty tempting, Kandy, but I really must say no for now. Maybe you can save some of this food for me for later. You can see how much I have already enjoyed your delicious hospitality." I patted my belly for emphasis, shocked to feel it wobble, something it had never done before.

"But I know you have room for some more." She reached out and placed the palm of her hand atop mine on my belly. "It would be wise to do as I say and keep eating. I don't like a boy who says no to me."

I gulped, unable to speak.

She stared at my belly almost obsessively for what felt like hours but in reality was just a few moments. I wondered what she meant.

I remained silent as her words echoed through my head: "It would be wise to do as I say and keep eating."

I closed my eyes to contemplate those words, and soon, I the clinking of dishes and utensils. Kandy was humming as if enjoying her work. Before I knew it, I felt her fingers at my lips, gently prying them apart.

(chapter 3 coming up)
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 2 years
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Maevis 2 months
That story is amazing. Your style of writing and describing the delicate details of everything made it easy to imagine it all, I love it!
GrowingLoveH... 2 months
Thanks for saying that. May you find some similar joy in becoming potbellied.
FatFeedeeDem... 3 years
Honestly, I wish this was me. I love the idea of being forced to be fat and staying in bed. Afterall, it sounds fun.
Markkuu 4 years
Amazing writing. Thanks for reading my story!
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
@Thewordsman -- Because she is the main character.
Theswordsman 6 years
Why does this story have a straight female label?
Tommmy 6 years
Wonderful. I’m sure she has big big fat plans for him !! please continue it soon
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
Be careful what you ask for, otherland78!

You might just get it!

And you haven't learned yet what happens to this boy... it's not too nice of an ending.

I am working on this, all, and I plan to post as soon as I am satisfied with it.
FrecherTyp 8 years
hehe this is really a genius setup i would love to live like that for a few month and see what happens ^^
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
Thanks BlimpCityF. I try to be appreciative, Flabehnotyet!
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
I have never given appropriate thanks to those posting such sweet and encouraging comments! Thank you.
Nok 9 years
Oh my god! This is totally not my thing, and its still AMAZING! Your writing is easily good enough to be professional, totally naughty and engrossing. Great Job!
FrecherTyp 9 years
hmmm i just love this kandy story ;-)
Sokotron 9 years
this is awesome, I loved it! oink oink
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
Thanks for the great comments! And, fatlilboy, this is just the start! There is plenty more to come!
Fatlilboy 9 years
Now you got me....I'm totally addicted. more.....more.....feed me....feed me
FrecherTyp 9 years
oh hehe i love this kandy girl ;-)

this is a really sexy story with this cute guy who can´t resist a sweet girl i can´t wait for your next chapters ^^
FrecherTyp 9 years
mhmh so lovely how this girl is hehe really hurry up and write more ....:_) please lol
Balloon 9 years
What hot story!
FrecherTyp 9 years
hehe yes now it´s getting interesting :-)
hmmm ... i love how that starts ....:-) maybe those pastries with the sleeping effect should be handed out to every ffa/feeder girl at christmas times ;-)))
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