Kandy is so fattening

Chapter 6 - ch 3 being forcefed

Raising her eyes from my belly, she then glanced up at my face with an expression I can only describe as weirdly happy but also a little evil looking. Her wide eyes narrowed, and her forehead furrowed. She was obviously getting upset at my reluctance. Still, her beautiful pink lips shaped into a smile, but the corners of her lips turned down as she began to speak.

"You still have room for more." She began rubbing my belly again, keeping her gaze upon my eyes.

In that moment, I started to get scared. What was going on? Why was she insisting that I keep eating? Did she want me to get fat? I felt I should leave right then, but I had no idea where I was or how to get back to town. And besides, it was snowing outside. If I could just get out of this house and away from Kandy, I thought I could figure it out. I decided to leave.

"Uhm, well, you've been so nice, and we've had a nice time together now. But I just simply don't want to eat any more cause it's going to make me too fat. I'm practically busting out of my clothes as it is. No need to ruin what a nice visit we've had together." I started to stand up to leave. "I think I need to be on my way now, Kandy. I'll show myself out now."

"It's snowing outside. Don't you want to stay the night? I insist." She pushed me back on the couch and climbed on top of me, her baker's aroma so strong and sweet, it nearly overcame my senses. In vain, she tried to smile at me innocently again, but I could see now that she did not have my best interests in mind. Her gaze was wicked, and her eyes were hypnotizing. I struggled to move her weight from off me.

She looked at my fingers for a moment, and her eyes twinkled at the sight of my gold high school ring. "Oh, this is nice," she said, twirling it around my finger. I felt myself relax a little since she was no longer talking about stuffing me. "What are these symbols for ?"

"Oh, the football shows that I was on the football team, and the shoe with wings on it, that's from running track," I said a bit too proudly as I felt her other hand warm and firm pushing up under my shirt and rubbing my belly.

"Awww, what a shame! Ex-jock hard-body is getting so soft and chubby -- and sexy," she giggled as her both hands now plied my soft midsection. I shivered at her touch. "Just think what those high school cheerleaders would think of you now." She laughed louder, then looked at me seriously. "Come on, eat for me. Don't you want to be my sexy ex-jock?"

For a moment, she looked at me sweetly, so sweetly I almost said yes. I stayed silent though and still. I looked at her blankly.

"It's snowing outside," she continued. "At least, stay one night with me. I will show you things those high school girls never knew about."

I looked over her shoulder at all that food, and I knew I had better leave. Her smile changed then. Again, a wicked glint in her eye and a smirk on her lips warned me to get out.

"No, I've got to go," I insisted again. "I don't care if it's snowing. I'm not going to sit here all night and eat and get any fatter!" I felt her warm bodypushing against me once again.

"Didn't I tell you it would be wise to do as I say? Now, I'm going to ask you again nicely to please stay the night because you don't want to see my bad side."

Sweat beaded on my forehead, and my heart began pounding rapidly. Still, I gathered my thoughts and tried once again to convince her to let me leave.

"Awww, I don't think you have a bad side. Really, I need to go. Pack up a cake for me, and I'll be on my way... really, I don't need any more to eat right now, Kandy. I appreciate the hospitality, but too much of a good thing . . . " my words drifted off as I feel her beautiful bod pushing down on my paunchy middle, "Well, you see what's happening to me, how fat I am getting, still, I appreciate your kindness and all."

I felt her body almost float off of me at that point. She pulled away some, her eyes fixed on mine, and I finally stood up, moving a few steps toward the door. Just then, she snapped her fingers, and a giant candy cane appeared in her hand - out of nowhere, magically. She hooked the cane around my neck, pulling me back to the couch.

"Oh, I do have a bad side, and this is the very last time I'm asking - no, telling you: Stay!" The candy cane pulled me back into her lap, and her hands grabbed me, her fingers sinking into my soft flab.

She was strong, and I struggled fiercely against her huge candy cane. Finally, I shattered it into pieces with my hands, pulled her hands away, and shot to my feet, heading for the door.

"What kind of wacko are you, Kandy?! If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to fatten me up on purpose." I looked down at my distended gut. "And maybe you are. I'm getting out of here now while I can still fit through the door!" I started running toward the door.

"Awww, my poor boy, you're not as fast as you were when you were on the track team," her voice cackled behind me. "You've gotten too fat to run, Tubby."

(chapter 3 continued)
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Maevis 2 months
That story is amazing. Your style of writing and describing the delicate details of everything made it easy to imagine it all, I love it!
GrowingLoveH... 2 months
Thanks for saying that. May you find some similar joy in becoming potbellied.
FatFeedeeDem... 3 years
Honestly, I wish this was me. I love the idea of being forced to be fat and staying in bed. Afterall, it sounds fun.
Markkuu 4 years
Amazing writing. Thanks for reading my story!
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
@Thewordsman -- Because she is the main character.
Theswordsman 6 years
Why does this story have a straight female label?
Tommmy 6 years
Wonderful. I’m sure she has big big fat plans for him !! please continue it soon
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
Be careful what you ask for, otherland78!

You might just get it!

And you haven't learned yet what happens to this boy... it's not too nice of an ending.

I am working on this, all, and I plan to post as soon as I am satisfied with it.
FrecherTyp 8 years
hehe this is really a genius setup i would love to live like that for a few month and see what happens ^^
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
Thanks BlimpCityF. I try to be appreciative, Flabehnotyet!
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
I have never given appropriate thanks to those posting such sweet and encouraging comments! Thank you.
Nok 9 years
Oh my god! This is totally not my thing, and its still AMAZING! Your writing is easily good enough to be professional, totally naughty and engrossing. Great Job!
FrecherTyp 9 years
hmmm i just love this kandy story ;-)
Sokotron 9 years
this is awesome, I loved it! oink oink
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
Thanks for the great comments! And, fatlilboy, this is just the start! There is plenty more to come!
Fatlilboy 9 years
Now you got me....I'm totally addicted. more.....more.....feed me....feed me
FrecherTyp 9 years
oh hehe i love this kandy girl ;-)

this is a really sexy story with this cute guy who can´t resist a sweet girl i can´t wait for your next chapters ^^
FrecherTyp 9 years
mhmh so lovely how this girl is hehe really hurry up and write more ....:_) please lol
Balloon 9 years
What hot story!
FrecherTyp 9 years
hehe yes now it´s getting interesting :-)
hmmm ... i love how that starts ....:-) maybe those pastries with the sleeping effect should be handed out to every ffa/feeder girl at christmas times ;-)))
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