Kandy is so fattening

Chapter 7 - ch 3 contd being forcefed

I felt like I was trying to run through quicksand as I lumbered toward the door. It had been a long time since I had tried to move so fast, and I felt every single one of those college-fattening pounds weighing me down. Not to mention all that Kandy had fed me.

"I love it when they run," her sing-songy voice hummed behind me. She snapped her fingers, and suddenly I was lying on the floor, tied up with a strong red rope.

I thought about how athletic I used to be, so strong, so fast, and now just a chubby boy bound up by a food-crazed baking lunatic. "You can't make me eat!" I screamed.

"Now come back to Mommy," she said in a bittersweet tone. And with a wave of her hand, the rope slowly dragged me back to the couch. I felt like I was having a nightmare. Surely I would awaken soon.

"Ugh, what's happening!?" I screamed. I struggled against the binding rope. "What are you trying to do to me, Kandy? This is kidnapping. Let me go! Why are you doing this?"

"Now, now," she purred, climbing on top of me again. "Don't ask stupid questions, fatty. And I would let you go, but then you would run away from me. And let's face it, I tried to be nice. In fact, I was nice. Now you're gonna see my bad side."

"No, just let me go!" I tugged and pulled on the red rope until I was breathing hard and worn out. "You are not nice at all; you are evil for doing this to me." I pushed my cheeks out and pouted, weakened by my struggles.

"No, I was good, but now, I you have made me turn evil," she nodded. "You should have stayed when I asked you to, when I was nice." With a wave of her hand, the food in the room looked like it was coming to life, moving on its own, moving toward me. She chuckled wickedly.

Seeing the food moving magically toward me, I groaned.

"Now the real fun begins." Again, the wicked laughter.

"Oh no, no, NO!" I screamed. "What's happening? Are you a witch or something? Are you gonna fatten me up to eat?"

"I've been called a lot of things, but I'm not a witch," she said, moving in close and kissing my neck as the dishes of food continued their gradual advance toward the couch. "If it helps your little human brain, I am kind of an evil spirit, a succubus, but other than that I'm just a human - with some super powers, especially when it comes to candy and sweets - and fat boys."

She practically growled those last three words as I contemplated what she had said, trying to take it all in, to make sense of all this.

"A succubus? Like some evil temptress?" I asked, opening my eyes widely now and seeing how increasingly stunning her appearance had become, how she is practically glowing with sensuality and beauty. She transforms in front of me, from the innocent looking slender Kandy to a full-blown voluptuous demoness. She was beautiful enough to be a succubus. And charming too. In this moment, I knew I would do anything for her. Whether I wanted to or not.

Her lips parted. "Something like that. A temptress, yes."

"Please don't make me eat all this," I pleaded in a voice which quickly turned high-pitched like a little boy pleading with his angry parent. "What are you going to do to me?" I asked just before a slice of ham and pineapple started forcing their way into my mouth.

"You'll see." She giggled sweetly, but in seconds, her soft girlish giggle turned into a deep-throated woman's laughter, loud, harsh and full of evil - like something from a she-devil in the depths of Hell. Like something I could never resist.

"Mmmmphhhh," I struggled to talk as the food started climbing on top of my body, wobbling up my torso to my head, then forcing my lips apart. Ham, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pies, pies, pies. I tried to clench my teeth, but the pressure of the magical foods pushed my jaws apart again. Soon, her strong hands threw my head back violently, as more and more food entered my mouth. I was forced to either swallow or choke.

I felt my already-tight pants grow even more uncomfortable as the bottom two buttons on my shirt strained to contain my potbelly. I moaned and groaned, struggling with all my might to get free even though I felt weakened and tired. I soon grew tired. I relaxed and closed my eyes.

"Try not to struggle too much," I heard her voice commanding me. "I don't want you to choke." I felt both her hands upon my belly, rubbing it again, then her lips nibbling my neck playfully as more and more food entered my mouth.

She bit me firmly on the neck, and I again wondered if she wasn't some sort of perverted witchy cannibal, fattening me up for her Christmas feast. But then the neck nibbles turned playful again, and those tender nibbles actually seemed to help me swallow the immense amount of food flowing into my mouth. She rubbed my belly some more, and I felt myself growing warm and also sleepy.

I was now weary of struggling and actually aroused by her attentions. I relaxed and moaned in pain - but also I felt some pleasure, I realized - as my gut filled with so much food. My eyes began to close involuntarily, and I became sleepy. "Good boy," she whispered in my ear. "Now rest some, and let my delicious food turn into fat." I tried to stay alert but felt myself drifting into a deep sleep.

(Chapter 4 coming soon)
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FeedHerFat 9 years
This story is hot!
Ateitall 9 years
I don't know what to say, I'm speechless!
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
Wow, thanks for all the comments! Yes, CriticalMass, I have completed this now; just need to edit it chapter by chapter, and there is an epilogue which ties back to the prologue's scene. Glad you all like it.
MikeTehCakeBoy 9 years
Wish this would happen to me
FrecherTyp 9 years
oh key since i like more the effects ways of seduction i am really thrilled what oomes next ..:-)
Redneck9 9 years
Built4com4t 9 years
great first chapter
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