Kandy is so fattening

Chapter 8 - ch 4 demonic seduction

I had no idea how long I slept, hours, I suppose, maybe even through all Christmas day. Or beyond. Time seemed to have its own kind of flow in my first days of being cared for and fattened by Kandy.

However long it had been, I was vaguely aware of eating almost the entire time I was asleep, mindlessly chewing and swallowing delectable foods while in a drowsy state of hedonistic pleasure. I felt Kandy's curvy body push against me, atop my belly, as she stuffed me constantly with delicious foods. I moaned and groaned in pleasure as she did.

When I finally woke up, I was lying back, still tied up by the red rope but propped up on cushions in a huge bed. The bed was huge, bigger than any bed I had ever seen. It looked strange, like it is made out of cotton candy. But it wasn't sticky; it was so soft with a sweet fragrance. Outside the window, the sky was dark, and the moon glowed full and bright, shining on the thick layers of snow.

Kandy was right on top of me, forcing food into my mouth, and at first, I just lay there and accepted it. As I opened my eyes, I got a good look at her in her supernatural form, and I am sure my expression was one of shock. I felt tears start to sting my eyes.

"Oh, poor boy," she said sarcastically. "You are confused by my appearance."

"Confused" was an understatement. Before falling asleep, I had been vaguely aware of her devilish transformation, but it all seemed dreamlike. Now, though, I was definitely waking up, and atop me was a voluptuous demoness.

She was beautiful beyond belief, curvy but not quite as plump as her human form, legs long and thick, her waist slightly chubby with a small belly and love handles, and her breasts, mmmm, yummy! Her breasts were huge, swollen and pulsing with every breath she took.

I don't mean to imply that Kandy wasn't cute before this, but now, as a sexy she-devil of some sort, she was absolutely bewitching! Her face was breathtaking, the face of a fashion model, harder perhaps than her human face, more sharply chiseled with sharp cheekbones and lacking the small double chin she had earlier.

However, beyond her shape and her adorable face were the features of a hellish nightmare. She had horns! Horns! Huge curving ram-like horns atop her head.

As I glanced at her horns, she whispered into my ear, "Your fat body makes me so so so sooo horny." Her hand slipped between my legs, gripping me tightly. "Are you getting horny, fat boy?" Her skin started to glow a deep blood-red, almost maroon, and her eyes became more bright against her wine-red visage. I immediately felt myself harden at her touch. Not that I wanted to, but I couldn't help it. Really, I couldn't.

And Kandy even had a devil's tail, which swished about from behind her ripe round rump. It was a pointy tail, like a flexible cartoon arrow. Occasionally, as she stuffed me, her tail would wrap around from behind her, and the point would jab into my soft fat gut.

"Ouch," I said once between bites, and she laughed, no longer a little-girl giggle like before but a full-throated laugh, all sultry and evil, deep-toned, and dark. Just then, wings sprouted from her back, big black bat-type wings which flapped slowly behind her as if she were about to take flight. Then, they stopped.

Her eyes now shown full and bright, as if powered by the embers of hell! Each still held a distinct color - the peppermint red, the rootbeer brown, but they glowed wickedly and brilliantly.

And despite the fact that she appeared to be some temptress from hell - A succubus, is that was she said? - and maybe even because of her sinful appearance, I felt, I felt -

I felt so turned on by her.

Yes indeed, I felt sexually aroused even as she continued to stuff me. Turned on by a horned devil-woman with wings and a tail. Maybe even because she was stuffing me, I thought to myself. My mouth full, I tried to make eye contact with her to tell her something.

To tell her what? That I was enjoying this? No way! Why was I even allowing this to happen to me? I pulled my strength together and began struggling helplessly against the red bindings, spitting some of the food onto my shirt now stretched across my expanding chest and belly.

"Now, now, don't waste good food like that," she said gently but firmly. Magically, she produced a soft cool washcloth and wiped my face and wiped the spittle from my chest. Then, the washcloth disappeared in a snapping of her fingers. I felt her hand sliding down between my legs again and grabbing me through my pants.

I instantly hardened at her touch. At the same time, she pushed her boobs up against me. Her blood-red lips parted to speak.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 2 years
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FeedHerFat 9 years
This story is hot!
Ateitall 9 years
I don't know what to say, I'm speechless!
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
Wow, thanks for all the comments! Yes, CriticalMass, I have completed this now; just need to edit it chapter by chapter, and there is an epilogue which ties back to the prologue's scene. Glad you all like it.
MikeTehCakeBoy 9 years
Wish this would happen to me
FrecherTyp 9 years
oh key since i like more the effects ways of seduction i am really thrilled what oomes next ..:-)
Redneck9 9 years
Built4com4t 9 years
great first chapter
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