Kandy is so fattening

Chapter 9 - ch 4 contd demonic seduction

"You know you like this. Why fight it? I have all the tastiest, sweetest and most delicious food you could ever imagine, as much as you could ever want, big boy." She kissed my cheek, and I felt her lips burning my skin. "All the food you could ever desire, Tubby. And cute little sexy Kandy here to feed you, forever and ever. What more could a chubby boy dream of?"

I savored the heat of her kiss. She made this all sound so appealing. My cheek warmed with a blush at her words. Sweat started forming on my brow and dripped into my eyes, stinging them with saltiness.

I felt my willpower weaken against her words, against her glowing beauty, her baker's aroma, the feel of her fingers pushing food into my lips. My will weakened against all the delicious foods she had prepared for me - against her body pushing into mine,.

I wondered to myself: "Could it be so bad? To grow fat with such a lovely creature feeding me?"

I wanted to fight this notion, of course. That is, my spirit and soul wanted to fight her charms, but my body wanted her kisses, her loving touch - and her deliciously decadent foods. I opened my mouth wider and automatically winked at her. I couldn't help it! I felt my body betray my soul's desires as I dipped my tongue into the sinful pleasures of her goodies. Still, my mind had questions about all this. She felt me relax a little as a moan of pleasure escaped my lips.

"Now, good. You're gonna be a good boy now and stop fighting me?"

"Mmmmph," I struggled to speak as she finally paused the food onslaught. "But why are you doing this to me? I deserve to know. I feel - I feel like I am falling under your spell and mmmmmph--" She pushed a piece of cheesecake into my mouth to shut me up.

"Now, you've talked too much," she chided me. More food entered my mouth as I twisted and turned to try to avoid the inevitable. My potbelly strained my shirt buttons to the point where they might pop off at any moment. My belt and the waistband of my pants cut painfully into my growing gut. I moaned again, this time in pain.

I saw my reflection in the pupils of her strange eyes, a face filled with terror - but also filled with questions, the greatest of which was "Why? Why?"

"Why am I doing this?" she smiled, and I felt she could read my mind. "Why? Because I like you, and I want you for myself. And I want to make sure no one else will want you once I'm finished with you. You're gonna be my huge sexy ball of fat. Those college cuties don't know what they are missing, chasing after buff muscular athletes when they could enjoy riding a soft boy's belly."

Her gaze shifted to my high school athlete's ring, and I felt it grow hot on my finger. "Of course, you used to be one of those fit athletes. Your ring is a stern reminder of the slender stud you once were, but now you are growing into a pathetic ex-jock fatty! Just the kind of boy I've always wanted."

She slapped my belly for emphasis, and I felt it jiggle. I moaned painfully, but she kept talking, oblivious to my hurt.

(more chapter 4 to come)
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 2 years
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FeedHerFat 9 years
This story is hot!
Ateitall 9 years
I don't know what to say, I'm speechless!
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
Wow, thanks for all the comments! Yes, CriticalMass, I have completed this now; just need to edit it chapter by chapter, and there is an epilogue which ties back to the prologue's scene. Glad you all like it.
MikeTehCakeBoy 9 years
Wish this would happen to me
FrecherTyp 9 years
oh key since i like more the effects ways of seduction i am really thrilled what oomes next ..:-)
Redneck9 9 years
Built4com4t 9 years
great first chapter
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