Road trip

Chapter 8 - part 2 cont

"Sarah? Laura? Hey guys!"

We turned to see Jill. We'd both been really busy for the rest of the summer and beginning of the school year, so it was actually the first time I'd seen her since the trip.

"Hey there!" I greeted her as we hugged. "How are you?"

"Great! School has been really good, I have a wonderful class this year. I can't believe we haven't seen each other in so long!"

"I know, not since our little road trip," I said.

"I still haven't recovered," she joked, putting her hands over her stomach. "I think I'm up four pounds still, just can't shake it."

"Well, I'm obviously up quite a bit more," I chuckled, patting my paunch. "It turns out Laura is a natural in the kitchen, so I still haven't gotten my eating under control. Fortunately she likes me plump, right babe?"

Laura's face flushed scarlet to the roots of her hair. We had gotten to a place where I could occasionally tease her about her preferences, but this was the first time I brought it up in public.

Jill laughed as Laura glared at me, but she didn't seem bothered in a way that would signal me to stop.

"Yup," I continued, enjoying her discomfort. "It turns out my girlfriend is an Italian grandmother at heart. Every time I turn around she's like 'Eat more!'"

"I think you found a winner," Jill congratulated me. "She's obviously quite good in the kitchen."

"No kidding," I replied. "If she doesn't let up I'll be buying new pants again soon."

"Hahaha, maybe you should just get some with an elastic waist," Jill teased.

"Yeah, you're probably right," I laughed. "Well, it was great to see you. We'll definitely have to have you guys over for dinner soon."

"We'd love that," Jill said. "Although I'm a little scared now after seeing this."

She poked my belly.

"Don't worry, it's totally worth it," I reassured her. "One bite of her lasagna and you'll happily throw out your scale."

Jill laughed again and said goodbye. Laura looked at me, still blushing bright red.

"I'm going to get you back for that," she promised in a low voice.

Later that evening I pushed away my plate after demolishing most of the roast beef and mashed potatoes Laura made for dinner.

"No more," I groaned weakly, my pants long unfastened.

"I told you there would be payback," she said. "Time for cheesecake!"

I told her I wouldn't eat any, but we both knew that was a lie. After demolishing a large slice, I was much too full to move.

"Not bad," Laura remarked. "Not bad at all."

"I think I'm ready for those maternity pants," I moaned, making her laugh delightedly.

10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 9 years
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Pet Sounds 9 years
Excellent work.
Jazzman 9 years
Liking this a Lot. Sure would love some collateral damage to the girlfriend. She deserves some new lbs too.Just a thought. This is spectacular writing and the pace of gain is completely realistic.