
chapter 2

"So what do you need to talk to me about?" He asked it like the secretary asked it, like a back handed insult. 'Oh great I'm gonna have my therapist tlak down to me too' she thought. It didn't help that the chair in his office could barely fit her thighs. She could see he was looking at he ketchup stain from the large fires she was Kuching on the way too the office.

"I've been depressed a bit" the therapist raised his eyebrow like he was confused.
She thought she was about to say "I though fat people were jolly."

"Is that all?"

"Well I may have picked up an abnormal eating habit" she sheepishly said.

"Well that's nothing to be ashamed about. I've already seen several people like you come in here already about that. Your not different. It happens to the best of us"

"Thanks I guess." 'Like you' what did that mean? That she was a hippo like the guy that had walked out before her?

"Well let's get you on the scale to address the problem" he pulled out a scale that looked like it was made of pure steel. Jannette felt like this was specialized for people 'like her'.

She hopped on the scale, and it climbed up to read 200. What the hell? She could have sworn she couldn't have been that big she hadn't even been eating that much anymore! A wave of embarrassment and shame seemed to fill her body, the extra bits especially. But she didn't have time to dwell on this the therapist pulled out an extra long tape measure and wrapped it around her waist, 40" hips, 45" and bust, 43". Oh god. The revelation was coming on her all at once that she wasn't even the slightest bit what she used to be.

The therapist stared at her in a focused matter and asked her what her lifestyle was like. "What, um light exercise" she shuddered out.

"Well then I'm guessing your body fat to be at least 40%."he said sternly, "you are clinically borderline morbidly obese."

"I'm going to prescribe you some appetite suppressors and I'll see you in a week."

Jannette felt like she wanted to die. How could she have let herself go. The secretary must've noticed the look on jannete's face when she walked past her on the way out. 'Fat ass' she heard under heard her say under her breath. She was now extra conscious of her heaviness when she waddled out the door of the office. She noticed how her car seemed to lean to one side when she was entered it.

When she got to the pharmacy she headed straight towards the candy aisle to help cover her pain she started stuffing hershey kiss bags into her cart. Then went to the 'diet management' aisle to pick out a diet suppressor.

One package in specific caught her eye. It was shaped like skinny body with the pot tidying belly of it housing the product. "Make your appetite dissapear" "100% effectiveness**" it read. It looked a bit sketchy but It was the cheapest one so Jannette decided to buy it.

When the cashier was ringing up her expenses she read every single one of her purchase back to her. "One XL package of Hershey's kisses" she reappeared this 6 times "and the super strength appetite suppressor. She hurried to her car out of shame but could only waddle. When she got to her car she sat down and started stuffing kiss after kiss in her mouth. A wave of happiness washed over he body with each kiss until a wave of regret washed over her when her pants tore. Jannette had had enough.

She read the directions carefully, apply device to mouth with strap. Turn on and keep in for 5 minutes. Remove. "Step one check. Step two check"

Jannette felt like she was on ecstasy with this in her mouth and functionin. it started by pumping a gas down her throat where it seemed to pool in the stomach. Her stomach started expanding. After the five minutes were up she could see why it warned not to use it in a small space, her stomach now had stretch marks on it and was honking the horns with how far it potruded from her body and into the steering wheel. She frantically turned it off and ripped from her mouth.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 7 years
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QuebecFA 7 years
I really love the story so far! I can't act for Chapter 3! :-)