Lessons in humility

Chapter 3 - secret crush

Raya glanced over at him, he was indeed glancing at her and the fact that Courtney noticed made it that much more awkward. He had gained a lot of weight since he was kicked out of the frat house last semester and he used to be one of their best athletes. Their house won nearly every intramural event because of him. She knew of his reputation as soon as she learned they had the same classes together, her friends warned her to stay away from him so she wouldn't end up in the Bang-Her poll they had. When the professor told her she had to tutor him, she protested but he dismissed them saying that since she had the highest marks in the class there was no one else who was better suited for the task. Raya knew it was because of what house he belonged to, that the college probably put pressure on the professor to make sure that he passed. The frat house he came from had turned out many influential people in the past and they wouldn't let Dale's black record besmirch the house's reputation. It was more than that though, Dale's family has money and is most likely one of the college's major benefactors. She knew about the type of business his family owned, they were big into computers and technology, they have military and government contracts. Dale was next in line to inherit the fortune and his success in school needed to be perfect. She had been tutoring him for a month now and she was slowly learning his habits and mannerisms, the weight gain seemed to mellow him out quite a bit and if he was any other guy, Raya might actually let herself be attracted to him. Big men always got her going, they just seemed nicer and less likely to be total ***s than a guy who was ripped and had more muscle than brains.

Lately Raya had begun to suspect that his parents were not happy with the way he was doing in school and probably even less happy about how fat he was now. Seeing him working in that restaurant below his place told her that his parents probably cut off his money flow and he had to earn his way like the rest of them now, it was oddly ironic to see a rich boy fall like that. She did hold out hope that this experience would teach him humility and force him to start doing better for himself. She put aside the thoughts and got back to the test and found that time flew by and she didn't realize how fast it had gone by until the professor said pencils down. The other students all handed in their papers and began filing out of the room, just as Raya was leaving she noticed that Dale was having some trouble getting out of desk, her friend Courtney took the chance to make a jab about how Dale should have spent less time filling his face before the test and more studying. Raya rolled her eyes and collected Dale's paper for him and handed it in.

"Need some help there?" Raya asked.

"Yeah...please. I'm stuck." Dale replied.

"Been eating too much again huh?"

"Just please get me out..." He said.

She pushed on his belly and felt her fingers sink into the soft fat and it sent a shiver down her spine. The size and shape of his belly was far softer than she had thought it would be and it was the exact kind of belly fat she loved on a guy. As he sucked it in and she pushed he eventually got free from the desk. He rubbed his sore belly and she caught a brief glimpse of the angry red mark from the desk on it.

"Thanks again, I really think I did well on the test because of you." Dale said.

"Well let's hope so then we both move on with our lives. I don't have to tutor you anymore." Raya replied.

"Getting stuck like that was so embarrassing, I shouldn't have eaten that fourth burger before the test but I was nervous and I eat when I get nervous." Dale said.

"I didn't ask or say anything." Raya replied.

She collected her bag and headed to the next class, leaving Dale's face red with further embarrassment. She really didn't ask so he didn't know why he said anything about what he did before the test. He heard her friend's comment and the laughs it got from some of the other students who were in ear shot of it, but she didn't laugh with them. He thought he saw her frown at the comment but he could have been mistaken. It gave him a bit of hope that he could prove himself to her enough to earn her approval rather than her scorn. He collected his own bag and headed for the next class, only to run into some of his old frat brothers on the way out.
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 9 years
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