Lessons in humility

Chapter 4 - meeting up with the brothers

"What the hell happened to you man? You're a ***ing hog!!" His former buddy Andrew said.

"Hey Andy." I said.

"Dude, who did you swallow?" Another brother asked.

"We should let him back in the frat just so we can have our own mascot; the Pig."

"We heard your folks cut you off, guess that means you've been hitting the dollar menus at the fast food places a lot huh?" Andrew said.

"Do you want something or do you just want to make me late for class?" I asked.

"We're worried about you man, heard you were getting kicked out of school." Andrew replied.

"Not yet; I'm on probation and I need to pass the semester if I want to stay." I said.

"Tough break man, that means you actually have to think to pass now...too bad you can't bribe the Profs for an easy A huh?" Aaron said.

"I'm late for class." I said as I pushed past them.

So now I knew how Andy and the others managed to stay at school, they were too dumb to make it on their own so they used their money and influence to get them through. It all made sense now, everything Raya said about the frats turned out to be truer than she realized. I knew my parents would never let me have money again, not with the way I look now or my grades. It was actually depressing to think about since I had no idea how to really apply myself to school and I hoped that I could maybe convince Raya to help me with my other classes. I just needed something to offer her in return for her help although I had no clue what she would want for the help and that she would accept it.

"You want me to do what?" Raya asked.

We got the test back and I showed her that I passed it with a B+. The professor told me that I had taken the right step towards getting my probation lifted but I still needed to pass the final exam before he would sign off on my work.

"I want you to keep tutoring me. I'll give you whatever you want in return for it, you are really good at teaching me stuff that I would never have figured out on my own." I said.

"You want me to tutor you in ALL your classes? You're joking right?" Raya replied.

"No, I'm totally serious; I need the help badly." I said.

"We're not even taking the same thing outside of the Business Practices class, I don't have time to teach you everything about yours and do my own work at the same time, I'll start to fail too if I do that. Why should I risk that for you?" Raya asked.

"Because...because I'm begging you? Please...Raya." I replied weakly.

"Do you even know what I'm taking? Do you even know how hard it is to get a good job in that field?" Raya asked.

"No..." I said. I was sinking fast here...

"I'm taking Culinary Sciences; the potential for the food industry is supposedly growing although they say that about every field just so people will take it, but that's not the point. I have to work very hard to make sure I have exceptional grades so I can land a great job in the type of restaurant I want." Raya said.

"Okay, so what kind of restaurant do you want to work in?" I asked.
"A world class, five-star restaurant in Paris; they only take a handful of Culinary students each year and getting into one is difficult. You have to know the right people in the right places to get into some place like that, now do YOU know anyone like that in Paris?" Raya replied.

"My parents have pretty much disowned me for nearly failing school; they have even said that if I don't shape up they will completely disinherit me all together and as for knowing people, my uncle owns a chain of fine, French restaurants oddly enough and he MAY actually still talk to me if I ask him to take you in as a student. Only thing is the French restaurants he owns are actually based in Switzerland, his chalet is one of my parents' favoured winter getaways so does that bother you?" I replied.

"Switzerland wasn't my first choice; but it is close enough. I will try to help you with your courses if I can and in return you HAVE to promise you aren't just screwing with me and lying just so I'll tutor you. This is my future we're talking about here and I don't want to risk it just for you. And you can also be my guinea pig for my practical culinary exams, we have to make a certain type of dish and we're allowed to practice before the actual exams on someone." Raya said.

"You want me to eat your creations? Alright, I do love to eat." I said as I patted my belly.

"Fine; I will do my best as long as I get something in writing that assures me you aren't lying." Raya said.

"Whatever you need, I'll get. You won't regret this, I promise you." I said.

"I sure hope not." Raya said.

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