Finish the fridge

chapter 2

Kevin finished the last of the chicken and pulled yet another can of beer from the case. Eyes never leaving mine, he cracked the can open and took a few slow draughts, empty hand resting on his rapidly filling belly.

My breath hitched in my chest. I felt my face heat up and had to look away, biting my bottom lip. This was something out of a fantasy, better even, and he had no idea what it was doing to me. I needed another drink. Crossing the kitchen in a few steps, I took a beer from the case next to Kevin and sat down across from him, putting down the container of rice.

Kevin had finished his beer by then and was reaching across the table for the fried rice. He grunted quietly as he leaned over, hand still on his swollen belly. It stuck out at least two inches further than usual at this point, he looked like he had half a basketball shoved under his shirt. I couldn't believe he was still eating.

"You're still hungry?" I asked, my voice a husky whisper.
He froze. Our eyes met and I saw a flush rising in his cheeks. A look of shame spread over his handsome face and he started to withdraw his hand.

"No!" I said quickly, too quickly, placing my hand on top of his. "It's fine. It's good actually, really good. I like it, this, you eating like this. It's... it's hot." I stuttered and stumbled over my words, unable to stop them from pouring out. Realizing that I had just shared my secret with the guy I had the biggest crush on, I dropped my gaze to the table and shrank down in the chair.

A moment of silence. I was terrified to look up at Kevin, but I made myself raise my head and meet his gaze. Judging by his raised eyebrows, he was taken aback by my admission, but he didn't look disgusted like I was afraid he would be.

The silence stretched on as we stared at each other. My mind was racing, thoughts of all the horrible things he could be thinking swirling around. I opened my forgotten can of beer and took a few sips, just for something to do with my hands.

"So you like this?" Kevin said in a lower voice than normal. I looked up from my drink and inhaled sharply as I took him all in. He was leaning back against his chair, a come-hither smirk pulling at his lips. But then I looked down and holy fuck, I just about died. His hands rested on a belly that looked several months pregnant, shirt stretched tightly around his solidly round gut. It had ridden up slightly, revealing a tantalizing strip of skin above his jeans. I drank in everything, every extra inch of him, before our eyes met again. His eyes were usually a clear blue, but now they blazed like cold fire and sparkled mischievously upon seeing the look of lust on my face.

"You do like this!" He sounded incredulous, but still not disgusted. That sexy smirk still graced his features and I couldn't tear my eyes off him.

"Yes," I breathed. "You look so fucking hot right now."

He smiled wickedly, and my eyes widened as he reached for the container of fried rice. "What about now?" he asked. "You want me to eat more? Make my belly bigger for you?"

I nodded, my voice failing. He winked at me and started on the rice. Unable to stop myself, I got up and walked around the table to sit next to Kevin. He smiled again, still shoving rice into his mouth, and angled his body towards me. His shirt rode up higher as he moved and I desperately wanted to get my hands or mouth on him, I didn't care which.

Finally, he finished the rice. Breathing heavily, he let his head fall back and cradled his belly. He looked stuffed to the gills and I found it so incredibly sexy.

"Ooh I'm so full," he moaned softly. "Ella, I'm stuffed. I feel like a Thanksgiving turkey."
Now it was my turn to grin seductively (or so I hoped) at him. "Why don't we go lay on the couch? Let me rub your belly," I said, deliberately dropping my gaze to that sliver of skin and biting my bottom lip subtly.

"Mmm yes please," said Kevin, struggling to stand up with such a stuffed belly. He laughed and held a hand out for me to grab. "Help though?"

I giggled and took his hand, giving him the leverage to stand. He made it to his feet but didn't move towards the couch. Instead, he pulled me closer and pressed his belly against me. I inhaled deeply, my eyes fluttering closed at the erotic sensation. Slowly, I brought my hands up to either side of his round gut, touching him with barely any pressure. He shuddered, eyes falling half closed as I ran my fingers lightly across his exposed skin for a moment of sheer bliss.

"Kevin," I said in a breathy whisper. I lifted my face to his and he kissed me softly. After a long moment of ever deepening kisses, we came up for air. I opened my eyes and smiled sweetly at him, which he mirrored.

"Do you want to go upstairs?" he whispered, raising a hand to gently brush a wayward curl from my face.

"Okay," I said with zero hesitation. Kevin took my hand and led me up the stairs into his room, flicking on the desk lamp as we passed it on the way to his bed.

"Want to put the tv on?" I suggested after crawling onto his bed and arranging the pillows so we could lean on them.

"Sure. We can watch Adventure Time if you want," he replied, lowering himself gingerly onto the bed next to me as to not jostle his stuffed belly. As soon as he had settled in and was working on getting the show on, my hands found their way to his lovely swollen gut.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 7 years
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Fatchris 7 months
I wonder how Kevin looked a few months later after the spring semester
Eating And E... 7 years
So. Much. Fun!
Built4com4t 7 years
Just found this, missed it somehow. Well done, incredibly erotic, and great detail. Thank you!
Hurgon 7 years
Oh yes! This is superb. Thanks for sharing and I do hope it is "only the beginning". Kevin will be wanting his breakfast. smiley
Akwolfgrl13 7 years
Love it!