The neighbor

Chapter 2 - the neighbor: chapter 2

"Okay, ***," Rob said opening the refrigerator and pulling out a tray of chocolate chip muffins. "Here's what's going to happen. You're going to eat all these muffins here, but first I'm going to need you to come with me. I can't tie you up like I want to on that chair; you're far too fat for it."
Nancy stared blankly at Rob. She was startled by his forwardness but yet she could tell that her fat pussy, buried underneath her belly and pussy mound was getting wetter by the minute.
Rob watched Nancy struggle up from the chair; it groaned in relief. He approached her and unhooked her bra, pulling it off so forcefully that her breasts swung violently as the sagged down. He told her to get on all fours facing the table so her head was just underneath. Nancy slowly lowered herself plopping her massive butt cheeks on the floor first, then tried to shift forward onto her hands and knees. Her large belly brushed the linoleum floor as she shifted into the position.
"Good, good," said Rob as he pulled a roll of tape out of his back pocket. "You're such a fat pig, look at how to fat udders sag, and your gut is on the floor. What a whale."
Rob pulled one of her fat wrists to one of the tables legs and taped it there, then did the same with the other arm. She was tethered by her arms between the legs of the table unable to move with her enormous butt wiggling in the air. Rob pulled down her large tent-like underwear and slapped her ass causing it to shake wildly; Nancy yelped in surprise.
"Alright, hog, eat all of these like the pig you are and don't pay any attention to me behind you," Rob said as he dumped all the muffins on the ground in front of her and mashed them up into a pile of muffin crumbs. "This will be easier for you to gobble up like the pig you are. Now eat fatty!"
Nancy hesitated for a moment and looked up at Rob, but the table was blocking her view and all she could see were his legs.
"This is so humiliating, please let me up," she pleaded quietly.
"Really? You're humiliated? You don't like this?" Rob asked sarcastically. He walked around behind her and pushed her legs apart as far as they would go with her underwear around her knees, then roughly shoved his whole hand between her thighs into her pussy. She yelped in surprise then moaned loudly as he slid it in and out. "Hmm, fatso. If you didn't like this then how come you're so wet that I can shove my ***in' hand into your slutty vagina so easily?"
Nancy stuttered some words, still so shocked she couldn't say anything.
"Right, that's what I thought you obese disgusting cow," Rob sneered at her. "Now eat up, hog."
Nancy lowered her head into the pile of muffin crumbs and began to eat. She was aware of Rob's feet standing beside her, just a little behind her. She felt him place his hands one on each quivering butt cheek and shake them. She groaned into the muffins but continued to eat. She was starting to be slightly fearful of what Rob as capable of doing. He spanked her hard repeatedly as she moaned into the muffins but started to eat faster.
Rob moved around to her side and slid his hand underneath her huge hanging double belly. He jiggled it back and forth so it slapped loudly against her thighs and caused ripples to move through her fat body.
"I'm finished," Nancy said, swallowing the last bite of muffin.
"What a good pig," Rob said leaning under the table to make sure she'd actually finished them. "I guess you can get rewarded then."
"You'll untie me?" Nancy said hopeful.
"Oh, pig, no not yet," Rob laughed as he walked around behind her. Nancy heard a zipper and then felt Rob's hands on either side of her fat packed hips. "Wow, you look even fatter this close up, manatee. Ready?"
Nancy was about to ask "for what?" when Rob's hard cock was jolted into her cavernous dripping fat engorged pussy forcefully. She moaned loudly in surprise and he hushed her as he roughly and quickly ***ed her. Her whole body was shaking and slapping back and forth quickly. She could feel herself getting ready to come and she moaned loudly as she came around him violently shaking and her arms gave out. She fell face first to the ground her fat tits somewhat breaking the fall. She whimpered into the ground and her fat tits pushing into her multiple chins and neck rolls.
Rob wasn't done yet though. He hadn't cum and he wasn't going to do so inside her vagina. He definitely didn't want to get this fat cow pregnant. Quickly, as she was whimpering on the floor nearly suffocating on her fat, he spit on her *** for lubrication. Then he pulled his shaft out of her and rammed it into her ***. She screamed in pain and surprise, but it was so muffled underneath her bloated chins and breasts. Rob rapidly moved back and forth, roughly grabbing her flabby butt cheeks to get a good grip and maintain balance. He started to moan as he was close to coming. He exploded inside her and fell on top of her fat body.
"Get off please," Nancy said through her fat breasts. "I can't breathe."
Rob got up and cleaned himself off then pulled up his pants. He stood and looked down at Nancy. She was shaking from over exertion. He grabbed her ankles and pulled her legs straight out so she flopped down flat onto her belly; it oozed out to the sides making her look much wider. She moaned in discomfort but was visibly more comfortable because she didn't have to use any energy to lie flat. Rob then pulled her underwear all the way off. He went up to her head and pulled her breasts away from her face so she could see and breathe better, turning her head to the side. She immediately started panting, breathing rapidly.
"Wow, you're so out of shape you fat cow," Rob said shaking his head, laughing. "Well, I have to run out for a little bit, but I'll be back for you soon, hog."
Rob turned to leave then then saw a plastic broom and dust pan leaning against a kitchen wall.
"One more thing, pig," Rob said devilishly as he grabbed the broom and dust pan. "I'm just going to leave these here."
Rob slid the dust pan handle into Nancy's freshly ***ed ass and then the broom handle into her vagina which was still soaking wet. She moaned as he slid the cleaning items into her holes filling her up like a fat pig should be filled.
"I'd tell you not to move until I get back, but I don't think I have to worry about that. You're too worn out because you're such a big fat cow" Rob said laughing as he took in the sight of the big fat pig lying on the ground, her breasts squashed underneath her and her belly spread out to the sides; her fat arms pooled on the ground. Her giant ass rose high up from the ground because it is just so darn huge. Her legs spread eagle out behind her and her thighs were still touching, but being slightly separated from the broom that was shoved into her vagina and in between her ass cheeks was the dust pan sticking up to the ceiling. She really looked like a pathetic pig, Rob thought.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 8 years
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QuebecFA 8 years
This is such a sexy story! I hope you'll write more in the future! :-)
Bellyastic 9 years
Waiting for the rest please.
Biggirlsareg... 9 years
Gotta keep an eye on this one.