Turning into a fat boy.

Chapter 2 - growing out

After Brett noticed my sprouting belly, I spent a ton of time feeling it, playing with it, and looking at it in the mirror. I loved the way it felt to have this new doughy form growing on my waist, and I was reminded of my younger days when I wanted to gain. All of those old feelings came flowing back.
I was back on the websites, reading weight gain stories and message boards. I looked up pictures, and videos, and cartoons, and comics about weight gain. I made a very big decision. I was gonna give into nature and let my gut grow.
I didn't just let it grow, I helped. I was constantly stuffing myself, eating more than I could. I walked around with my belly constantly full. I measured the circumference of my gut everyday, and constantly jiggled it and felt it's new softness. I would take pictures of myself every few days so I could watch my body expand. I celebrated every time a new pound appeared on the scale. I was already at 155 (up from my normal 145) when Brett noticed my pudge, and over the next couple months I watched the numbers climb to 160, then 165, then 170. I was right around 175 before anybody else noticed (or said anything).
I was drinking beers and chowing down on mozzarella sticks at a bar with Jake, when he noticed the button on my size 30 jeans straining to stay together, and the zipper not being able to make it to the top of the fly.
"Time to think about getting some new clothes, don't you think Tubby?" He said, pretty casually.
I looked down at my rounded gut pushing against the buttons of my tight shirt. If I wasn't wearing a tucked in T-shirt underneath, the under-curve of my belly would be making an appearance between my shirt and jeans. Every time I looked down at my gut that way it seemed like a foreign object, and I had to touch it to be sure it was real.
"so you've noticed I've put on a few pounds" I said. He laughed and said of course he had. He said he noticed a few weeks prior, but didn't say anything so as not to embarrass me. I told him I wasn't embarrassed, and judging by our family, expected it sooner or later.
We had a few more drinks, and spent a long time talking about our weights, and how we didn't mind getting fatter. He told me that he had liked it, and once he was fat he felt like he was always meant to be that way. I didn't tell him that I had always secretly wanted to gain, but I was happy to be able to share this experience with my bro. I mentioned that I was nervous for what everyone was gonna say, and he said not to worry. I'd get teased for a bit, but after not long people would just accept me for my new pot-bellied self. He said everyone is just probably happy not to have a skinny guy hanging around anymore eating whatever he wants.
He asked me how fat I thought I'd let myself get, and I just told him I had no plans to diet. He said, "Well then, welcome to our side." And we ordered another beer and some chicken wings.
Jake spent the night at my apartment that night, and in the morning we compared our guts. I could see the family resemblance, as mine was just a smaller version of his, which was a smaller version of our dads giant stomach. I noticed Jake's chubby man boobs, and how much bigger his gut had gotten since I last paid attention to it. His cheeks were much chubbier, and his double chin was starting to round out. I wasn't much more than a skinnyish guy with a 20 pound gut, and some slight love handles. We jiggled our bellies and laughed.
"Just wait until you start to get a ***" he laughed, and we both went to the kitchen and ate a huge breakfast.

After that night I got confident about my belly, and couldn't wait for people to notice. I continued to stuff myself every day, and it wasn't long until I had to upgrade to some bigger clothes. Though I loved the feeling of the tightness of my pants, I got a size bigger than I needed, knowing I'd need room to grow.
It wasn't long until my new work pants got pretty tight, and I was hovering in the mid 180's when people at work started to mention my protruding gut. It was definitely not hide able anymore, especially in tucked in shirts, and especially when I was sitting. People commented on my constant snacking, and how it was catching up to me. I would always just laugh and pat my belly, comparing it to the large guts of my overweight coworkers. When the thin workers would tease me I would just tell them not to knock it until they've tried it, give them a cookie and send them on their way.
I spent some time in singles bars, meeting women (usually the chubby ones), and explored my growing body sexually. The new sensation of my belly jiggling in rhythm with our love making was amazing to me. I felt more confident than before, and had encounters with a few women of various large sizes. I even went home with one guy, His gut much larger than mine. This wasn't the first time I was with a guy, as I experimented one time with a slightly chubby kid in college, but this was my first time with a man with such a large round belly. my forehead pressed in and out of that gut as I gave him head. He kissed and jiggled my now extra forty pound gut as he returned the favor. It was a fun night, but I still preferred the curves of a large woman.
When I passed 200 pounds, about 8 months into my gain, I looked through all the pictures of myself gaining. I couldn't believe how much my body was changing. I knew had a large gut, but the thickness of my arms, neck, chest had all expanded. I was even starting to get my own rounded chin. My ass had also definitely grown, and now jiggled when I bounced up and down. I loved my new body, and was excited to see my family at our holiday gathering.
Of course my weight was the hot topic of conversation. People teased me, but nobody was really mean or anything. I think they were mainly happy to have claimed the last skinny hold out from the other side. Like I had become a man or something. They didn't have much room to talk, however, as everyone seemed to be expanding themselves. My sister Rebecca brought her new fiance, a skinny guy with a slight belly, and I remember thinking that soon that belly would be much larger.
Jake and I compared guts while we smoked on the porch. His never stops getting bigger, and I don't know if I'll ever catch up.
My mom talked about my gain the most, she kept saying that I was her little fat boy, and jiggling my belly. When we were alone she told me she thought I'd be the one that got her genes, and stayed thin. She lifted my shirt and looked at my belly and said "but you are definitely getting your father's fat gut."
This was kind of funny, because even at this time my mom had gotten quite heavy, and I wanted to tell her she wasn't as thin as she used to be, but I let it go. She kept teasing me, but still throughout the night must have handed me five or six pieces of cake or pie or whatever dessert she had to feed me with. Overall it was a great holiday, and I loved all the talk of my fat gain, leaving my parents house with another 5 pounds.

It's been a year since then and some things have changed. I now weigh about 250, and still have no plans of dieting. I'm so happy being a fat guy. I love the feeling of having this big round gut sitting on my lap. I love to play with it and stuff it.
I now have a pretty serious girlfriend, Stephanie, who I will probably propose to soon. She's a little bit more thin than I prefer, but she's already gained around twenty pounds since she's been with me, so I'm definitely rubbing off. We love to sit around in front of the TV and pig out together. She loves my belly and always rubs it and plays with it as we make love. I'm finding it very exciting as new curves form on her once thin body. She's already graduated to sweatpants, and too tight shirts when we are at home, the standard wardrobe of chubby girls.
Whenever I see Jake we compare guts, he hasn't been able to gain as much lately, and I'm slowly starting to catch up.

I love my life as a fat guy, and I can't weight to see how big I will get from here.
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BIGKevDawg 9 years
Loved the story, don't usually read the shorter ones till they are a few pages longer but im glad that I did! :0)