Out of the moonlight

Chapter 14 - changing seasons: part 4

A cold wind swept through the now bare, naked canopy of the great wooden hall. Rustling the sheet of bright leaves covering its vast earthen floor it blew through the flowing gowns of the many girls still dancing upon it, making them shiver as it set their loose locks waving around their heads.

Sleepy and slow the many strangely slender girls were now winding their dance down. With not a single leaf remaining on a single tree in the whole of their vast forest they were moving to take shelter. To sleep and slumber deep within the hollows beneath the wide, heavy roots of the many trees that surrounded them.

The imposing woman had risen from her throne. Her posture rigid and refined her expression was as unreadable as ever it had been. Yet something told Faye that she too had grown tired with the changing of the seasons. Making slowly to follow the dancing girls into their winter slumber she cast one last glance out into the forest. A hint of concern barely visible on her face she seemed to be looking far into the distance, her gaze travelling in that moment both near and far. Yet still she did not notice Faye. Though the fleshy, fiery-haired girl was right in front of her, a faint white light emanating from her strange ring, the imposing woman's piercing gaze seemed to travel right through her.

Having slowly opened her eyes Faye found herself in her own warm, familiar bed, the sky outside her window its usual dreary gray. Still sluggish she could only assume that, not wanting to wake her, Niall and Annie had carried her home from the party and carefully tucked her in. Perhaps, thought Faye, Niall had carried her, heavy as she was, on his back. The thought brought a smile to her face.

Curling up under her covers Faye found she had a harder time moving than she was used to. Something, she could tell, was constricting her, straining and hindering her whenever she tried either to stretch or to curl herself up. Looking under her covers she found herself still squeezed into the same tight green gown she'd been wearing the night before.

Letting out a sigh she sat herself up in bed. Pulling at the strained fabric she started slowly to try to peel and shuffle it off her body. A process which proved more difficult than she'd imagined. Her spreading flesh oozing out wherever it could, straining the fabric of the hopelessly tight gown to its very limit, she found it a struggle to get it to budge even so much as an inch. Her pulling and tugging getting more desperate with each attempt Faye soon found herself forced to face the inevitable realization.

"Well hello there sweetie," said Maggie Kendrick, a pleasant smile on her face as she looked up from her hearty breakfast; "you're up earlier than usual."

"Yeah, I guess," said Faye, shifting nervously.

Seated at the table before her she'd found not only Maggie, but also Annie and Niall. The three of them had been in the middle of enjoying themselves a hearty breakfast. Now however their eyes were all locked on her.

"Actually," continued Faye, her cheeks flushing; "I, well, I think might kind of need your help."

"My help," said Maggie, one eyebrow raised; "of course, whatever with?"

"It's, um... my dress," said Faye, pulling nervously at the overtaxed gown still struggling with all its might to hold her figure in. "I, well, no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get it off."
65 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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SilkySunshine 5 years
Oooh really enjoyed the sleepover
Eponymous 6 years
Thank you, Anneke, and everybody else who's been commenting these last many months. I hope you continue to enjoy the story going forward.
Theswordsman 6 years
I dont see Faye going a day without snacking
Burger1 6 years
burger1 Hmm, maybe a little spark between Annie and Faye having fun with the donuts. Could this be the start of something between the two...hope so
Yuri33 6 years
This last one chapter is exellent!i love when girl get lazy and spoiled and asking help for everything . Maybe in the future we see faye demandig for help!
Anyway great grat job!
Daver58 6 years
A wonderful story! I anticipate the next chapters! :-)
Fatchance 6 years
Can't wait to see your next update! This is such an amazing story, and want to see Niall and Faye together, and of course Annie as fat as her mother! LOL
Girlcrisis 6 years
I have to say I've been looking forward to seeing the consequences of Annie's hubris and you're not disappointing.
Eponymous 6 years
Thanks. Hopefully you'll survive the experience.
Dreambig 6 years
chapter 26 is KILLING ME. Thank you so so much, i cant wait to finish reading the whole thing.
Eponymous 6 years
Thank you very much, DominantMaleFA! I'm quite partial to good writing, well-developed characters, and complex plots myself, so I'm glad to hear that you think I'm managing to pull them off.
Eponymous 6 years
Thanks girlcrisis! I sat down to do a loose outline of the remaining bits of this story a couple of days ago. It looks like you're gonna have a lot of updates to look forward to still.
Girlcrisis 6 years
This is still such a great story. I love reading every new update.
DominantMaleFA 7 years
This is the sort of story I love the most. Good writing, well-developed characters, complex plot, and weight gain woven in! Well done.
Eponymous 7 years
Thanks! Unfortunately for Annie it might be a bit late already to start being careful.
Theswordsman 7 years
If anne isnt careful her mom might put those pastries where her mouth is. I love this story.
Eponymous 7 years
Thanks! smiley
I'm very glad to hear it.
Mdy73 7 years
Oh yes, I enjoy every new chapter...
Eponymous 7 years
Thanks! It's been a fair bit of work weaving all these threads together. I've been trying to include a lot of stuff I like from outside of WG-stories with this one, and thus far I think the results have spoken for themselves.
Girlcrisis 7 years
Again I really love the wide array of characters and all the different threads running through the story. It feels like a complete little world and it's easy to get sucked in and care about the fates of the characters.
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