Out of the moonlight

Chapter 15 - the season to be feasting: part 1

Faye did not remember much of her dream. As she woke she could recall only a faint impression of comforting darkness and of warm earth, of tree roots slowly sucking moisture from deep within the ground where the chill in the air far above could not reach.

Though very pleasant Faye's dream had not been nearly as wonderful as the warm bed in which she had upon waking once again found herself, nor had it been as wonderful as the rich scent which, once she'd come fully to her senses, she'd found wafting into her nostrils from the bakery far below.

Promptly forgetting all about her dream Faye let out a contented sigh as she took in this new wonderful odour. So rich and spicy, she recognised within it a hint of both nutmeg and cinnamon. But though several of its elements were familiar to her the scent as a whole was like nothing she had ever smelled before. Having taken another deep breath of it Faye knew she had to find out more.

Shivering as she pulled her covers aside she sat up on her bed and set her bare feet down upon the cold wooden floor beneath it. As she walked out into the chilly attic hallway outside her room Faye paid little thought to the way her bare thighs were rubbing one against the other with every step she took. She considered neither how her every footfall made her doughy belly jiggle and bounce nor how tightly the fabric of her skin-tight nightgown clung to her spreading figure.

Having walked sluggishly down the stairs, each step creaking under her feet, Faye made her way into the living room, where she found herself confronted with one of the strangest sights she'd ever seen.

Leaving the room with a confounded look on her face Faye slowly made her way down another flight of stairs until she reached the bakery. There she found Oscar, Maggie, Annie, and Niall all gathered, each of them working, apparently, on some sort of treat.

Niall heard the sensitive old floorboards of the bakery creak with Faye's approach. These days, with the world outside the Kendrick's old house cold and dark, covered in a thin sheet of pristine snow, it'd become a rare thing for the girl to make her way all the way down to the bakery on the bottom floor. Growing day by day more sleepy and sedentary Niall had started to wonder if the girl hadn't decided to hibernate through the winter. To rest and store in her body all the energy that she could.

If so she was doing a good job of it. Over the last few months Faye had been absorbing calories like a sponge might water. Her pudgy paunch had turned into a bouncing gut and her thighs, having grown thicker and softer, had started ever so slightly to rub as she walked. Her arms had grown wider and meatier, covered now in a layer of flab that drooped as she reached them into the air. Even her pretty face had changed, the once sharp line of her jaw now lost to a slight second chin, a quivering little pouch of fat rounding out her once lean countenance. With the last few months having put nearly another 25 pounds on her figure Faye was now undoubtedly a very chubby girl.

Though her figure had all but exploded outwards Faye still insisted on wearing the nightgown Annie had lent her a little less than a half a year ago. No longer loose and comfy it clung to her figure, outlining in great detail every bulge and fold of her doughy body.

Looking at the girl as she walked through the doorway Niall wondered if she realised just how much damage her poor habits had already done to her once so stunning figure. Though no doubt aware that she wasn't as slim as she'd used to be he wondered if she realised just how out of hand her weight had gotten. As listless and lethargic as the last few months had made her he doubted it. She probably preferred simply to keep herself cosy and warm, her mind lost in a slothful, food-addled haze as she ignored all that was happening around her.

Really, thought Niall, a smile on his face; if Faye wasn't worried about her weight then why ought he to bother her about it.

Still, as the girl, huffing ever so slightly after having made her way down all those stairs, sat herself down on a spare chair Niall couldn't help but think that something was bothering her. Her eyes were wide, her brow furrowed, as though she'd just seen something very strange. Only moments later Niall learned exactly what it was that had Faye so confounded.

"Um," said the girl, her voice soft; "are you all aware that there's a huge tree in your living room?"

"A tree?" repeated Niall, one eyebrow raised, a surprised smile on his face.

"Well yes," said Faye; "there's a big fir just standing in the corner of the room. Why is that?"

As Oscar, Maggie, Annie and Niall all exchanged a series of confused looks Faye couldn't help but to feel somehow a little stupid. A feeling that only grew deeper once Annie broke into a fit of giggles.

"Sorry," said the now quite slim daughter of the house; "are you having a laugh?"

"No," said Faye, a pout on her lips as she glanced up at the chestnut-haired girl; "why would I be?"

"Oh come on," said Annie; "you must know what a Christmas tree is?"

"Maybe," said Faye, suddenly indignant as she shook her head; "but I don't."

Once again all four of the others exchanged a series of strange looks.

"Well," said Oscar Kendrick, a slight but warm smile on his heavy face; "if you don't know you'll soon find out."

"Yeah," beamed Maggie; "believe me; you've got a lot to look forward to in the next several days."

"If you like you can help dress it later," added Niall.

"Dress what?" asked Faye, her brow furrowed.

"The tree of course," Niall grinned.

"Dress the tree?" said Faye, her face a confused grimace. "Nevermind-" she sighed "-I'm sure I'll find out. So," she said, changing the subject; "what are you all working on anyways?"

"These," said Niall, gesturing to a platter he'd only recently pulled out of the oven; "are Christmas treats?"

"Christmas treats?"

"Do you want to try one?" asked Niall, an amused smile on his face.

Faye responded with an eager nod.

"Be careful," said Niall as he put the platter down beside her; "they're still a little hot."

Having sniffed the brown, crunchy-looking, strangely shaped treats the tall, wild-haired man had just handed her Faye recognised their scent as the same one that'd first driven her downstairs. A gleeful grin on her face she swiftly popped one into her mouth. A few crumbs rolling down her chin the taste caused her to let out a satisfied sigh.

"What are these?" she asked, her eyes wide.

"Those," answered Niall; "are gingerbread men."
65 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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Yuri33 4 years
Have this story a continious?please go on
CountingCarbs 4 years
Loving this story! Lettie and Annie need to get together!
Ripley84 5 years
this story is amazing!
Kipler 5 years
Out of the moonlight isn't near is its end, is it? (That last chapter made it feel like it's getting real close to it. I'm not ready!)
Kipler 5 years
Now that's got me curious as to what Eponymous has been up to that's kept them so busy. How are you, author? I hope well. It's great that you've updated your stories as often as you can. Much appreciated! Keep up the fantastic work!!
Eponymous 5 years
Thanks! I've got a bit more time on my hands now, so this story should be back to updating fairly regularly again.
Theswordsman 5 years
Im glad to see this continue
Eponymous 5 years
Thanks for your comments, Anneke, Kipler, and sorry that it's been so long between updates. I've been really busy these past few months, and thus I haven't really had the time for all the planning this story requires.
Kipler 5 years
Eeeeeeeepoooooooooonnnnnnn! What happened? You disappeared without a trace; where'd you go? We miss you! And you left me hanging with your last chapter! I hope you're just taking it easy at least during this hiatus. Keep me posted! Take care, Mr. Writer.
Kipler 5 years
Niall and Lettie being allies is something I didn't know I needed. Oh my gods, I love it! And Nooo!!! Poor Faye!!! ;A; why are people so cruel?! (Thanks for the new chapter, Eponymous!)
Eponymous 5 years
Thanks, Girlcrisis! I'm heartened to hear that you’re still following and enjoying this not so little tale. smiley
Girlcrisis 5 years
I’ve been enjoying this story from the beginning but your last few updates have been particularly excellent.
Eponymous 5 years
Thank you, Kipler! And, to be perfectly honest, so am I.
Kipler 5 years
Ohmygods. Why does it always feel like I'm talking to a celebrity when authors are kind enough to respond to their fans? Thank you, Eponymous! I'm so excited for what is to come!!
Eponymous 5 years
And yeah, Lettie and Annie do make for an enjoyable couple, don’t they? Needless to say, there’s a fair chance that something more will happen there, eventually.
Eponymous 5 years
Thanks Kipler, I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, and flattered that you’ve gone to such lengths to leave a comment. It’s a challenging piece to write sometimes, I’m not sure every chapter has quite worked out, but, overall, I’m very pleased with it.
Kipler 5 years
There's not enough characters to express how I feel.
Kipler 5 years
Secondly, yoooooouuuuuuuu!!! That tease! Twice already!! Something better happen between Lettie and Annie (eventually)! I didn't realize I needed it until it was happening! They're so good together. Anyways, please write more but don't overwork yourself e
Kipler 5 years
Your storytelling is top notch as well as your use of descriptive language in regards to the parts we come here to feast upon. This is one of my favorite stories on this website because it's long running and well paced (good thing come to those who weight
Kipler 5 years
First, you made me create an account just so I can say something after being a long time reader. Amazing work, obviously. But you already know that. Your storytelling is top notch as well as your use of descriptive language in regards to the parts we come
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