Out of the moonlight

Chapter 51 - the sleepover: part 1

"So, what'll it be?" said Annie to the woman on the other side of the counter.

Mrs Gilchrist, a fragile-looking lady in her fifties studied the many treats that the Kendrick bakery had on display.

"Oh, I don't know, dear." She said at last. "You look like you like yourself a treat. Why don't you pick something for me?"

Annie let out a sigh but did as Mrs Gilchrist had asked her.

"Thank you, dear." Said the skinny older woman as Annie handed her treat over to her. "From the looks of you, this place must make some very good pastries."

As Mrs Gilchrist walked out the bakery's door, the chestnut-haired girl frowned. She was getting really tired of hearing that. Still, it was true, over the last few months she hadn't been able to stop herself from snacking on her wares. At this point, she suspected that a good third of her salary went back to the bakery every month. All those buns and pastries were just too good.

With a sigh, Annie placed a couple of pounds in her till and grabbed herself a buttery cinnamon roll. As she dug her teeth into the tasty thing, the outside world seemed to melt away. All her troubles vanished and all her customer's many barbed jokes were washed from her mind.

Her ecstasy was interrupted by the tingle of the bell above the bakery's front door.

"Are you sure you should really be eating that?" said a self-satisfied and all too familiar voice.

As she opened her eyes, Annie's face fell at the sight of the lean frame and ice-blonde hair of Harry Miller.

"Hi there," she said, putting on her best customer service smile, "what can I do for you?"

Her ex-boyfriend wasn't alone. Beside him stood a leggy, disgustingly skinny young blonde with bright red lips and wide, watery blue eyes.

"Well," said Harry, "we were walking around town, and I figured that my girl here might like a little treat."

"Is that so," said Annie. "Did you have anything in particular in mind?"

"Oh, I don't know. You look like you like yourself a treat. Why don't you pick something for me?" Harry said, smiling as though he'd just made a very clever joke.

"Anyway," he continued as Annie set about the difficult task of figuring out which of the bakery's many goodies she liked least, "what have you been up to these past few months? Nobody's seen you around much."

Annie didn't respond.

"You sure look like you've been enjoying your food. I mean, I thought you were fat back at Lettie's Halloween party, but look at you now. You're a goddamn cow. Have you been eating non-stop ever since then?"

"That'll be 5 pounds please," said Annie as she placed a bag of treats down on the counter.

Harry got out his wallet and started to dig through it.

"Here you go," he said. "Try not to spend it all on sweets now. Trust me, you don't need any more."

"On the bright side," Harry's girlfriend smirked, "from the looks of her, this bakery must make some very good sweets."

The two of them both laughed. As they walked out into the street, Annie grabbed herself another couple of treats.

Why had she ever been so into that man in the first place? He'd used to be so important to her. Yet now, for the life of her, she couldn't remember why. She'd never been all that into him, really - not as a person. She had wanted him, but not for who he was. Perhaps it'd just been because he was popular. Because he was cool. Maybe, she'd hoped that if she dated him, people wouldn't think of her as some chubby little nobody anymore. If she was with him, people would be impressed by her.

Nowadays, she couldn't believe that she'd ever cared that much. Who had she even been trying to impress?

As Annie shoved one more treat in her mouth another tinkle came from the bell above the bakery door. As she looked up, the chestnut-haired girl saw a slender and familiar figure in her doorway. Lettie Kincaid was standing there with the sun beaming down on her. She was dressed in a white dress and a wide-brimmed white hat. Her long, golden hair was flowing down her bare, slim shoulders. The golden-haired girl looked every bit as radiant as ever.

"Hi there," Annie smiled, "what can I do for you?"

"I'd like two of those please," said Lettie and pointed towards a plate of delicious danishes.

As the chestnut-haired girl placed her friend's purchase down on the counter, Lettie took one of the tasty things and handed it over to her.

"Here you go," she grinned. "I figured you might like a little something to munch on."

"So," she continued as Annie, without protest, took a bite out of her tasty treat, "what have you been up to? I haven't seen you around much lately."

"Oh, you know, not much really," Annie shrugged.

"Well, at least I see you've been eating well," the golden-haired girl giggled and pinched her friend's bulging belly.

As she felt Lettie's slim fingers on her soft flesh, Annie's cheeks turned a bright red.

"Hey, stop it," she whined, pushing Lettie's hand away.

"Sorry," the golden-haired girl grinned.

"Anyway, it's been a while," Lettie said, casually twirling a strand of her hair, "I'm having Lilly and Martha over tomorrow night. I was wondering if you'd like to come as well?"

"I don't know," Annie hesitated. "After last time, I don't really feel like going to any sort of a party."

"It won't be a party, silly," assured Lettie, "just a small little thing between friends. Come on, you have to come. I haven't seen you in ages. I miss you."

"Well, alright," Annie relented. "I'll be there."

"Great," Lettie beamed. "Bring something to sleep in."

As the golden-haired girl turned to leave, she left her danish lying on the counter.

"Hey wait a minute," said Annie, holding her paper bag up for her. "Don't you want this?"

"No thanks," Lettie smiled and shook her head. "I'm fine. Anyway, I think you'll probably get more out of it than me."
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SilkySunshine 5 years
Oooh really enjoyed the sleepover
Eponymous 6 years
Thank you, Anneke, and everybody else who's been commenting these last many months. I hope you continue to enjoy the story going forward.
Theswordsman 6 years
I dont see Faye going a day without snacking
Burger1 6 years
burger1 Hmm, maybe a little spark between Annie and Faye having fun with the donuts. Could this be the start of something between the two...hope so
Yuri33 6 years
This last one chapter is exellent!i love when girl get lazy and spoiled and asking help for everything . Maybe in the future we see faye demandig for help!
Anyway great grat job!
Daver58 6 years
A wonderful story! I anticipate the next chapters! :-)
Fatchance 6 years
Can't wait to see your next update! This is such an amazing story, and want to see Niall and Faye together, and of course Annie as fat as her mother! LOL
Girlcrisis 6 years
I have to say I've been looking forward to seeing the consequences of Annie's hubris and you're not disappointing.
Eponymous 6 years
Thanks. Hopefully you'll survive the experience.
Dreambig 6 years
chapter 26 is KILLING ME. Thank you so so much, i cant wait to finish reading the whole thing.
Eponymous 6 years
Thank you very much, DominantMaleFA! I'm quite partial to good writing, well-developed characters, and complex plots myself, so I'm glad to hear that you think I'm managing to pull them off.
Eponymous 6 years
Thanks girlcrisis! I sat down to do a loose outline of the remaining bits of this story a couple of days ago. It looks like you're gonna have a lot of updates to look forward to still.
Girlcrisis 6 years
This is still such a great story. I love reading every new update.
DominantMaleFA 7 years
This is the sort of story I love the most. Good writing, well-developed characters, complex plot, and weight gain woven in! Well done.
Eponymous 7 years
Thanks! Unfortunately for Annie it might be a bit late already to start being careful.
Theswordsman 7 years
If anne isnt careful her mom might put those pastries where her mouth is. I love this story.
Eponymous 7 years
Thanks! smiley
I'm very glad to hear it.
Mdy73 7 years
Oh yes, I enjoy every new chapter...
Eponymous 7 years
Thanks! It's been a fair bit of work weaving all these threads together. I've been trying to include a lot of stuff I like from outside of WG-stories with this one, and thus far I think the results have spoken for themselves.
Girlcrisis 7 years
Again I really love the wide array of characters and all the different threads running through the story. It feels like a complete little world and it's easy to get sucked in and care about the fates of the characters.
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