Out of the moonlight

Chapter 53 - the sleepover: part 3

The game went on and it wasn't long before the time came for Lettie to turn her attention to her overfed friend.

"Truth or dare?" she asked, smiling mischievously.

Annie, cheeks still stinging after the last question she'd answered, wasn't keen to reveal any more embarrassing facts about herself.

"I'll go with a dare," she said.

"Alright," said Lettie and slipped up off her bed. "I'll be back in a moment."

The golden-haired girl soon returned, carrying a sizeable slice of cake which she set on the floor right in front of Annie. At the sight of the tasty treat, the chestnut-haired girl's eyes lit up. This dare might not be so bad after all.

"I dare you," said Lettie, in as dramatic a voice as she could manage, 'to eat every last crumb of this without using your hands."

Annie's face fell. She looked pleadingly at her friends, but there was no way to get out of it. After a moment's hesitation, she got down on all fours and dug her face into the tasty treat that Lettie had brought her. It was delicious, of course. As she took her first bite she couldn't help but to let out a sigh of pleasure, a tiny sound that caused her friends to giggle.

As she continued to eat, taking one messy bite after another, Annie's shirt slid down her torso, baring the soft upper slope of her sagging stomach. Undeterred, the chestnut-haired girl kept on sloppily shoving her face into her tasty treat, feeling all the while as her belly slowly slipped out of her hopelessly tight slacks. The poor pants were simply too snug to hold her prodigious girth. It was only a matter of time before they failed. Annie was about a third of the way through the huge slice of cake when her belly finally plopped free. The pale, podgy thing was now hanging out for all to see, wobbling and jiggling with every move she made. Once the cake was gone and her face was covered in cream and crumbs, Lettie knelt beside her and gave her dangling belly a pat.

"Wow," she said, her eyes wide with disbelief, "I can't believe you actually just did that."

Annie frowned, her food-smeared cheeks turning a bright red. Though she'd no idea what to say, she opened her mouth to speak. The only thing that escaped from it, though, was a loud burp.

At that, her three friends, no longer able to hold back, all broke into fits of laughter.

"I'm sorry," said Lettie, wiping a tear from her eye, "I love you sweetie, but you sure can be a pig sometimes."

"Yeah," said Annie, her cheeks nearly as red and every bit as round as a pair of ripe tomatoes, "I guess I can."

Once done with their game, the girls decided to put on a movie. Some amusingly dumb comedy that Lettie had picked out. As the film started up, the golden-haired girl patted her bed and told Annie to come and lie down. Once her chestnut-haired friend had done as she'd said, she rested her head on her soft, flabby belly. Annie tried to protest, but Lettie cut her off.

"Come on, sweetie," she said, "you're so very comfortable. You don't mind, do you?"

Annie hesitated. She looked down at the golden-haired girl, at her brilliant blue eyes and her gorgeous and ever so slightly wicked smile.

"No," she said, "no, I guess not."

From time to time, as the two of them sat, there watching the movie together, Lettie would grab a handful of snacks and shove them in her chestnut-haired friend's face. Annie, for her part, mindlessly ate every last treat that the golden-haired girl fed her.

Annie listened as her friends snoozed beside her. The three thin girls had all long since fallen asleep. She was the only one still awake. Somehow, she just wasn't ready to drift off yet.

Turning over on her mattress, the chestnut-haired girl found herself face to face with Lettie, who had chosen to sleep on the floor with her friends instead of on her bed. As she studied her countenance, Annie couldn't help but smile. Now that she was asleep, the inscrutable girl's expression was so very peaceful and unguarded. All her usual mischievousness was gone.

Running a hand along her soft belly, Annie thought about the way in which Lettie had rested her gold-crested head against it. She thought about how she had, teasingly, patted and played with it. She knew that the golden-haired girl had, ever so gently, been mocking her. And yet, somehow, she didn't mind. After all, she couldn't exactly deny what she'd done to her body. Her bulging belly, bulbous buttocks and squishy second chin were all only too visible. There was no way for her to hide what a lazy, gluttonous hog she'd turned herself into.

Once upon a time, she would've been mortified at the way Lettie had made fun of her. But now, somehow, it'd felt strangely ... well, strangely right. Strangely good, even.

As she squeezed her soft flesh between her fingers, Annie found herself thinking back to what'd nearly happened at Lettie's Halloween party all those months ago. Though she'd no idea what to make of it, she still remembered all too well that moment, in this very room, when their lips had almost brushed.

Now, the golden-haired girl's full and gorgeous lips were fluttering as she let out a tiny mumble in her sleep. She looked so very beautiful.

Over the last few months, Annie realised, she'd been trying not to think about Lettie. Perhaps she'd even been trying to avoid her. But why, what was the golden-haired girl to her, really?

Annie shook her head, it was too late in the night to think about these things. She turned over again and found herself staring at the back of Martha's head instead. As she closed her eyes she found her thoughts drifting towards food.

Over the last few months, Annie had gotten into the habit of sneaking down to the kitchen for a snack each night before bed. It wasn't a habit she was proud of, but she'd gotten so used to it that she found it hard to sleep if her belly wasn't stuffed to the brim.

Suddenly, she remembered that delicious cake that Lettie had made her eat a slice of earlier that evening. She couldn't help but to wonder if there might not be more of it in the fridge downstairs. The chestnut-haired girl licked her lips. As far as she was concerned, it was never too late for a snack.

Having snuck out of the golden-haired girl's room as quietly as her unwieldy body would allow, Annie made her way downstairs to the Kincaid family's oversized kitchen, where she, much as she'd hoped, found the huge cake waiting for her in the fridge.

Without even a moment's hesitation, the chestnut-haired girl grabbed a knife and cut herself a piece of the delicious thing. As she cut her first slice, she was careful to make sure that it was slim enough that nobody would notice that anything was missing. By the time she got to her third slice though, she'd thrown all caution to the wind. She cut herself a huge piece of the creamy thing and shoved it into her face. It was so very good. This sensation, the flavour and texture of the food, the feeling of it as it filled her stomach, it was the best thing she knew. At this point it was all that she wanted out of life. She couldn't imagine why she'd ever been willing to give it up.

A blissful smile on her face, Annie cut herself a fourth, even larger, piece of cake. Lettie was right: she really could be such a pig.

Just as she was about to cram the delicious slice in her mouth though, Annie found her binge rudely interrupted by an impish giggle.

"You really just can't help yourself, can you?"

The voice made the chestnut-haired girl jump. Her belly bounced as she spun around to find Lettie leaning against the frame of the kitchen door.
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SilkySunshine 5 years
Oooh really enjoyed the sleepover
Eponymous 6 years
Thank you, Anneke, and everybody else who's been commenting these last many months. I hope you continue to enjoy the story going forward.
Theswordsman 6 years
I dont see Faye going a day without snacking
Burger1 6 years
burger1 Hmm, maybe a little spark between Annie and Faye having fun with the donuts. Could this be the start of something between the two...hope so
Yuri33 6 years
This last one chapter is exellent!i love when girl get lazy and spoiled and asking help for everything . Maybe in the future we see faye demandig for help!
Anyway great grat job!
Daver58 6 years
A wonderful story! I anticipate the next chapters! :-)
Fatchance 6 years
Can't wait to see your next update! This is such an amazing story, and want to see Niall and Faye together, and of course Annie as fat as her mother! LOL
Girlcrisis 6 years
I have to say I've been looking forward to seeing the consequences of Annie's hubris and you're not disappointing.
Eponymous 6 years
Thanks. Hopefully you'll survive the experience.
Dreambig 6 years
chapter 26 is KILLING ME. Thank you so so much, i cant wait to finish reading the whole thing.
Eponymous 6 years
Thank you very much, DominantMaleFA! I'm quite partial to good writing, well-developed characters, and complex plots myself, so I'm glad to hear that you think I'm managing to pull them off.
Eponymous 6 years
Thanks girlcrisis! I sat down to do a loose outline of the remaining bits of this story a couple of days ago. It looks like you're gonna have a lot of updates to look forward to still.
Girlcrisis 6 years
This is still such a great story. I love reading every new update.
DominantMaleFA 7 years
This is the sort of story I love the most. Good writing, well-developed characters, complex plot, and weight gain woven in! Well done.
Eponymous 7 years
Thanks! Unfortunately for Annie it might be a bit late already to start being careful.
Theswordsman 7 years
If anne isnt careful her mom might put those pastries where her mouth is. I love this story.
Eponymous 7 years
Thanks! smiley
I'm very glad to hear it.
Mdy73 7 years
Oh yes, I enjoy every new chapter...
Eponymous 7 years
Thanks! It's been a fair bit of work weaving all these threads together. I've been trying to include a lot of stuff I like from outside of WG-stories with this one, and thus far I think the results have spoken for themselves.
Girlcrisis 7 years
Again I really love the wide array of characters and all the different threads running through the story. It feels like a complete little world and it's easy to get sucked in and care about the fates of the characters.
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