Out of the moonlight

Chapter 10 - the new girl in town: part 3

The creaking of the floorboards under her mother's heavy footsteps warned Annie of the woman's approach before she'd even laid a hand on her door. Her face flushed Maggie was breathing heavily as she waddled into her daughter's room. Probably, Annie thought, because she'd just lugged her 220 pound body all the way up the steep stairs from the bottom floor.

"Here sweetie," Maggie said, having caught her breath, a cheerful smile on her face as she handed her daughter a plateful of cookies and tall glass of milk; "figured you could probably use a little snack."

Annie met the sight of her mother's cookies, laden no doubt with as much butter and sugar as any recipe could fit, with a resigned sigh.

"Thanks mom," she said; "but I'm not really very hungry right now."

"That's fine dear," said Maggie. "Eat as many as you like, you can save the rest for later."

"Yeah, alright," said Annie.

Taking in the scent of her mother's warm, delicious cookies she looked at the woman and smiled.

"Thanks mom."

"You're welcome dear," said Maggie, pulling her daughter into a hug.

Putting her arms around her mom Annie felt them sink into her soft, shapeless flesh, her layers of warm pliable podginess yielding to even the slightest touch. Pulling away she took in the sight of the obese older woman. People always told her the two of them looked very much alike. Studying her mother's face she recognised her own features there, framed by chubby cheeks and a soft second chin.

"I'll just leave you with your little snack then," said Maggie, turning to walk out her daughter's door, each step setting new ripples running through her wide, wobbly buttocks.

As soon as her mom had closed the door behind her Annie's attention turned to the plate of cookies left on her bedside table. Sweet and crunchy with a centre of gooey chocolate, she wanted so badly to dig into them, to pack them into her belly until it was crammed nice and tight. The image of her own features mirrored in her mother's fat face would not, however, leave her be.

Annie shook her head. Much as she might long to just let herself pig out the price was too great. She'd heard how people talked about her mom. How they joked and laughed behind her back. She didn't want that to happen to her. Not anymore than it already had.

She didn't want to be the punch line of every fat joke her friends could think of. She wanted to be thin, to be pretty, to be noticed and respected. Something a crummy plate of cookies, however delicious, could never give her.

Even so Annie could feel the tempting treats work their magic. She knew she wasn't strong enough to resist. If she didn't get rid of the damn things she'd soon give in. Soon every last crumb would find itself inside her all too squishy tummy.

They were so delicious though. It really would be a shame to let them all go to waste...

"Yes?" said Faye, a friendly smile on her face as she found Annie outside her door.

"Just wondering if you'd like some cookies and milk," said the tubby girl, holding a plate out towards Faye.

The slender little redhead's eyes lit up at the sight. Her mouth watering as the scent of Maggie's still warm cookies filled her nostrils.

"Well," she grinned; "if you're offering I guess it'd be rude to refuse."

Annie couldn't help but smile as she watched the girl take her first bite out of her mother's gooey, sugary, and utterly delicious treats. If Faye was intent to keep stuffing her face like a pig then she might as well take a bullet for Annie from time to time.

Trudging up the hill through the cool night air Niall, as he so often did, found himself studying Faye. Moving with characteristic swiftness the girl had made short work of the steep incline of Auberlynne Hill. Though she'd quickly gotten herself to the henge at its top the climb up the slope had left her more than a little winded.

Watching as Faye stooped to catch her breath Niall found it a surprisingly strange sight. Suddenly it struck him; he'd never actually seen the girl out of breath before. He'd never seen her so much as break a sweat. Until now no challenge, no matter how great, had ever seemed enough to make Faye exhaust herself.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Yeah," Faye nodded; "just need a little rest."

Having reached the top of the hill Niall laid out a blanket beneath one of the smooth, ancient stones. As he and Faye both leaned their backs against its cool surface he unpacked his picnic basket, pouring Faye a cup of hot chocolate and handing her a pair of cinnamon rolls.

So, what do you think?" he asked, gesturing to the landscape that surrounded them.

"It's delicious," answered Faye, having just taken a sip of her cocoa.

"I meant the view dummy," Niall laughed.

"Well, that's good too I guess," Faye giggled.

As the two of them sat there, gazing at the tiny lights in the sky far above and the town far below, Faye found her gaze slowly drifting to the forest where the leaves on the trees had started ever so slightly to turn from green to yellow and brown.

"I think autumn's coming on," she said.
65 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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Yuri33 4 years
Have this story a continious?please go on
CountingCarbs 4 years
Loving this story! Lettie and Annie need to get together!
Ripley84 5 years
this story is amazing!
Kipler 5 years
Out of the moonlight isn't near is its end, is it? (That last chapter made it feel like it's getting real close to it. I'm not ready!)
Kipler 5 years
Now that's got me curious as to what Eponymous has been up to that's kept them so busy. How are you, author? I hope well. It's great that you've updated your stories as often as you can. Much appreciated! Keep up the fantastic work!!
Eponymous 5 years
Thanks! I've got a bit more time on my hands now, so this story should be back to updating fairly regularly again.
Theswordsman 5 years
Im glad to see this continue
Eponymous 5 years
Thanks for your comments, Anneke, Kipler, and sorry that it's been so long between updates. I've been really busy these past few months, and thus I haven't really had the time for all the planning this story requires.
Kipler 5 years
Eeeeeeeepoooooooooonnnnnnn! What happened? You disappeared without a trace; where'd you go? We miss you! And you left me hanging with your last chapter! I hope you're just taking it easy at least during this hiatus. Keep me posted! Take care, Mr. Writer.
Kipler 5 years
Niall and Lettie being allies is something I didn't know I needed. Oh my gods, I love it! And Nooo!!! Poor Faye!!! ;A; why are people so cruel?! (Thanks for the new chapter, Eponymous!)
Eponymous 5 years
Thanks, Girlcrisis! I'm heartened to hear that you’re still following and enjoying this not so little tale. smiley
Girlcrisis 5 years
I’ve been enjoying this story from the beginning but your last few updates have been particularly excellent.
Eponymous 5 years
Thank you, Kipler! And, to be perfectly honest, so am I.
Kipler 5 years
Ohmygods. Why does it always feel like I'm talking to a celebrity when authors are kind enough to respond to their fans? Thank you, Eponymous! I'm so excited for what is to come!!
Eponymous 5 years
And yeah, Lettie and Annie do make for an enjoyable couple, don’t they? Needless to say, there’s a fair chance that something more will happen there, eventually.
Eponymous 5 years
Thanks Kipler, I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, and flattered that you’ve gone to such lengths to leave a comment. It’s a challenging piece to write sometimes, I’m not sure every chapter has quite worked out, but, overall, I’m very pleased with it.
Kipler 5 years
There's not enough characters to express how I feel.
Kipler 5 years
Secondly, yoooooouuuuuuuu!!! That tease! Twice already!! Something better happen between Lettie and Annie (eventually)! I didn't realize I needed it until it was happening! They're so good together. Anyways, please write more but don't overwork yourself e
Kipler 5 years
Your storytelling is top notch as well as your use of descriptive language in regards to the parts we come here to feast upon. This is one of my favorite stories on this website because it's long running and well paced (good thing come to those who weight
Kipler 5 years
First, you made me create an account just so I can say something after being a long time reader. Amazing work, obviously. But you already know that. Your storytelling is top notch as well as your use of descriptive language in regards to the parts we come
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