
  By Ikr

Chapter 12 - so little time pt. 2

Catherine had stopped crying. She and Colette were now laying face-to-face on the spacious four-poster bed, breathing quietly. Colette still wore her flour-caked trousers and shirt, while Catherine had dressed down to her petticoat and a half-laced bodice. They looked through the darkness into each other's eyes, hands clasped between them. Though Catherine was no longer crying, Colette could feel that all was not well with the beautiful bride-to-be.

"Catherine. What is it?" Colette asked. "What 'as 'appened?"

Catherine shook her head and sniffled.
"I'm sorry, Colette. It's so stupid...."

"Of course not." Colette rubbed the back of
Catherine's hand with her thumb. "Will you tell me?"

Catherine took a shuddering breath and nodded. "Grissum and I were fighting about my dresses when she told me that I have just three weeks to slim down before my groom's arrival." Catherine's face pinched, and fresh tears glistened in her blue eyes. "Three weeks, Colette. That's not enough time!"

"Shhhh." Colette silenced her with a kiss. "Quieter."

"Sorry." Catherine muttered. She wiped her eyes on her pillow. "God. I'm sorry Colette. I'm a mess."

"C'est bon, mon cherie." Colette squeezed her hand. "Tell me 'ow you feel."

Catherine sighed shakily. "I feel as though I've been cursed. These past few days have been the happiest of my life, yet each moment of joy is dosed with bitter dread. In three weeks, all of this will be ripped away. I feel as though my life is ending just as it finally begins."

Colette squeezed her hands reassuringly. "Catherine, listen to me. Zis is your first dance with love, oui?"

Catherine was quiet for a moment. Love! She had never been one to think in terms of love. Love was something that the poets had made up, a myth to make all the good little daughters behave as they were carted from their home to marry a man they'd never met. Yet with every passing second, she felt more certain that Colette was correct.

"Yes. I've never felt this way before."

"Zen let me teach you somezing zat my first love taught to me." Colette pressed her forehead against Catherine's, their noses almost touching. "Love is ze most valuable zing in ze world. One moment of love is worth an 'undred loveless days. Even zis moment now." She paused to kiss Catherine's soft lips. "Three weeks of love is a blessing, mon ch�rie. Do not mourn for zat which still lives! Forget ze fears of tomorrow and enjoy ze time we 'ave."

Catherine fought back a fresh wave of tears. She was tired of weeping. "I know you're right. I'll try, Lettie, I will. I'm just frightened, is all."

Colette smiled and pulled Catherine closer to her. They rested their foreheads against each other and listened to their breathing for a while. Catherine closed her eyes.


Another kiss. Catherine opened her eyes. She found herself staring deep into Colette's hazel eyes, just inches from her own.

"Yes? What is it?"

The cook leaned in and whispered breathily in her ear.

"I love you."

Catherine gave a tiny gasp as an electric tingle shot through her, making every nerve sing. Her stomach fluttered, her heart thumped, the hair on her arms stood on end. It was a few moments before she could settle herself again.

Colette was smiling. "It is amazing, no? Like a spell."

Catherine couldn't help but grin back. "I wasn't aware that I had had an enchantress on my staff. Where did you learn such powers?"

"I 'ave much experience," Colette said teasingly.

Catherine narrowed her eyes. "How much experience?"

"Four times, love 'as found me."

"Four! I never figured I'd lose my heart to a harlot."

"I am no 'arlot. Just a very lucky girl."

Catherine snorted mirthfully, separating herself from Colette's grip. She rose from the bed and began untying her bodice. A sudden thought made her smile.

"You know, I once thought that I was falling in love with Delia."

"Oh yes, you 'ad quite a crush on 'er," Colette teased, watching as Catherine's top fell away, leaving her dressed in a thin cotton shift. "I was run ragged, making all those pastries. Some days I worried ze poor girl would burst."

Catherine blushed at the remembrance, and continued to take off her stockings. "I did like her, yes. She was just so gentle and kind and-"

"Eager to please?" Colette suggested.

"Perhaps." Catherine, stripped now to her underclothes, crawled up next to Colette once again. "Poor Delia. I wonder if she suspects... us."

"She may. She saw us embracing earlier." Colette's eyebrows furrowed. "You don't zink zat she would tell anybody?"

"Delia? Not on purpose, no. We should talk to her, though, to be safe." Catherine's head sunk into her pillow and she closed her eyes. "You know, I have half a hunch that Delia is... like us."

"Truely?" Colette seemed amused. "I 'ave not seen anyzing to suggest it."

"Perhaps she just likes me more," Catherine teased. "You didn't see her feed me. She had that look in her eyes."

"We shall see" Colette said, wrapping her strong arms around Catherine's soft waist. One hand slipped under her shift and rubbed her hip, pinching gently at the new pouch of fat that clung there. "But I 'ave never been wrong before."

Catherine was thinking about Delia, now. "We should do something nice for her. Never have I had such a devoted handmaiden."

Colette thought that was a wonderful idea. "But what will we do? What would Delia want? All I see 'er do is eat."

"Hmm..." Catherine yawned. Her panic had drained away, leaving her exhausted. "I'm sure we'll think of something. Colette?"

"Yes, mon cherie?"

"I love you."

Colette smiled. "And I you."

Soon after, Catherine fell asleep. Colette rolled off the bed carefully and slunk out of the room, back to her apartment behind the kitchen.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 2 years
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Rstlne 8 years
We are waiting smiley
Tarquin 9 years
Excellent! Really anxious to see the next chapter
Robin_Food 9 years
Nice development! smiley

ps when referring to a girl it should be "ma chérie" instead of "mon chère"
Pickles 9 years
This is by far one of my favorites! Excellent!
Jazzman 9 years
This is a story that is not only erotic but also has a very sweet and kind vibe going as well.
I hope that somehow someway Catherine will be freed from her diet prison.
Lovinitbig 9 years
What a wonderful story!
Jazzman 9 years
Marvelous new chapter. Terrific writing and realistic eating and gaining.
Hurgon 9 years
Superb phrasing and descriptions!
Jazzman 9 years
Until she gives up the figure that she is Only Keeping trim for her Father Anyway. That's what I wanted to say. That's what I hope you may have planned. Great Story.
Chubbybellytoy 9 years
Please write more! The subtle and not so subtle lesbian overtones, the power play... it is all so hot, and your language is wonderful.
Jazzman 9 years
This short chapter 3 is the hottest and also the most artful with amazing prose.
What it leaves me wanting is for Catherine's guilt to grow and swell like Dalia's waistline.
Until she (Catherine) will split the increasing quantities every day and give
Ikr 9 years
If you have any ideas for the story, please post them in the comments! I might just take it into consideration!
New2thegain 9 years
I know I'd enjoy seeing more of this story, or another in the same style.
Fluffyhead 9 years
More please. Intelligent and well written.
Jazzman 9 years
Excellent. Superb writing style and a unique premise. And so many different avenues it could take. Servant is destined to become fat.Will Catherine take pity and begin to share evenly as Collette increases the portions as time goes by?
Please write more
Zachi 9 years
nice story, please continue
Robin_Food 9 years
Really nice work!
Nok 9 years
Beautiful and hot. I started one like this, but it was nowhere near this caliber of writing and hotness. Please, if you find the time, this could be more than just a great one-shot. It could be an epic.
King Feedee 9 years
I really like it. Please continue.
SilkySunshine 9 years
Please write more!
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