
  By Ikr

Chapter 10 - outgrown pt 2

Catherine's bed was a mess. She was lying on her back with her book in the air when Colette peeked through the door, her tangled blond hair flowing over the mattress and onto the floor.

"Oh!" Catherine cast her an upside-down glance. "Hello, Colette. What a wonderful surprise."

Colette walked to the bed and set down the cake and wine. "I see Delia 'as not been lying."

"About what?"

"About 'ow much jou 'ave enjoyed my food."

"Colette! What are you implying?" Catherine smirked knowingly.

"I am implying zat jou look a little plump."

Catherine tossed her book to the ground. "I'm so full, Letti. You've been truly brutal to me today. I can't even fit into my clothes anymore." She pulled her nightgown down tight over her body. Her full stomach bulged dramatically from her frame, curving roundly over the sharp peaks of her unrestrained breasts. "This is all I have left to wear."

Colette narrowed her eyes. "Do jou want ze cake or non?"

"I do, Colette, I do want your cake." The mistress aimed her knowing smirk down at her stomach, doodling on it with her finger. "But maybe some wine first. To whet my appetite?"

Colette uncorked the bottle and took a swig.

"No glasses?" Catherine mused as Colette sat down at the edge of the bed. "I thought the French were more respectful of their wine."

"Only French wine." Colette held the bottle out to her. Catherine hauled herself up, took it, and drank deeply.

They propped themselves on the mountain of pillows at the head of Catherine's bed and passed the bottle back and forth. It wasn't French, but it was strong enough. They didn't speak until it was empty.

"Thank you," Catherine said, hiccuping softly as she placed the bottle carefully back on the platter. "You always know just what I need."

"Catherine, jou are drunk."

"Maybe. But you're more drunk than I am, I think."

They were slouching against each other in Catherine's bed, both of them quite drunk. Colette could feel herself slowly melting into Catherine's plump side, her sheer nightgown doing little to mask the softness of her skin.

"We should go to bed," Colette stated. She made no attempt to move. "I will save ze cake. I will bring it for breakfast."

"No, I think I want it now," Catherine said. She grabbed Colette's hand and placed it on her belly. It was warm and spongy under her palm, but beneath the surface Colette could feel the low rumbles of her stomach digesting. "I think I have a bit of room left."

Colette's head slunk down to rest on Catherine's shoulder. She groaned and muttered something in French, brushing her fingers gently over Catherine's belly.

Catherine lifted Colette's head gently by the chin until their eyes met. Colette could taste the wine on her mistress' breath. "I'm so very sick of pretending to be a perfect daughter," she said. "All I want to do is lie in my bed and eat cake. So, come. Let's eat."

They kissed, and Colette cut the cake. They ate for quite some time.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 2 years
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Rstlne 8 years
We are waiting smiley
Tarquin 9 years
Excellent! Really anxious to see the next chapter
Robin_Food 9 years
Nice development! smiley

ps when referring to a girl it should be "ma chérie" instead of "mon chère"
Pickles 9 years
This is by far one of my favorites! Excellent!
Jazzman 9 years
This is a story that is not only erotic but also has a very sweet and kind vibe going as well.
I hope that somehow someway Catherine will be freed from her diet prison.
Lovinitbig 9 years
What a wonderful story!
Jazzman 9 years
Marvelous new chapter. Terrific writing and realistic eating and gaining.
Hurgon 9 years
Superb phrasing and descriptions!
Jazzman 9 years
Until she gives up the figure that she is Only Keeping trim for her Father Anyway. That's what I wanted to say. That's what I hope you may have planned. Great Story.
Chubbybellytoy 9 years
Please write more! The subtle and not so subtle lesbian overtones, the power play... it is all so hot, and your language is wonderful.
Jazzman 9 years
This short chapter 3 is the hottest and also the most artful with amazing prose.
What it leaves me wanting is for Catherine's guilt to grow and swell like Dalia's waistline.
Until she (Catherine) will split the increasing quantities every day and give
Ikr 9 years
If you have any ideas for the story, please post them in the comments! I might just take it into consideration!
New2thegain 9 years
I know I'd enjoy seeing more of this story, or another in the same style.
Fluffyhead 9 years
More please. Intelligent and well written.
Jazzman 9 years
Excellent. Superb writing style and a unique premise. And so many different avenues it could take. Servant is destined to become fat.Will Catherine take pity and begin to share evenly as Collette increases the portions as time goes by?
Please write more
Zachi 9 years
nice story, please continue
Robin_Food 9 years
Really nice work!
Nok 9 years
Beautiful and hot. I started one like this, but it was nowhere near this caliber of writing and hotness. Please, if you find the time, this could be more than just a great one-shot. It could be an epic.
King Feedee 9 years
I really like it. Please continue.
SilkySunshine 9 years
Please write more!
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