American pig

chapter six

Katsuo's 'present' was a necklace. It was a kanji character. He told Jordan that it meant 'beloved', but he and Shin (and anyone else who could read Japanese) knew it meant 'Buta'. Pig, or pork. Katsuo had it made specifically for his pet, and the boy didn't even question for a moment that it was what his lover said it was. He put it on right away.

Weeks passed and Katsuo ramped up his plans. He knew he had to be careful, not let his piggy get too big too quickly, but he also recognized that in America it was much easier for hogs like him to ignore the obvious. Everyone was fat, so everyone could feel safe knowing they weren't the "fattest", though Katsuo made it his mission to make sure Jordan was. He wanted his hog to be the one the chubby ones turned to and said "Don't ever let me get THAT fat" or "How does he live with himself looking like THAT?".

The first step was having Jordan move into his apartment. It was easy enough to arrange. Of course his piggy lived paycheck-to-paycheck, and somehow found that he was being given less hours recently. It may have had something to do with the fact that he almost never showed up to work on time anymore, and when he did manage to haul himself in he moved slow and constantly sneaked nibbled of pastries. Katsuo knew the second part from the camera footage.

So when the rent for his apartment suddenly went up for no reason (Katsuo bribed the landlord), his roommate quickly fled. Which was probably because he was sick of Jordan taking his food. When his 'boyfriend' came to him sick with worry over being kicked out of his apartment, Katsuo offered his home. Jordan, the lazy pig that he was, was more than happy to mooch off of his rich, pretty boyfriend.

The second step was to make sure Jordan started to accept his new lot in life slowly. The drugs so far had been given to him in large doses every few days, but now that Shin was making any meals he ate that weren't ordered from fast-food places, he could keep him half-drugged 24/7. Finding the right balance was crucial, but the first time he arrived home with Jordan passed out on the couch with his mouth lined with sauce and chocolate, fat tummy on display, and room reeking of the boys gasses, he knew he had it right. He smirked at Shin, who was cleaning up the plates.

"Leave them." he ordered in Japanese. "He should see what he did once he wakes up."

He took out a cell phone and snapped a picture, making sure to catch the way his piggies double-chin formed when he slept. He was packing it on good. Fast enough that he was worried, but not so fast that he was seeking medical help. He hadn't come to Katsuo with the information yet, though Katsuo had made sure to mention the gain once or twice a week.

Because that was the third step of his plan- diminishing any confidence his pig had. That way he would stop having enough self-esteem to fight back against the changes. With the other piggies it had been incredibly easy, because he could confront them with what they were becoming as often as he wished- show them the tapes, put them in front of mirrors, even force-feed them until they felt like puking. With this new pig he had to be more careful with his jabs. Jordan thought they were in love after all (dumb animal) and so Katsuo had to keep up the ruse.

"Jordan?" he asked, moving in closer. He used a soft voice, waking the boy up slowly. Then he reached out, and pressed down on the doughy gut presented to him. It was hanging out of the piglets shirt, just a few inches. He wasn't shocked when the boys rear end let out a muffled toot, and Jordan blinked himself awake.

"Huh? Oh, Katsuo, I..." he started, cheeks immediately going red. "Oh god, what time is it?"

"It's five. Didn't you have class tonight?" Katsuo asked. His voice sounded caring, but he loved the look on his pigs face when the boy realized his own failure. "How many have you missed? Aren't you flunking the class by now?"

His piggy looked devastated, his eyes trailing over the remains of the lunch Shin had made him. Calculating the calories he inhaled, and how many hours he spent sleeping afterwards to make sure it all became soft fat.

"How much did you eat?" Katsuo asked, offering Jordan a hand. "You know I don't mind you living here, but you've missed so much school..."

Jordan took Katsuo's hand, and the Japanese man made it a point to pull him up just a touch too fast. Just enough to jostle that fat sack of jelly his piggy was sporting. It wasn't huge, but big enough to wobble when Jordan ran (which he didn't do much these days) or sat down too fast (which he did a lot now). Full and bloated as he was, it plopped out of his shirt and rolled over his too-tight jeans in a sweet bulging muffin-top, skirting his softer thighs just so.

His piggy tried to stabilize his tummy, but he wasn't fast enough and the sudden movement pushed another, louder fart from his back end. He whimpered and covered his face in his hand.

"... Wow." Katsuo said, trying to sound surprised. "You're, uh..."

"I know. I'm a mess." his piggy whimpered. "I keep sleeping in so late, and I wake up hungry, and... and... Everyone is mean to me at work and at school, I just..."

His voice trembled, and while his face was covered Katsuo couldn't help but smile. His piggy was getting all riled up. Each deep breath and sob shook his fatty stomach, and even his arms joined in. He was soft all over, no trace of what little muscle he'd had when he first met Katsuo. Whether he realized it or not, his dreams of being a model were over. Not with the bright red stretch marks he'd formed across his otherwise pale and doughy midsection.

It took quite a bit of willpower for Katsuo not to reach over and give the budding love handles a hard squeeze, but unlike the piggy he was growing he actually had some. He finally moved down once his little lard ass was fully crying and pet his back, though one hand also moved to cup his burbling, churning tummy. All of the recipes he'd given Shin were loaded with empty calories and grease- nothing substantial enough to keep his new hog full for long. He was bloated, but already hungry again at the same time. And gassy, though Jordan was now aware enough to hold them in.

"I'm sorry." he whined, and Katsuo shook his head.

"Shhh. If you're that upset, we can fix things." he insisted. "I told you you could use the gym whenever you wanted, didn't I?"

He knew that wasn't what his pig wanted to hear. He wanted to hear that it was okay, and that his boyfriend would love him no matter what, but that wouldn't tatter his pesky confidence. He hiccuped- his tummy shaking again- and nodded.

"I know, but I'm always so tired..."

"You're tired because you don't work out anymore. You just lie around and eat all day."

"I don't... I mean... why are you being so cruel?" Jordan asked, meeting Katsuo's eyes with tears in his own.

Katsuo didn't know what to do for a moment, which was rare. He knew that a proper boyfriend would comfort at this point, apologize, but he didn't have that empathy inside of him. Instead, he glanced to Shin before looking back to Jordan.

"I'm not being cruel, I'm being realistic. Don't you want to be a model?" he asked, giving Jordan's spare tire a light squeeze. It felt so good in his fingers. So soft and malleable. His pork was tender.

His words only made the pig cry harder, his body shaking as a result, and he stood up and ran to the bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Katsuo knew this was his sign to chase after him, but he didn't want to. He rolled his eyes and looked to Shin.

"I'm going out. Feed him in an hour, and make sure he stops crying." he insisted, checking his watch. "Damn it... I wanted to play some more. I'm not used to pulling punches."

Shin's jaw tightened, but he could only nod. He'd take care of Jordan once his brother left. It was the least he could do.


Katsuo spent the time he was away playing with his other piggies, working out his frustration. He texted the nurses his demands. Put this one there. Make these two try to fuck. Feed that one until he cries. He may have been more harsh than usual, but watching his porkers wobble and waddle on camera calmed him down.

He wondered how long he could keep the game going. He had so many plans, but they all hinged on his pig being tricked. Jordan was stupid, but emotional. Katsuo didn't have the drive to cater to him.

"The stubborn one. Hook him up the the hose and leave him there until tomorrow." he texted, changing camera angles. It would take the nurses a good while to get the hog onto the special bed, but the show would be worth it. "Put in the vibrator so I can play too."

He'd work out his frustration tonight, and when he went home his new little piglet would be all fed and sleepy for him. He'd make sure Shin fed him enough, maybe add a little extra to his breakfast the next morning, but with some stimulants. It would be fun to see him waddle off to work with a gassy tummy on top of his self-esteem issues from tonight.

His uniform was looking so tight these days, too.
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BulkBrit 3 years
This is one of the best stories I’ve read. It plays to my fantasies on every level, both as a feeder and a gainer.

I’d love to read more as Jordan ‘develops’.

Thanks for posting this
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Wow! How did I miss this gem of a story! Wonderful! I hope there is more... no pressure, but I hope there is more. smiley
GummieTummy 7 years
Holy. Hell. That's good stuff!
Ajchub 7 years
I really liked this story but the farting stuff got worse and worse and it's pretty nasty haha. But for people who are into that this is a good story.
Mrsuperghandy 7 years
Desperately waiting for the next addition. Truly love this story
Kitty8789 7 years
Chapter 5 is amazing... So twisted and devious in the sexiest way. The description of the Pig Pen, its inhabitants, and its gym, wow!
Tommmy 7 years
Chapter 5 was delicious ! Please continue it as soon as you're able. I love your writing !!!
Tommmy 7 years
Fabulous start ! I can't wait to read chapter 5 ! I hope you continue it very soon. You're a very talented writer !!! : )
Badhansel 7 years
Very good start! It is a delight to read something without spelling and grammar errors! Thanks
Barazion 7 years
Has very good possibilities. Keep writing!
Fatlilboy 7 years
Let me be the first to day - first attempt?? No way - this was extremely creative and erotic. Excellent job. It's obvious that you've done some thinking, reading and creative thinking of your own. I loved it!