American pig

chapter nine

Jordan didn't feel good. That was about all his mind could focus enough to understand as he panted on the stairs. Katsuo was leading him, tempting him with promises of burgers and fries and other delicious things, but he didn't know why. He wasn't... hungry. He felt so heavy and fat, like he'd already eaten too much. He couldn't remember eating that much, but he felt like he had...

"Nngh..." he groaned, feeling gas churning in his stomach. Katsuo was calling to him, but he stopped on the stairs and leaned over, a low rumble shaking his rear. His boyfriend laughed and started to fan his nose. He slowly walked around Jordan, getting a view of every inch of his newly-flabby body. Jordan could feel how much of him was hanging out- the way his flab wobbled with each step, how his sweatpants slowly slipped down his backside, but he was too drunk to do much about it except whimper.

"Come on, fatty. We are never going to even make it to the food at this rate." he taunted. "Aren't you hungry? Look me in the eyes and try to say you aren't hungry."

Jordan looked up, holding his stomach in his hands. It was churning so much, he felt so full and uncomfortably gassy, but... hungry, too. He couldn't comprehend it. He bit his lip and lowered his eyes again, only for Katsuo to step forward and give his stomach a firm slap. Predictably, his ass reacted with another loud fart, which echoed off the walls of the staircase.

"Ah! It hurts..."

"Be honest." Katsuo pushed. "Look at yourself. Your gut is wobbling because you are panting so fucking hard. You're a wreck. You know we're going DOWN the stairs, right?"

Jordan's next groan became a belch, and he took another step down the stairs.

"I'm hungry..." he whimpered, squeezing his stomach. "I'm so hungry."

"Damn right you are, fat boy. Keep moving before I push you."

The walk was arduous even after the stairs. Jordan wasn't aware enough to really appreciate all of the glares his outfit drew, especially because he was so focused on how out-of-breath he was. By the time he reached the McDonalds, he was gasping for air. Unfortunately, the walk was just enough to sober him up. Only slightly, but enough to realize this wasn't good.

"Katsuo, we gotta go... I can't... eat here." he mumbled, face reddening. Katsuo just chuckled and took his arm.

"What are you talking about, Jordan? You're the one who insisted we come before we go out dancing, remember?" he asked. Jordan blinked down at his outfit, and moved one arm to cup the side of his pale gut. His tummy was on display, stretch marks and all. Outside it hadn't been as noticeable- it was dark- but once they stepped into the McDonalds the fluorescent lighting was not forgiving. His stomach was pale and round, heavy from his previous meal. And on top of all of that, he was starving. "I told you that outfit was revealing... But you wanted to look cute, like when we first went out."

There was nothing 'cute' about the outfit. At least not to the normal, respectable people who were also in the establishment. It was still a fast-food joint, but they were in a college town- there were more than enough trendy hipsters frequenting the place. And his poor little porker, he'd been such a socialite before he became the fat hog he was turning into, there was no way he didn't recognize at least a few already. Just as Katsuo had predicted his pet was now soaked with sweat along with looking like a total mess in his revealing outfit. And, best of all, he knew the walk would only upset his stomach. The food would make it extra bad. As he looked at the boys rounded, reddened face he couldn't help but smile. He was only a fraction of the size he was going to be, but already he was ruined. If Katsuo left right now, he'd go down the same path he was already on. Maybe a bit slower, but he was a fat ass hog through and through.

"Well? Hurry up and order already. You know I don't eat this stuff." Katsuo said abruptly, smacking Jordan on his fat, barely-covered ass.

The boy yelped, but it wasn't nearly as loud as the fart that erupted from him. His whole body was shaking from the combination of the smack and the pigs sudden move forward when those who were close enough to hear the trumpet turned their heads. Katsuo didn't try to hold back the laugh this pulled out of him.

"You're going to stink this whole place if you keep that up." he huffed as his piggy looked up at him with wide eyes. He was trying to hide his much wider gut in his arms, but it didn't work at all. "What did I say? Go order. Pick whatever you want."

Jordan's hunger compelled him forward, and he didn't need to look at the menu- he knew it like the back of his dimpled hand.

"Uhm... two Big Macs, a double quarter pounder with -urp- cheese..." his face flushed brighter as he burped mid-sentence, but that hardly slowed down his stammered order much. "Two large fries, a bacon clubhouse chicken sandwich, and..."

Katsuo caught the way his little piglet suddenly tightened the lower half of his body. He kept his eyes- and therefor the camera- right on the fat boy. It was too much to hope for. The gas was intense, but his hogs embarrassment was stronger... for now.

"A chocolate shake, please."

"Large?" the man behind the counter guessed. His eyes moved pointedly to Jordan's gut, and then back up to his double chinned face. The boy was too embarrassed to voice his agreement and just nodded.

Katsuo paid- Jordan only had so much money and he wanted to make sure he had plenty to stuff himself when he was alone- and shook his head at his piggy.

"Go sit down, you look winded." he said easily, nodding over to a booth. He wished the fatty were too big for it. In Japan, he would be. Here in the land of the obese, he was still 'average'. It had it's good sides and bad. At least he was able to still embarrass his vain lover by reminding him of his considerable bulk. "I'll bring your food."

Jordan had no will to argue. He was so humiliated and hungry, and his stomach was still churning as he used his energy to hold back his gas. He didn't even think to excuse himself to the bathroom, he just waddled to the booth Katsuo had pointed to across the room. Even from there, the Japanese man was able to hear a few tell-tale squeaks of his fattened hog trying and failing to relieve his stomach quietly. He made a show of waving his hand in the air when he approached the table with both trays of greasy food.

"Phew. It reeks in here. Is this what all fast food places smell like in America?" he asked, and Jordan didn't respond. His hungry hands dove straight for the food. "Hey, slow down big boy. You still want to go dancing after this, remember? Work off some of those extra pounds?"

He said it loud enough for everyone to hear, and their eyes turned to the fat pig who didn't even hesitate as he stuffed his face with the fattening meal while being told he was fat directly. He was listening, but he was too greedy to stop himself from eating. And maybe partially because he was so ashamed, and eating helped him feel better.


Katsuo had to hide his smile as Jordan stopped mid-bite, peeking up at three men who approached the table. They were his old friends, he could tell by the look on his piggies face. He looked so ashamed. It was delicious.

"We were just going out dancing..." one of them said as they approached, and Katsuo saw the sweet moment when they were close enough to see what had happened to their friend. "Wow. I mean, you, uh... Were you coming to the club?"

The question sounded almost like the boy was begging him not to, and his little piggy turned his eyes to Katsuo, as if the man held all the answers.

"We were thinking about it. Jordan hasn't been out dancing in a long while, but he was feeling a bit peckish, so we stopped here." he said. "I'm sorry, I'm being rude. I'm Katsuo. How do you two know one another?"

"Oh, I'm Erik. Jordan and I, we were... uh..." his eyes flitted over to the piggish boy in front of him and then back to the slender, fit asian man. "Friends."

Lovers, more likely. Or at least friends with benefits, though he seemed more ashamed of that fact now than he was when he first spotted the blond boy.

"Ah, I see." Katsuo said. "Jordan, you're being rude. Stop eating for a moment and talk with your friends."

The porker was mid-bite of his chicken sandwich when he was chided, and he sat up straighter- only to rip a loud fart immediately. He groaned, his stomach certainly churning from so much food and gas. Erik paled.

"That's okay, we should be going." he said, taking a step back. "Uh... you guys... have a good night."

He was gone before Katsuo could respond.

"They cleared out quickly, didn't they?" he asked, chuckling while Jordan continued to eat. He was burying his sadness in food now. "Poor little pork belly. Do you still want to go dancing?"

Jordan whimpered, and then belched. That was enough of an answer for Katsuo and he wrapped his arms around his little porkers waist, squeezing his bare stomach. It was already full before, now it was as tight as a drum. When Jordan finished eating he leaned back in the seat.

"I bet you can't even stand, can you?" Katsuo asked. His poor little piggy looked like such a mess- greasy lips, condiments dripping down onto his shirt- onto his pale, naked gut, too. Jordan burped again, shaking his head. "Just lie down. No one will think twice about a fatty like you needing a nap in the middle of a fast food place."

Jordan was too full to argue. As soon as he squirmed his body into a laying down position his ass rumbled again, and Katsuo made sure to get one last good look for the camera. So wide and soft, with the pants so tight he could see the outline of his cellulite. He'd let his little piggy sleep this one off, and then take him home. He didn't think Jordan would ever be up for clubbing again. Even though the thought was tempting.
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BulkBrit 3 years
This is one of the best stories I’ve read. It plays to my fantasies on every level, both as a feeder and a gainer.

I’d love to read more as Jordan ‘develops’.

Thanks for posting this
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Wow! How did I miss this gem of a story! Wonderful! I hope there is more... no pressure, but I hope there is more. smiley
GummieTummy 7 years
Holy. Hell. That's good stuff!
Ajchub 7 years
I really liked this story but the farting stuff got worse and worse and it's pretty nasty haha. But for people who are into that this is a good story.
Mrsuperghandy 7 years
Desperately waiting for the next addition. Truly love this story
Kitty8789 7 years
Chapter 5 is amazing... So twisted and devious in the sexiest way. The description of the Pig Pen, its inhabitants, and its gym, wow!
Tommmy 7 years
Chapter 5 was delicious ! Please continue it as soon as you're able. I love your writing !!!
Tommmy 7 years
Fabulous start ! I can't wait to read chapter 5 ! I hope you continue it very soon. You're a very talented writer !!! : )
Badhansel 7 years
Very good start! It is a delight to read something without spelling and grammar errors! Thanks
Barazion 7 years
Has very good possibilities. Keep writing!
Fatlilboy 7 years
Let me be the first to day - first attempt?? No way - this was extremely creative and erotic. Excellent job. It's obvious that you've done some thinking, reading and creative thinking of your own. I loved it!