
chapter 3

3 Years Later

"Oh no", he moaned.

Brianne followed Dave's eye to see her friends Ingrid and Jessica sitting in Woodranch, the restaurant they were going to for lunch. While pregnant men were becoming a more common sight, it still didn't sit well with some people.

Brianne squeezed his hand.

He squeezed it back, then played with his ring. His wedding ring was getting tight. He was six months along, and round with their fourth child. He'd lost a lot after the birth of the triplets, and was down to a still-quite-fat 300 pounds.

BBQ usually satisfied him when he was upset. She couldn't quite believe Ingrid and Jessica had chosen a BBQ restaurant. It didn't seem their style; she remembered having drinks with them at Ago when she was single.

"Oh my God, Brianne!" Jessica howled. She hopped up from her spot at the bar, and they embraced. "We never see you anymore!"

"Well, I have responsibilities now", Brianne said.

"So I see", Ingrid commented, looking Dave over from head to toe. "Watch the donuts buddy, you're just having one this time right?" She winked at Brianne, who felt Dave stiffen at her side.

"May I?" Jessica asked, not waiting for permission, and reached out to put her hand on his belly.

"I don't think..." Brianne started.

"Wow, that's you feel it kick often?" she asked.

"Sometimes", he said.

"Maybe after some BBQ", Ingrid winked again. She grabbed his fat hip and squeezed. "Let's see you from behind."

Brianne was actually surprised when Dave turned around for her.

"Oh look, he twirls", Ingrid added.

"I know this is becoming more common, but it's still so hard to process", Jessica said. "I mean, pregnant men, do you feel female?"

His mouth hung open. "No, I don't."

"That's enough", Brianne said, pulling him closer.

"I didn't mean to..."

"I know, it's okay", Brianne commented. "Honey, why don't you sit down?" Dave followed the waiter to their table, but looked back at her.

"His body is completely destroyed", Jessica said.

"I know, and I'm the one who destroyed it", Brianne hissed, "This is our arrangement, and we're both thrilled with it. Why can't you be happy for me?"

"I am happy for you, honey, it's just a lot of baggage."

"You plan to have children, how is it more baggage this way?" Brianne asked.

"I don't know, it seems so weird. And why do you let him get so FAT?! He could have surgery you know...on his tummy. Lipo afterward would help", Ingrid suggested.

"Good bye, girls", Brianne said, joining Dave. She scooted into the booth next to him, and took his face in her hands.

"Do you ever wish you'd made a different decision when you got that phone call?" he asked.

"Never. Now kiss me." She pulled him into a full kiss, her tongue tickling his. She ran her hands through his hair, wrapped her arms around him, sucked gently on his tongue. When they parted, everyone was staring.

She put her hand on his belly. "Now let's feed you, and get you home, you must be exhausted from this."

"Are you sure?" he asked again.

"I love you. And I love that my baby is inside you. And I love that you're willing to carry our children. And I love that you're getting fatter every day. Okay?" she answered.

"You keep talking like that, I won't make it through my ribs", he laughed.

"Ribs today huh?"

The waitress came over. "Can I help you?"

"Yes", Brianne said, "He'll take the pork ribs."

"Full or half size?"

"Definitely full. The mashed potatoes, right baby? Umm, baked beans, and add on a side of broccoli..."

"Ugh", he said.

"You need something green", Brianne commented.

"You take such good care of me", he said, kissing her.

"I try."

"You guys are so cute, what you're doing is brave", the waitress said.

"Thank you!", he said.

"I'll take the southwestern BBQ chicken salad", Brianne added.

"Butter garlic rolls?" the waitress asked.

"Yep, for sure", Brianne said, and pushed them in front of him when the waitress put them down.

Brianne moved to the other side of the booth to give him room.

He put away all 4 rolls before dinner came, and ordered another basket of them.

Some butter helped him eat the broccoli and he cleaned his plate.

"Quiet for a Friday night", Brianne said to the waitress.

"Oh give it time",the waitress said. "Dessert?"

"Can we get a cheesecake and a piece of chocolate cake to go?" Brianne asked.

"Sure thing." The waitress put the order in.

"Movie marathon?" Brianne asked.

He squeezed her hand across the table

"The perfect Friday night."

5 Years Later


Brianne jumped.

"Happy Birthday to you...."

"Oh man, you got me", she said, calming down, and kissed Dave.

He'd never been this good at keeping a secret.

Her family and friends sang and raised a glass of champagne.

"None for you", she laughed, patting his belly.

"What number is this?" her coworker Nathan said under his breath.

"Seven", Dave confirmed, patting his belly. His belly and moobs were both hanging lower than ever. "I think this one is going to finish me. I think this is the last, no matter what she wants!" He laughed.

Brianne blew out her candles.

"Do you enjoy this?" Nathan asked, "Staying home, watching TV, giving your woman baby after baby? It's like you're her submissive little toy or something."

"Are you shitting me?" Dave laughed. "I have a beautiful woman who worships my fat ass, cooks for me constantly, and is a great mother to our kids. She got a job making more than I did, so we figured I'd have all of them. My wife likes me plump anyway", he added, patting his belly. "And our sex life...sometimes I think the roof is going to collapse. Maybe you should try it."

He patted a stunned Nathan's arm, and walked away.

Brianne tore open her presents with gusto, but Dave gave her a beautiful ring after everyone had gone. It had all their children's birthstones in it with an empty space for this one.

"I love you, baby", she said, pulling him into her arms.

"I love you too."

"Sit in front of the fire, make yourself comfortable." To him, that meant taking off his pants. He stripped down to loose boxers and pulled a fur coverlet over him.

She came back into the room with cake and ice cream.

"More now?" he asked, patting his belly.

"Yes, baby."

"But I'm 350 NOT pregnant these days", he moaned, but she could tell he was playing games.

"I know, and I know you love it. We're going for 415 before the birth this time. Open up, angel..."

He obediently opened his mouth. She spooned the combined cake and ice cream inside.

"This is the last one, right?"

"I thought a baker's dozen..."


"Ha ha. Okay, okay, this is it. Well maybe one more..."

"Brianne, my body is shot...."

"I know, honey, I'm sorry, But you're so gorgeous carrying my babies..." She kissed him. "You glow. And you get fatter with each one."

He blushed wildly.

"If you had had the kids..." he started.

"Uh, two max", she said.

"Exactly!" he moaned.

"Open up, baby..." He fussed, but did.

"Just think of a new life growing in your huge belly, if we got to 400 on an every day basis, a massive 450 with our ninth..."

"You're nuts", he said, dutifully opening his mouth.

"Okay, okay...."

"You really want ONE more?" he asked.

He pulled down his boxers. "Show me how much. Show me you'll want me at 450 pounds."

She took him in her mouth, and he bucked. "Wow, I wasn't expecting that..."

She sucked gently, then harder.....and he came hard.

She pushed him on his back and straddled him.

"You're still hard, butterball", she said, lifting up his huge belly, and coming down on his hard cock. "Rock your hips, fat boy."

He moaned and rocked his hips.

"Eat", she commanded.

"But baby..."


" ;Yes, dear."

"Have you been happy being my piggy all these years?" she asked, bouncing on his hard cock as his fat belly jiggled.
"Ecstatic", he cried out. "Careful, careful, the baby..."

"Sorry", she blushed, "I get excited."

"And I love you for it", he kissed her, grabbed her hips, and pull her down hard on his cock.

"The truth is", he added, "I would have a dozen if you wanted, I'd let you make you me immobile, I'd do anything for you."

They kissed and he came hard.

"No need for're perfect as you are."

"Your baby machine?" he asked, blushing.

"My fat boy, I'm going to get you to 500 with our next one", she hissed.

His eyes got huge, and she shoved a cupcake into his mouth.

He chewed, icing on his chin.

"But baby, I'll get in trouble with the doctor, I'll be bedridden..." he pointed out. "I'll be nothing but a milk producing ball of blubber. You might as well hook me up to a milking machine!"



"Sorry, sorry...I like that idea. You doing nothing but eating and cumming and producing milk for our baby..." He was growing hard again. "Oh yeah, you hate the idea", she joked. "A milking machine..."

"Don't you dare!" he shouted.

"Moo for me baby, you're fertile as a bull, now you'll be my cow."

Dave mooed as he came hard again.

"Be my pregnant cow", she instructed. "I'll get you too big to move...and you need a breast pump so I can milk you..."

"Yes, fatten me and impregnate me like I'm nothing but a cow..." he cried out. "Maybe you'll get me fat with your baby, maybe you'll have me for dinner, I guess I won't know until the last minute. My body belongs to you."

Brianne came hard and collapsed in his warm, big arms, He knew her pretty well too.

"Tired?" he asked.

"I am now", she said.

"ONE more, right?"

"One or two or..."


&qu ot;You know all I want to do is spoil you rotten, just like always." They kissed.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 9 years
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Junepearl 9 years
Fatrnfatr 9 years
I love the line: "you know exactly how it happened! You sound like a dude!" Guess I wasn't paying attention in sex ed LOL
Chrysophase2003 9 years
I'm not normally into m-preg, but you took it the distance with multiples, force feeding, and playing at immobility. Very nice.
Built4com4t 9 years
very erotic...yum
Junepearl 9 years
That's sweet, thank you.
Junepearl 9 years
Russiandoll 9 years
Very nice hope there is more smiley
Enoshima Sama 9 years
This is a super cute story! I hope there's a sequel or something-- it's great!