
chapter 21

I was totally at a loss. Abigail had no intention of stopping or even slowing Carolyn's gain, and Carolyn herself seemed almost excited at the prospect. It was as though she had been brainwashed and eating excessively was part of her personality now. I thought back to Abigail telling me that she intended to use Carolyn's addictive personality against her, and I realised that this had been her plan all along.

Carolyn finished the cupcakes and leaned back rubbing the top of her stomach and letting out a soft belch.

"Oh, you are doing well," said Kathrine, more patronisingly than she intended, but Carolyn did not seem to notice. Even after this short time, she had an almost Pavlovian conditioning; knowing that if she finished all the food on the table, she would be allowed to smoke. Without even needing to be asked, Katherine passed her a cigarette. Abigail smiled proudly at me and raised her eyebrows, as if to say "Told you!" When she turned back to Carolyn, her face was set in a stony expression of disappointment.

"I need to examine you if that's alright?" she said

"You'll have to do it here, Doctor," Carolyn replied, laughing. "I am a bit too full to move at the minute." Carolyn almost looked proud of her swollen and stuffed stomach, which she was rubbing in a circular motion. Occasionally, she would stop rubbing and massage herself.

"Well, maybe we can go into your room when you finish that cigarette?" suggested Abigail coldly.

"But then it will be time for a snack!" complained Carolyn and added sarcastically, "I do have a target weight to reach, remember?"

Abigail pulled a face, but nodded anyway. "I will come first thing in the morning then," she said with indifference. Carolyn ignored her as she was asking Katherine what food was next. The housekeeper smiled kindly and gently poked Carolyn's belly in several places, feeling how full it as and how much more she could pack in.

"Just a shake for now, I think," said Katherine. "And after that, you should have a lie down so I can give you a proper massage to let it all settle. After all, we don't want to spoil your appetite before dinner."

It may have been 'just a shake' but it filled a two pint glass! I watched intently as Katheryn dropped eight scoops of ice-cream into a blender and poured in double cream and milk. I also noticed that she added some of the pink fruit juice, and found myself licking my lips. Abigail nudged me and shot me a warning look. Finally, Katherine diced up a ginger cake and added the small chunks which she then whisked together on high speed before pouring it into the glass. Carolyn smiled as she took the glass and a straw, which was also a spoon, and began sucking up the thick shake with a joyful smile on her face. Katherine nodded in satisfaction and motioned for us to join her in the living room

"I'll just be a couple of minutes, dear," she said as she closed the kitchen door, and then she turned back to us, adding with a shrug. "This is almost too easy!"

Abigail agreed. "She does seem to be the most compliant girl we have ever had! How did you break her will so quickly?"

"I didn't have to," replied Katherine with a large grin. "She is just naturally very greedy!"

"Even so, to force feed herself to this extent; to know she is doing it to make herself fatter... Usually our visitors have some doubts, but she actually seems to be enjoying it!"

"Happy girls fatten faster," laughed Katherine. "And anyway, Carolyn is not really the brightest spark is she? I have decided to try a new idea out on her, and the results seem to show it is pretty effective!"

Katherine went on to explain that she had persuaded Carolyn that, even though she felt completely stuffed, her body would not actually allow it to happen and it was all about how the brain translated the signals from the stomach. I didn't understand all of the biology or the medical terms which Abigail and Katherine were discussing, but my overview was this:

When the stomach is full, it presses against the muscles of the abdomen which triggers a message to the brain to stop eating. Katheryn had persuaded Carolyn that the best way to gain her target weight would be to eat enough to reach this level of fullness, but not overly stuff herself, and then use breathing techniques to relax the stomach muscles. Fortunately for Carolyn, if she ate that much, she was allowed to smoke a cigarette which would allow her the time and deep breathing to relax. Of course, Carolyn would need to eat again quickly to 'top-up' her stomach before the muscles started contracting again. This way, Carolyn's stomach was gradually being stretched and always kept full, but not uncomfortably so. Also, this kept Carolyn in a regular cycle: Each time she ate, she was rewarded with a cigarette, and each time she smoked she was given food.

Abigail seemed excited and was talking quickly about how this method could be studied on future visitors. I was not really listening at this point, but I suddenly switched back into to conversation when I heard Katherine mention The Duchess.

"She came round and was actually nice to us!" said the housekeeper in a surprised tone. "She sat with Carolyn, watched her eat, and even gave a massage herself! It was so unlike her to be so openly involved in the fattening process, but it seemed that The Duchess was not able to stop herself patting, poking and squeezing Carolyn all over her body." Katherine lowered her voice and added quietly, "I am sure she was drooling when she felt around Carolyn's rump."

That was enough for me. I left them to their excited conversation and slipped unnoticed back into the kitchen. Carolyn was about two thirds if the way through her shake and smiled at me dreamily as I sat beside her.

"Just having a little break," she said, rubbing her belly. Even given what I knew about the island now and my own experiences there, I still found it incredibly erotic to watch her hand slowly circling around her distended stomach and, almost hypnotised by the motion, I just sat and stared. This was foolish; I intended to tell Carolyn to slow her gaining as I did not want her to become a fattened sex slave and I certainly didn't want her to be taken for slaughter! I wanted to get her back to London and then she could eat anything she wanted and whether fat or thin, at least she would be safe. Unfortunately, I had no idea how to get her off the island if Abigail were not prepared to help me and I left it too late to say anything anyway as not long after, Frank walked into the building with two armed guards. Carolyn almost squealed with excitement when she saw him, but Frank just smiled and nodded to her before heading into the living room without a word. Carolyn looked disappointed as she began sucking up more of the shake, and I stood there in awkward silence with the soldier's watching my every move.

There were raised voices from the living room, but I could not make out what was being said. However, Katherine came rushing out, looking embarrassed and busied herself by fussing around Carolyn and making sure she was comfortable before suggesting she rest up in her room and have a massage before her next meal. Katherine instructed me and between us, we helped Carolyn to stand and slowly walked her through to her bedroom. However, I was ushered out before the massage started, which I was very disappointed about.

As I got back into the kitchen, Abigail and Frank came into the kitchen bickering. The doctor looked as though she had been crying.

"Is everything OK?" I asked

"Oh yes," she replied sarcastically. "Prince Khalid knew that the Duchess was planning to target me while I was here, which is why he has had me followed by his goons."

"Surely, that's good though?" I said.

"Yeah, I suppose," sighed Abigail. "It would be nice if some people," she glared pointedly at Frank, "had told me instead of just assuming I would worry. It appears that EVERYBODY apart from me knew."

"I didn't know," I said. It was supposed to be reassuring, but it came out sounding facetious. Abigail just stared at me, and behind her, Frank grinned stupidly at my discomfort.

"I'll see you tomorrow," said Abigail and without another word walked out of the house flanked by the guards.

"Never mind mate," said Frank, slapping my shoulder as he walked past. "You've always got your prize porker as a consolation prize. Well...for the minute anyway."
29 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 8 years
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Jazzman 9 years
Wow what a terrific chapter. Please continue
Tarquin 9 years
This is awesome - very well written, a great story, beautifully detailed, well-paced. I'm checking back daily for updates - please, continue!

Erzsebet Bathory! You scholar, you!
DoctorHarleenQ 9 years
I've been reading from the beginning, and the one thing that has stood out is the unreliable narrator. I think it's effectively used in this story. Also, the amount of details. I don't walk away feeling bored from too many details or unimpressed with a bl
Jazzman 9 years
I Like the Complexity. The twists and turns are scintillating. Keep going in your style.
Blasty 9 years
This story is wierdly unfocused. There's a lot of attention put to side characters like paul and the flight attendant that seems to just be for nothing. I like Carolyn but there's too much filler for my liking.
Jazzman 9 years
It's mysterious and intense. Please keep going.
Jazzman 9 years
I like the story and look forward to every new installment. However in this day and age I cannot imagine a doctor saying that. Of course perhaps you have a future angle in mind with the smoking that I might Love. I hope so.
Chriskin8 9 years
would love to see more.
Harrylime 9 years
I also love when bitchy and selfish beauties put on weight -- because their greed for possessions is reflected in their general self-indulgence and inability to tell themselves "no." This may be the greatest story I've ever read on FantasyFeeder, and we'r
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