
chapter 24

For Carolyn, the next few weeks passed in an endless frenzy of feeding. As she ate more, I noticed she was smoking less and when I remarked on this to Abigail she just shrugged at me and gave me a twinkle-eyed grin. It seemed that Carolyn was replacing one addiction with another and the amount she was eating had become more about beating the doctor's challenge than earning cigarettes. It seemed to have become a matter of pride!

Physically, Carolyn's face had become well rounded, with the beginning of jowls drooping down into a neck which was barely visible among the thick layer of fat coating her shoulders. She still wore a bikini, but it had obviously been made especially for her fattened body. Carolyn's breasts were amazing; huge orbs of soft white flesh lined with blue veins. The bikini top was constructed to hold them up and push them together, giving a spectacular cleavage resting above her bloated stomach. In it's almost constantly stuffed state, rolls had formed down her sides, but the belly itself stuck out like a smooth globe. When I touched it, it had a strange solid yet soft quality made up of what Abigail called visceral fat. Carolyn's rear felt the same, and had spread widely covering her hips and stretching the bikini bottoms to their limit, although it was a miracle they would go over her thick thighs. It was clear that Carolyn would never be thin again! Even she had stopped talking about dieting in London.

Plenty of visitors called to see her. Some I had seen around the island, others I did not recognise at all. Each came with food to lay before Carolyn as though providing offerings to their Goddess. In a way, I think they were. Of course, Prince Khaled and the Duchess were regulars and both were excited to note each change in Carolyn's growing body, although for different reasons!

Prince Khaled always brought cupcakes and gently fed them to Carolyn while massaging her stomach and, I noticed, making a big deal of stroking around her deep belly button, occasionally putting his finger in as far as it would go. Carolyn just giggled at this, as the Prince told her just how much he enjoyed her bloated form.

The Duchess also brought plenty of treats for Carolyn, but she did not take the time to sit and feed her softly; instead she sat and glared making sure Carolyn had eaten every crumb. The Duchess would then feel around Carolyn's stomach, bottom and thighs, making noises; either a satisfied grunt or a disappointed moan. I could tell that Carolyn did not feel comfortable as she was poked, prodded and pinched by the Duchess, but if she said anything, the response was something like a tray of doughnuts.

"If you can still speak, you can still eat," was all the Duchess would say as she consulted the notes on Abigail's tablet. "And if you can still eat, you can be fattened more." One time, she did smile at Carolyn and tell her she was "plumping up nicely." Carolyn did not seem to notice; she was too busy stuffing doughnuts into her face as though she had not eaten for months.

After a few weeks of this, Abigail came round for the mid-week measuring and we watched as Carolyn struggled to get her large belly out of bed. She was not able to go from laying to sitting now; she had to roll across the bed and use gravity and momentum to turn and sit as she reached the edge. Sometimes it took her a couple of attempts.

As she sat there getting her breath back, we took an arm each and helped her to her feet. Slowly, we walked her across to the scales, her stomach grumbling loudly and swaying with each step. Abigail started the usual ritual with her callipers and tape measures and as she made notes on her tablet, asked Carolyn what her gain was for the week to date. Carolyn's response finally made me realise why Abigail always asked this. Carolyn twisted one way first, then the other and then leaned forward and put her head to one side. Finally, she stammered: "I... I... I can't see!"

Abigail was behind her measuring a particularly large roll of fat, so Carolyn could not see her, but the doctor looked at me with pure happiness and joy. This was obviously a milestone she had been waiting for. She moved around Carolyn's side and looked at the scales, making a note on her tablet.

"How much do I weigh?" asked Carolyn.

"Enough to be on target for this week," replied Abigail with a smile.

"But how much?"

"Enough. If you keep eating as much as you have been, you will reach the target by Sunday."

"But" began Carolyn with slight panic in her voice, "I have been using these scales to keep track of my own progress. If I can't see the reading, I need somebody to tell me my weight each day!"

"What for?" asked Abigail.

"If you don't tell me how much I am gaining, I won't know whether I have eaten enough to reach the target!"

"No, that's true," said Abigail, as though she had not realised this. "I guess you will have to keep eating even more, just to make sure you do." It was obvious to me, but apparently not Carolyn, that this had been part of the plan all along.

"But, I won't know how fat I am getting or when I have gained enough weight to meet my goal for the week!" wailed Carolyn. "And if I do just keep eating, I will probably pass the target!"

"Well, that is a good thing!" said Abigail, but then she paused in thought for a moment. "I could deduct any additional weight you gain from your following week's target," she said slowly.

"Really?" Carolyn sighed with relief, lit a cigarette and took a deep inhale.

"Yeah," replied Abigail smiling sweetly. "I could do that... But I am not going to!"

I watched as a look of confusion crossed Carolyn's face, followed by disbelief as what Abigail said registered with her. We stood in awkward silence; Carolyn did not know how to respond, Abigail did not feel a need to say any more and I was just savouring the sight of Carolyn's soft, round body: beautiful, sexy and obese. I was beginning to understand why Prince Khaled wanted her so badly.

Unfortunately, the moment was lost when Katherine opened the door.

"Sorry to interrupt, Doctor," she said. "Breakfast is ready."

For a second Carolyn looked as though she would refuse, but the smell of bacon and fresh croissants wafted into the room, causing her stomach to give a low rumbling growl. Katherine laughed and took her arm, helping her walk to the kitchen.

"Come on, my plump lovely," said the housekeeper. "Let's get that empty belly nice and full for you!"

Once the doctor had gone, Carolyn explained her situation to Katherine, who agreed that Abigail was being unreasonable.

"It's ridiculous. She asked you to gain weight and you have done that so well," said the housekeeper, gently patting Carolyn's belly. "You've probably done better than she expected and that's really annoyed her! I know what she can be like; she's always been a bit stuck up!"

Carolyn nodded in agreement.

"Now she is asking you to gain, but not letting you know if you have? She's done that for spite!" continued Katherine. "Let's show her!"

I did not think it was possible, but Katherine increased the size of Carolyn's meals yet again! The feedings became larger, more often and with a lot more pastry, sugar, fat and dairy content. Where Carolyn had been regularly over-fed before, she was now regularly stuffed and sometimes, she had eaten so much that she was unable to leave the dining table. On these occasions, Katherine allowed her a cigarette and then produced a tray of muffins.

"If you are going to sit here, we may as well use the time productively," said Katherine, smiling kindly. Carolyn did not seem able to refuse or control herself; greedily shoving the cakes into her mouth, even though she was clearly full. Katherine's coaching and stomach stretching exercises had worked, allowing Carolyn to constantly force feed herself.

This process worked fine for a couple of weeks or so. Occasionally, Abigail would drop in to weigh Carolyn and grudgingly admit she was on course or had hit her target. Carolyn always rewarded herself with a cigarette when she heard this news, and looked pleased with herself, even though the doctor refused to tell her how much she had gained. I could tell by the curve of her stomach and the way she appeared short of breath after walking just a few yards that she was gaining quickly.

The big problem came the following Sunday. Abigail and I helped Carolyn onto the scales and the doctor waited for the dial to settle.

"Oh!" said Abigail. She motioned me to help Carolyn back off the scale and checked the calibration. Then we got her back on. Abigail pulled a face and then looked at Carolyn. I could see that she was trying to look sympathetic, but she could not hide her glee.

"I am afraid you missed your target by two pounds," she said. "No more smoking for you!"
29 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 8 years
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Chrysophase2003 8 years
Loved the angle and the ending. But I'm kind of hoping for an epilogue after Carolyn has been worked on a bit by the new couple.
Eponymous 8 years
That was wonderful. One of the best WG stories I've read in ages. If you did feel like it I'd certainly love a taste of what Carolyn's life is gonna be like from now on. Either way, really hoping to see another story from you further or later.
Jazzman 8 years
Fantastic Ending! Do a Epilogue if you want. Her weight now Her immobile weight. And what happens with Abagail and the guy
PlumpSoftKitty 8 years
Fantastic update smiley
Jazzman 8 years
Intense and Well crafted story
Rstlne 8 years
Nice job, thanks for the update... Waiting for more.
Rstlne 8 years
Ya right, she missed her target.
Rstlne 8 years
I would like the story again if I could.
Rstlne 8 years
Thanks for the update!
FrecherTyp 8 years
oh and this girl on your avatar or story pic is really cute ^^ ;-)
FrecherTyp 8 years
wow what a complex long wicked tricky sexy wonderful story ;-) love that it is so long and complex and how many extra thoughts i had reading it ^^

thanks a lot i hope will write more soon ;-)
Rstlne 8 years
Rstlne 8 years
When is the next one?
Jazzman 8 years
Better and Better. Every chapter is more and more exciting
Jazzman 8 years
I Really liked that chapter. You're still going strong.
LoraDayton 8 years
Not usually into these kinds of "fattening island" stories but I am hooked!! What happened to Frank?! I think he and Abigail are in cohoots and that he's not in trouble at all. Hmmm...
Jazzman 8 years
Wow. This is Complex and Wonderful!
Jazzman 8 years
Chapter 14 had a few little twists that were subtle and terrific.
Rstlne 8 years
That last line... ouch.
Jazzman 8 years
Even Better Chapter!
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