A taste of his own medicine

chapter 4

Maria fumed all the way home in their limo ride. Covered in sweat with her workout gear Maria's tight black yoga pants and neon pink athletic top clung to her wide pear shaped form. Her muscles ached and more than than she was pissed off royally.

Donovan, winning the first challenge on national television, had Ms Linda bring out a treadmill. Her "punishment", well actually Donovan called it corrective behavior, was to walk at a 3 mile per hour pace for the rest of the show.

The whole time, he just sat there chatting up with Ms Linda and the audience about the virtues proper diet and exercise. Meanwhile, Maria was plodding away on the treadmill, first turning pink, then red, and eventually by the end of the show, had taken on an almost purple hue. Her legs ached, her lungs burned and Maria contemplated hitting the big red ABORT button several times but Maria was determined not to lose any challenges, so she kept on til the cameras stopped rolling.

When the limo stopped, Maria grunted and lifted her big body out of the car. When Donovan got out, he was quite surprised to see his wife jogging away, and down the road. He big jiggling ass and thunderous thighs bouncing pronouncely through the lycra material.

He loved watching her obese body shake and jiggle, but his boner couldn't keep down his worry. Donovan knew that if she kept up like this, the weight would soon start to come off quickly. There would be no way he could keep up, if she kept up her will power.

Keeping that in mind he ordered their butler to buy all of Maria's favorite decadent snacks and treats to be delivered to the house while she was out running. Dononovan figured that his obese wife should be starving by the time she returned and would devour at least some of the foods he had laid out before her. And knowing Maria, once she got going, there was no stopping her. He smugly figured that Maria would down as many or more calories than she'd even burned.

The food was delivered, but no Maria even after an hour had gone by. Concerned that maybe something had happened to his wife, Donovan gave Maria's cell a ring. An out of breath Maria answered and told him that she should be back in less than ten minutes".

With nothing to do but weight, Donovan reached over and grabbed a cannoli that was unbeknownst to him laced with appitite enhancers.

Earlier in the week, Maria had given Leroy, their butler an envelope filled with enough money to send all of his grandkids to college five times over. Her only request was that he lace their food with whatever "suppliments" she gave him. Maria assured Leroy that no one would ever know, especially not Mr Stout, and that no harm would come to either of them. With that assurance and enough cash on hand to buy a small island, Leroy agreed, and as a result, Donovan was digging into his third cannoli before Maria arrived back home.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 1 year
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Growingsofter 1 year
I'd love to write you one. Kik me at gaetano2733 if you want to fat chat
FrecherTyp 6 years
Oh I want ore to that story much more please ;-)
Tommmy 6 years
Great 3chapters please continue soon
Girlcrisis 7 years
Fantastic premise. Looking forward to this!
Growingsofter 7 years
The pic is from deviantart.com. it's a shared art site.
Sweetspot 7 years
Where did you get the picture?