Mall santa

chapter 4

He watched her study him as he denied the pizza. She had an interesting look in her eyes.
"I dont think I can, im sooo full." He said putting both hands on his belly and giving it a little rub. He noticed how her face turned a brighter shade of pink as the pat he gave his belly made his blubber shake slightly.
"Ah cmon. One more piece won't hurt." She said encouraging him.
He raised an eyebrow and leaned forward to grab a slice.
He studied her as she watched him eat the last slice.
Her eyes were wide and had a look of hunger and lust about them. Which confused him. Girls usually looked at him with disgust or pity.
She had a very "cat that ate the canary" look as he finished the piece.
He raised an eyebrow, wanting to test something, he watched her deliberately as he licked a dab of sauce from his fingers.
Her eyes widened and she smiled very big.
"Text me tonight, okay?" she said scooting her chair back.
"Deal." he said.

Valerie stood and walked away, purposefully swaying her hips so Wes would look at her ass.
She did a peek over her shoulder at him and sure enough he was staring at her scratching the back of his neck blushing slightly at getting caught staring.

Wes waited until valerie was out of sight before he got up to head to his car to check the other big and tall shop in town.

As he waddled to his car he caught his reflection in several store windows. He didnt realize how tight his shirt had gotten, the bottom curve of his belly snuck out every couple of steps.
He noticed a couple people snickering at him also.
Hell hed snicker too if he was a still a "normal sized" person and he saw some fat ass waddling around with essentially a crop top on.
But that was ages ago.
He finally made it to his car and hefted his big ass into it. He looked around as he settled in, he needed to clear out all the old food wrappers and crumbs out if he was going to drive valerie tomorrow.

Valerie decided to get something new to wear to the party tomorrow night she didnt really have anything at home she wanted to wear to try and seduce this porker.

And she wanted to seduce him.
She took a moment to fantasize about getting her hands on that big wobbly flesh of his.
Kissing those thick plump lips. Squeezing those chubby cheeks. Grazing her hand against his double, triple chin.
Feeling that big mound of belly flesh against her skin...
She shook her head before her thoughts could get too steamy.
She could only play the cards she was dealt she thought as she fingered a green silky dress.

"A 7x?!" Wes exclaimed at the sales associate at the big and tall store.
"Well that's what the measurements are coming out as." the man said sheepishly eyeing wes' belly.
"Dude i know im fat but there's no way i wear a 7x." he said in denial.
"Well try these on. This one is a 6x, and this one is a 7x. Holler if you need anything." he said hanging up two dress shirts on the dressing room hook and leaving to give Wes some privacy.
Wes sighed and pulled his shirt off over his head and avoiding his reflection.
He tugged the 6x dress shirt on over himself and began to button it.
The buttons were easy to button over his chest. The lower he got the more strained the fabric became.
He was beginning to break a sweat buttoning the buttons over his expansive belly.
He looked up to see how it looked thus far and to see if it would pass at all.
"God." he muttered as he looked over his reflection.
Not only did all the buttons buttoned strain against his grossly obese body, but he had no chance in hell to button the ones over his stomach. He tried to bring the fabric together, barely making them meet over his vast belly he struggled to even do that.
"Ugh" he sighed.
He looked at himself.
God how had he gotten so f***ing fat?
He used to play basketball and soccer for God's sake.
He looked at his reflection, at how far his belly hanged. He cant remember the last time he saw his dick, and the last time he even tried to masturbate he could barely cusp his own cock.
His face was reddening further as he tore off the 6x shirt and flung it on the floor. He grabbed the 7x shirt and pulled it on.
Thankfully that one he was able to button easily and he didnt need and even BIGGER size.
After buttoning it he looked up. Minus it looking like a tent it looked alright. The red was nice and festive.
He tried tucking it in to see how it looked, then realizing he couldnt because of his belly overhanging his waistband.
He untucked it and looked at it again. Didnt look awful.
He caught a look of himself as he changed back into his shirt.
Who was he kidding. He looked like a fat slob no matter what he did. He didnt even know why this girl agreed to go to the party with him other than him helping her fill Santa's big fat shoes this morning.
He paid for his shirt and booked it out of the shop. And to the nearest donut shop.
He ordered three dozen donuts and began to head home.
He worked on the first dozen as he drove. Loving and hating the sweet glazed dough as it melted in his mouth.
Absentmindedly he wiped his hands on his shirt getting glaze and crumbs everywhere.
As he pulled into his carport he tossed the empty donut box On the floor of the passenger seat.
He ignored the trash and grabbed his other two boxes and carried them and his bags inside.
He lumbered into his apartment and put his clothing bags on the coffee table, grabbed a gallonnof milk and plopped himself on the couch.
He flicked on the tv and absentmindedly ate the next dozen donuts.
He downed some milk and then started on the third dozen. His stomach was starting to hurt a bit but he wanted to finish the donuts. Needed to fill his sad void with food.
Needed to add more weight to his already massive frame.
As he shoveled in the first six he looked at the time and realized it was kinda late. The clothes shopping must have taken longer than he thought.
He pulled the napkin Valerie wrote on out of his pocket with his cell phone and punched her number in.

Wes: Valerie? Hey, it's Wes...
Valerie: Hey! I was wondering when id finally hear from you. How did shopping go?
Wes: i found something lol.
Valerie: good i did too ;)
Wes: so If i pick you up at five thirty is that okay? The party starts at six.
Valerie: definitely! I'll be ready and waiting ;)
Wes: :)

Wes smiled as he thought of the pretty elf girl with the green eyes. He attempted to jerk himself off to naughty thoughts of her, but he was too fat to f***ing reach it.
He settled for the feeling of fullness and finished off the rest of the donuts and milk.
He fell asleep rubbing his sore swollen fat wobbly belly in the glow of the tv.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 7 years
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Blankerpage 7 years
Just finished it all!!
Built4com4t 7 years
Blankerpage 7 years
Thank you! I had to take a mini break but I'll hopefully finish tonight
Littleextra 7 years
Superb! You have serious talent!!!! smiley Thanks for writing.
Blankerpage 7 years
Thanks everyone!!
I'll probably add more/finish this weekend!
I have two more ideas for new stories so yall dont get bored of me
Littleextra 7 years
Brilliant!!! 😀 Thanks for the updates!
Built4com4t 7 years
Warming up...nice
Blankerpage 7 years
☺ thank you!
Im working on the next part!
Javigm 7 years
best chapter ever
Blankerpage 7 years
Thank you!! I'll work on adding more soon!!
Story Consul... 7 years
nicely written
Littleextra 7 years
Great update, very hot! 😊 Beautifully done.
Littleextra 7 years
Great stuff! Bravo! 😀
Built4com4t 7 years
better and better
Blankerpage 7 years
smiley thanks!
Just added more!!
Built4com4t 7 years
This is fun
Piggjen 7 years
I love this story, I know I will enjoy it to the end and more!
Blankerpage 7 years
I just accidentally deleted chapter 2 so bear with me!
Blankerpage 7 years
Thanks Fiji, I'm antsy to write more.
Love your stories btw!