Mall santa

chapter 6

The closer they got to his parent's house the more nervous Wes became. He didn't particularly enjoy the company of some of his family because they always gave him s**t about losing weight and how fat he got, and he didn't want to have that happen in front of Valerie. It was enough that he felt like a loosely stuffed sausage casing because of his pants. His shirt wasn't so bad because it was a little loose, but sitting down it stretched and was tight against his belly.
He glanced over at Valerie and still couldn't believe his good luck at having her accompany him tonight. Granted he had to play Santa for a few hours. That at first was a big hit to his pride and self esteem. But the actual ordeal wasn't so bad.
He glanced at her again and she was looking at him and smiling sweetly.
"You keep looking at me." she said, her voice like honey.
He felt himself blush.
"I, uh, I don't mean to. You just look incredible."
he said looking away.
Valerie smiled and put her hand on his knee.
"I didn't say it was a bad thing. I'm just flattered."
He was surprised when she put her hand on his knee, and sadly immediately turned on. He can't remember the last time he had a girl touch him.
She caught his innocent reaction of excitement when she put her hand on his knee.

The pulled up into the driveway of a nice one story house a few minutes later.
Wes hefted himself out of the car and opened Valerie's door for her.
As they walked up to the front door Wes glanced at her again and said, "Please, just ignore anything anyone says. Some of my family can be cave people."
Valerie laughed and grabbed his hand in hers, "I'll live. I can handle some cave people talk."
He laughed and gave her hand a squeeze.
"I just don't know if I can." He muttered to himself.
Valerie looked at him with an eyebrow raised.
Wes knocked on the door and they stood and waited.
Valerie smiled as a sweet middle aged woman opened the door.
"Wes honey come on in!" She said opening the door for him.
Valerie felt a thrill of excitement go through her as she noticed Wes had to side step the door. He was too wide normal ways to enter the doorway. And even sideways his belly was close to brushing against the doorway.
"And you brought a friend! Hello I'm Martha, welcome to our home." She said extending her hand to Valerie.
"Hi, I'm valerie." She said smiling at Martha.
Martha led them into the house. Valerie noticed a handful of people. Two men around Martha's age, an older woman, and a guy and a girl her age.
"Wes! How you doin son?" A boisterous man came forward to Wes with a drink in his hand.
"Hey dad." Wes said as the man gave him a clap on the back.
"What's a pretty filly like you doin with my son?" He said turning his attention to Valerie.
"Dad," Wes said in a low tone.
"What son? It's not every day you come here with a gorgeous girl on your arm. In fact since your accident I don't think you've brought anyone home. Not as big as you got anyway."
"Accident?" Valerie asked looking at Wes questionably.
"A tale for a different time. Let's get some drinks." Wes said blushing and leading Valerie to a table filled with drinks and holiday snack food.
Wes briskly, well as briskly as he could at his size, led Valerie away from his dad.
He wasn't in the mood to talk about his accident or his weight.
Wes poured himself and Valerie a drink.
As Wes poured him and Valerie drinks Valerie made them each a plate of goodies, frosted sugar cookies, fudge, peanut clusters, pinwheels, chips, veggies, meats and cheeses. She loved it all, and she imagined that whether or not Wes loved them too, he would eat them.
Wes chuckled as he saw Valerie getting them each a plate ready.
"What?" She asked innocently handing him a plate as she grabbed her cup from him.
"It seems like every time we are together you are feeding me something." He said with a laugh.
She blushed not realizing he had noticed that she indeed had fed him every time they had been together.
But just watching him hold the plate of food with at least 1,500 calories on it turned her on, and seeing him take a bite out of a cookie anyway made her extremely hungry, and not for food.
"Wes, shoulda figured you'd be at the food table!" A voice boomed out.
Wes cringed slightly as his uncle "greeted" him.
"How ya been fat boy? Your pop tells me you finished school and you were looking for a job."
The man came and slapped Wes on the shoulder.
Valerie studied Wes' reaction to the man talking to him. He blushed a crimson color and seemed to shrink in confidence.
"Hey Jack. Yeah, I'm looking for a job with the local companies that do computer work."
"Wes, you need to be looking for a busy job! One where you're on your feet, not stuck behind a computer screen all day.
That's just gonna make you even bigger!"
Valerie looked awkward with the exchange that was going on.
She looked at Wes, he seemed to have simultaneously shrunk and grew in the last couple minutes. She liked when fatties got embarrassed or humiliated, but only when she was really doing it, or when it was welcomed. Not when it was making the person extremely uncomfortable.

Wes felt himself getting more and more embarrassed as his uncle talked to him like that in front of Valerie. She was looking at him with pity in her eyes and he hated that. But it was his own fault. He knew how his family was, and that she would see it. He was stupid to think that he could go through a nice night with his family, with a girl, without being humiliated.
"Hi, I'm Valerie." She said suddenly thrusting her hand at his uncle shutting him up mid sentence.
"Wes where did you find this girl, she's a knockout, how much are you paying her to be here with you tonight?
Just kidding kiddo, I'm his uncle Jack. course you can't tell really, we look nothin alike anymore!'
Valerie gave Jack a cool look, not laughing at his comments.
"I'm Wes' date. And he isn't paying me, but thank you for being concerned enough about his finances to ask. I'm sure hiring someone to accompany him would be frivolous."
Jack at least had the decency to look ashamed when Valerie spoke to him.
"Well Wes show your girl around, don't just stand over here stuffin your face. Take her round the room."
"Thanks, but I was hungry, and Wes was nice enough to bring me to the food. I'm sure we'll make our rounds and meet everyone shortly. Wes," She paused breaking her gaze from his uncle and to him,
"Could you show me where the restroom is?" She asked wrapping a hand around his.
Wes grinned at her and led them away from his uncle and down the hallway into a guest room.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 7 years
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Blankerpage 7 years
Just finished it all!!
Built4com4t 7 years
Blankerpage 7 years
Thank you! I had to take a mini break but I'll hopefully finish tonight
Littleextra 7 years
Superb! You have serious talent!!!! smiley Thanks for writing.
Blankerpage 7 years
Thanks everyone!!
I'll probably add more/finish this weekend!
I have two more ideas for new stories so yall dont get bored of me
Littleextra 7 years
Brilliant!!! 😀 Thanks for the updates!
Built4com4t 7 years
Warming up...nice
Blankerpage 7 years
☺ thank you!
Im working on the next part!
Javigm 7 years
best chapter ever
Blankerpage 7 years
Thank you!! I'll work on adding more soon!!
Story Consul... 7 years
nicely written
Littleextra 7 years
Great update, very hot! 😊 Beautifully done.
Littleextra 7 years
Great stuff! Bravo! 😀
Built4com4t 7 years
better and better
Blankerpage 7 years
smiley thanks!
Just added more!!
Built4com4t 7 years
This is fun
Piggjen 7 years
I love this story, I know I will enjoy it to the end and more!
Blankerpage 7 years
I just accidentally deleted chapter 2 so bear with me!
Blankerpage 7 years
Thanks Fiji, I'm antsy to write more.
Love your stories btw!