Mall santa

chapter 7

Wes led Valerie to the guest bedroom down the hall that had an adjoining bathroom.
Valerie shut the door behind them and subtly locked it.
"God what a jerk." She said as Wes leaned against the wall.
"That's my uncle Jack for you. My dad is a little bit the same way but not AS bad."
He said this looking down at the floor.
Valerie studied him a little bit, he held his arms behind him as he leaned against the wall. His face was still full of shame from the conversation with his uncle.
Valerie stood next to him and leaned her head against his side.
Wes looked at Valerie with surprise. Her head barely made a dent in his fleshy side, but it was a wonderful feeling.
He was hesitant, but he raised one arm and rested it over her shoulders.
He watched for her reaction. When a smile broke on her face he grinned and didn't feel like such a fat disgusting blob. If she was happy that he was touching her then it was a good night.
"I'm sorry if you were embarrassed when we were with Jack. He isn't the most polite of my relatives, but I should have warned you better. I'll understand if you ah want to leave early." He said gently.
Valerie looked up at him.
"Why would I want to leave?" She asked.
"Well, you're with a big fat dork who just got humiliated by his uncle basically calling him a big fat dork. Girls usually don't a.) like being with the big fat dork enough to put up with anything you have. b.) are disgusted by all the eating the big fat dork has done in front of and with the girl. c.) go somewhere with the big fat dork out of pity, and d.) don't even like big fat dorks as it is." Wes said forcing a chuckle.
Valerie looked up at him, "well I'm also with a very nice guy who instead of roasting his uncle over his bad toupee was very non-confrontational. She also likes a.) Being with the big fat dork because he's sweet and helps out a total stranger. B.) likes a man with an appetite because she likes to eat herself. C.) wouldn't ever consider going anywhere with anyone simply out of pity. And D.) Very much likes big fat dorks, specifically the one she is spending the evening with." she said this with some hesitance, it's not usually on the second meeting that she announces that she likes fat guys, but this was innocent enough that she felt she could get away with it without scaring him off.
She glanced up at Wes to make sure he wasn't about to run for the hills. But he was chuckling slightly.
"Well we'll see how you feel when the night is over." He said pushing himself off the wall and going to sit on the bed for a second.
She studied him as he sat on the edge of the bed.
How the bed sunk beneath his weight. How the fabric of his shirt tightened over his belly, making the buttons look as if they were, with some coaxing, going to pop off one by one.
How he sat with his legs apart to make room for his enormous girth.
How low his belly sank from the gravity of his weight, even while he was leaning back with his hands on the bed slightly behind him. His head was back and he was looking up at the ceiling, his eyes were closed.
His wobbly chins were slightly stretched out, but still thick and multiple.

Wes sat looking up at the ceiling with his eyes closed. He felt a mixture of things, but couldn't really put a finger on exactly what those things were.
Valerie looked at him and smiled, she walked over to him and stood in between his legs, pushing them slightly apart with hers, and letting his belly sit a little lower.
She placed her hands on his thighs and looked at him.
he was looking at her in shock.
She slid her hands up his thighs to his big enormous belly. Gently pressing into the soft fat there. Sliding them up, tracing the indentation where his deep cavernous belly button was under the shirt, feeling his thickness, up over the arch of his firm upper belly,up to his fleshy chest, each hand gently pressing into his flabby pecs, feeling his nipples through the shirts fabric, up further to his thick broad shoulders and finally resting at the sides of his neck.
Wes looked at her with an eyebrow raised.
She studied his face, how thick his eyelashes are, how blue and deep his eyes were. How he was nervously biting his bottom lip.
Wes looked at her, her big green eyes were focused on him, full of desire? That couldn't be right.
But the way she was pressing herself into him, touching him, looking at him...
She watched him study her face, and she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his.
Surprised at her sudden lurch onto him he wrapped his arms around her to catch her.
Her lips were so soft, her perfume was a nice musky sexy smell that gently filled his nostrils.
She was enveloped into him.
His big thick strong arms were wrapped around her, gently pulling her into him. His belly warming her through their clothes.
His lips were hungrily on hers. Searching for hers like it was the last life preserve and he was drowning.
At once they both became hungry for the other. She nipped at his lip playfully, he stroked her cheek with his hand, their tongues intertwined playfully, then deeply, sighing and gasping for air.
She reached up and ran a hand through his hair.
He ran his hands along her sides, up slowly.
From her shoulder, gently down her arm, snagging the sleeve of her dress, showing off her bra strap and porcelain shoulder.
His hand trailed down, gently over the side of her breast, and down her side and resting on her waist.
She wanted more.
She took his hand that was on her waist and led it inward at the same time letting his hand snag her dress and pulling it up. Now his hand was resting on her bare thigh.
He held his hand there, glad she led his hand there so he wouldn't seem greedy and rushing doing it on his own.
The fingers on his other hand twined around some of her soft auburn hair.

Hungry for more of him she leaned into him even more and opened her thighs for him, inviting his hand to explore more of her.
His hand, his fingers hesitantly slid upward on her thigh, close enough to feel the heat coming from her.
Higher up her silky thigh, feeling the lacy fabric she had as a barrier.
he gently slowly began to slide his hand further.
she suddenly leaned into him more, pressing against his chest, his belly forcefully, leading his hand higher and forcefully deeper between her legs.
He could feel the wetness on the lacy fabric.
She was panting, getting more and more aroused by the second. Wanting his hand to caress her, want her, explore her.
He was panting breathing heavy, almost gasping for air. he wanted to explore her more, touch her further, hold her more...

The sudden banging on the door scared them both apart.
"Other people need to use the bathroom!!" Someone shouted from the other side of the door.
"Ah, one second!" Wes shouted back.

They looked at each other, gasping for air.
His curls were slightly disheveled, his face red from the little physical exertion that they were putting out. Breathing deeply, his pulse racing, sweat shining his face.
Her dress was out of place in multiple places, her breathing fast and whispy, a blush across her cheeks, her hair mussed, her lipstick smeared.
They took a moment to catch their breath, and then looked at each other, winding themselves down.
"We ah, better...." He started.
"Freshen up." She finished.
They smiled at each other and she leaned away from him and let him heft himself off the bed.
She adjusted her dress as he ran a finger through his hair and wiped the sweat off his face with his sleeve.
They looked at each other at the same time and smiled.
"Wow." He said,
She giggled.
"Maybe after this little dinner party we can get to the dessert." She said giving him a wink.
He laughed as they unlocked and opened the door and exited the room.
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Blankerpage 7 years
Just finished it all!!
Built4com4t 7 years
Blankerpage 7 years
Thank you! I had to take a mini break but I'll hopefully finish tonight
Littleextra 7 years
Superb! You have serious talent!!!! smiley Thanks for writing.
Blankerpage 7 years
Thanks everyone!!
I'll probably add more/finish this weekend!
I have two more ideas for new stories so yall dont get bored of me
Littleextra 7 years
Brilliant!!! 😀 Thanks for the updates!
Built4com4t 7 years
Warming up...nice
Blankerpage 7 years
☺ thank you!
Im working on the next part!
Javigm 7 years
best chapter ever
Blankerpage 7 years
Thank you!! I'll work on adding more soon!!
Story Consul... 7 years
nicely written
Littleextra 7 years
Great update, very hot! 😊 Beautifully done.
Littleextra 7 years
Great stuff! Bravo! 😀
Built4com4t 7 years
better and better
Blankerpage 7 years
smiley thanks!
Just added more!!
Built4com4t 7 years
This is fun
Piggjen 7 years
I love this story, I know I will enjoy it to the end and more!
Blankerpage 7 years
I just accidentally deleted chapter 2 so bear with me!
Blankerpage 7 years
Thanks Fiji, I'm antsy to write more.
Love your stories btw!