Mall santa

chapter 9

The whole drive to Valerie's apartment was a slow agony for both of them.
Valerie because she was horny as all get out and it took everything she had not to just have Wes pull over so they could go at it in the car.
Wes because he was overthinking the whole situation over and over in his head and trying to rationalize everything.
'There's no way SHE really wants ME. not like that. Once I take my clothes off she's going to be just as disgusted as I am and leave. Who would blame her, I probably wouldn't see her again. She was nice though.' He thought.
Then he would think of reasons why she would be wanting to do things, but then counteract them with reasons why she wouldn't.
While she was thinking, 'God I can't wait until we are both undressed and in bed together. He's so sexy. I want him, all of him. I want him inside me. I want his lips on mine. I want it all. Now.'
As soon as Wes pulled in front of Valerie's house she practically dove out the door dragging him along with her. She giggled as she led him to the front door and fumbled for her keys to unlock the door and get this sexy fatty into bed.
She couldn't wait to unwrap him like an early Christmas present.
He was uneasy following her into the house, waiting for the inevitable rejection. He was trying to prepare himself for the blow because he really did like Valerie, and wanted her as badly as she seemed to want him. But he was used to girls thinking he was disgusting and gross and a monster. Hell he thought that way about himself. If he thought that, then what ELSE would Valerie be thinking when she sees him in the bedroom? All she was going to see was this big fat gluttonous pig that made an idiot out of himself at dinner shoveling food into his mouth repeatedly. Hell the shirt he just bought the day before was tight just from the meal and just from dessert.

Valerie opened the door and led Wes into her house. Somewhat shy now,
"Do you want anything to drink, or do you just want to get to dessert? Well, more dessert." She said with a giggle.
She studied him as he shuffled from foot to food avoiding eye contact.
She cocked her head and looked at him.
"You okay?" She asked him.
He looked up at her, "Ah, yeah. I'm good." he said.
"Well, then follow me, bedroom is this way." She said nodding over her shoulder.
He followed her to the bedroom, simultaneously dreading and excited for what may happen behind the bedroom door.

Valerie walked through the door first and shut it behind Wes.
She noticed how he looked like he was about to pass out, "Do you want to sit down for a second?" She asked him.
He nodded and sat on the bed, making it sink down.
She sat next to him and looked at him.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
He looked at the floor, glanced at her and blushed.
"Wes, what is it?" She asked him raising an eyebrow.
A thousand thoughts were flitting through her head. He has a girlfriend and she's been making an idiot of herself. He's gay and she's been making an idiot of herself. He's one of those people on "My Strange Addiction" and likes having sex with pink rabbit stuffed animals and hates girls.
She tried to keep herself from feeling sick as those thoughts went through her head with Wes still being silent.
"You're, you're not gay are you?" She asked.
Surprised he looked at her and laughed.
"No, I'm not gay." He said.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked.
"No." he answered.
She kind of looked at him.
"Then, is there something wrong? I mean not to insinuate but generally when a girl invites a guy to her bedroom for 'dessert' the guy doesn't look like he's about to barf. Is, is it something with me? Because if you don't want to have sex we don't have to I don't want to pressure you into anything, but i am VERY interested in having 'dessert' with you."
He stood up to look at her surprised she'd even suggest that.
"No! There's nothing wrong with you. Trust me, you're perfect. You're any guys dream."
She looked at him unsure of what the deal was then. She just wanted this gorgeous man.
"Then, what's wrong?" She asked him gently.
He ran a hand through his curly black locks.
"It's what's wrong with me. I'm what's wrong. One of these things is not like the other. One of these things doesn't make sense. One of these things is just..."
As he said this Wes grabbed his belly and tugged his shirt.
"Wes, there is nothing wrong with you." Valerie said looking at him.
"I'm a big fat joke, with everyone, with coworkers, with classmates, with my family, with myself. I don't want to be a joke with you. I like you Valerie, and I don't see why you would like, this." He said grabbing his belly again and sounding defeated and letting his head drop looking at the floor. He didn't want to look at this gorgeous girl anymore.
He heard her get off the creaky bed.
"Wes, to be clear. You are not a joke. And I like you, all of you. Your looks are just a bonus." Valerie said standing in front of Wes.
"That is the part I don't get. How could you think that my looks are a bonus when I look like this? The reason I'm uneasy about having sex with you, even though I really REALLY want to, is because I look like this. I don't want you to see all this, it's disgusting, i'm disgusting, what if we get into it then you look at me, and you just, regret ever meeting me. Or I hurt you, or any number of things that wouldn't happen if I wasn't such a pig." He ranted at her confounded.
She got closer to him and raised an eyebrow and held the bottom part of his shirt in her fingers.
"Don't forget, if it wasn't for you being so big, I wouldn't have even talked to you the other day." He rolled his eyes.
"And have you forgotten that I have already seen you pretty much naked, and it just made me want you more?"
She started slowly unbuttoning his bottom button.
"i like what I like, and I like you. I've liked you, been attracted to you, wanted you, since the moment I saw you in that small chair in the food court. Since I first saw your deep blue eyes, heard your deep sexy voice, heard your laugh. I've seen all of that as well."
He smiled at her and she had a gleam of desire in her eyes.
"I've seen that big belly of yours, those big meaty arms, your broad shoulders, your flabby chest, your tree trunk legs, your love handled sides, your wobbly neck, and your big deep belly button. I've seen you stuff yourself multiple times like a starving pig, and I've seen you not even be able to unbuckle your pants. and I think you're the sexiest man alive. And I swear to god you better take me right now before I ruin this pair of panties."
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 7 years
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Blankerpage 7 years
Just finished it all!!
Built4com4t 7 years
Blankerpage 7 years
Thank you! I had to take a mini break but I'll hopefully finish tonight
Littleextra 7 years
Superb! You have serious talent!!!! smiley Thanks for writing.
Blankerpage 7 years
Thanks everyone!!
I'll probably add more/finish this weekend!
I have two more ideas for new stories so yall dont get bored of me
Littleextra 7 years
Brilliant!!! 😀 Thanks for the updates!
Built4com4t 7 years
Warming up...nice
Blankerpage 7 years
☺ thank you!
Im working on the next part!
Javigm 7 years
best chapter ever
Blankerpage 7 years
Thank you!! I'll work on adding more soon!!
Story Consul... 7 years
nicely written
Littleextra 7 years
Great update, very hot! 😊 Beautifully done.
Littleextra 7 years
Great stuff! Bravo! 😀
Built4com4t 7 years
better and better
Blankerpage 7 years
smiley thanks!
Just added more!!
Built4com4t 7 years
This is fun
Piggjen 7 years
I love this story, I know I will enjoy it to the end and more!
Blankerpage 7 years
I just accidentally deleted chapter 2 so bear with me!
Blankerpage 7 years
Thanks Fiji, I'm antsy to write more.
Love your stories btw!