Moving on, bloating out.

chapter 2 - whoa there belly!

"Hey Dan where are you?"

I heard Natalie's voice come out of my phone and from the hot fat girl with her back to me.
I was speechless for a few seconds but managed to eventually stammer a reply.

" erm yeh erm hey I think I'm behind you" (smooth man, real smooth)

She swivelled around in her chair still holding the phone to her face.

Holy shit! She looked so beautiful, gorgeous sparkling eyes, full sensual lips, perfectly understated makeup, oh and she was fat, real real fat.

She had always had quite high defined cheek bones and I assume that they are still there under those chubby cheeks.

And her neck! Oh man! She used to have a double chin that came and went with her fluctuating weight, I always found it extremely cute and sexy. But now she didn't even have a double chin, her neck had kind of bullfroged out into a neck/chin.

"Dan! Hi! You finally made it."

She gestured to the chair opposite her. I walked around still stupidly holding the phone to my ear.
I pulled myself together and sat down.

"Thanks for the coffee, my favourite, I'm glad you remembered"

She smiled and blushed.

Now that I was sat down I could take her in.
It wasn't just her face that was showing her weight, the rest of her was looking fat and bloated. She looked like an over inflated version of herself.
Thick, chunky looking arms with podgy fingers holding her coffee piled high with cream. Her rings looked tight on her fingers, the fat mushrooming around them.
Her bare upper arms exposed by the sleeveless dress were porky with zero tone, it was obvious why she was wearing a sleeveless dress.
Her chest, never that impressive had swollen up a pleasing amount and clearly bulging out of her too small bra.
The view of the rest of her was blocked by the table.

Natalie was talking about her new role at her job and how much she was enjoying it. She took several big gulps of her massive latte piled high with cream, bearly stopping talking to take a breather.
Talk talk talk gulp talk gulp talk talk gulp talk.
I'd forgotten how chatty she can be.

She was looking a bit uncomfortable and kind squirming around in her chair, when suddenly her hand shot to cover her mouth and her other clutched at her belly beneath the table

"Oh no" she mumbled in obvious distress.
"BWAAAAARP" a colossal belch rumbled up and bellowed forth from her like a brontosaurus signalling the rest of the herd.
Every part of her seemed to jiggle and quake.

She went bright right red.
"Erm sorry about that"

"No worries, it's just a sign that you're enjoying your coffee and I can see that you're really enjoying it"

"Haha thanks, but I think I've been enjoying it a bit too much recently. I'm sure you can tell that I've put on some weight"

Some weight was an understatement - she looked like a sexy fat fantasy brought to life, I wanted to throw her down and take her right there and then.

But I mostly kept my composure.
"Maybe a little bit but you look good, your curves look amazing in that dress"

She blushed again and gulped more latte.
"Thanks, I erm like your beard. It's well erm, it's. it's really hot alright. I hope that's not weird or anything"

Hmmm let me think about that. Hot fat sexy girl thinks my beard is hot. Nope no problem at all.

We continued to talk and her belly continued to rumble.
Eventually I decided enough was enough.
"I'm getting a bit peckish, do you fancy getting something to eat? There's a great Latino tapas style restaurant downstairs"

She hesitated for a moment, but then her stomach began to rumble and grumble again, so it was decided.

As we got up from the table I was in awe of her body. I hadn't really been able to see her lower body whilst we were seated.
She pushed her chair back to give herself space.
Her belly was immense.
It bulged out forwards, sideways and looked like it hung quite low as well, but it was difficult to tell because of the dress (which I'm sure was intentional on her part)
I gestured for her to lead the way.

Walking behind her I was obviously checking out her ass.
It swung heavily from side to side as she walked, each fat cheek bouncing and shaking with every step.
God she looked incredible.

We arrived at the restaurant 10 minutes later (I had assumed it would only take 5 minutes but Natalie had lost some speed as she gained more curves)
We were seated immediately and the perusing of the menu began

"Oh I want this, no wait this, ooooh how about this"
She could not decide and seemed to just want everything.
Whether it was subconscious or not or I don't know, but she began slowly rubbing her belly as she read the menu.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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Jazzman 7 years
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