Moving on, bloating out.

chapter 9 - cake (continued)

Sitting down next to Natalie on the sofa I was struck by the fact that although I am taller than her, when we are sat down she is now taller than me thanks to her enormous behind boosting her up.

She took a big swig from her cider " mmmmm you know what would go well with this? Some cake!" She said with a hungry voice. "Let me just message the girls so they know I've got home ok"

With her cider in one hand she dug her phone our of her bra with the other and began to type one handed, her lips slightly parted as she focused her drunken mind on her phone.

Right Dan this is it, he who dares, wins!
I put my cider down on the side table and flipped open the cake box, which thankfully had protected the chocolate cake rather well considering all the adventures that it had endured during its short existence.

I stuck the fork in to the very tip of the cake, cutting of a small piece.
Slowly lifting it towards Natalie's mouth with trembling hands, I placed the cake filled fork against her lips. They parted and I fed her the cake. She mmm'ed in pleasure, but kept typing on her phone.
I fed her another bite....and another. She groaned in enjoyment.
After the third bite she dropped her phone, took a big swig of her cider and closed her eyes, whispering "more".

That one word nearly made me blow my load.

I fed her another, larger bite. She mmmm'ed in contentment. Swigging more cider.
As I fed her another equally large mouthful, her unoccupied hand travelled up to her bloated belly and began to rub - sweet Jesus this was AWESOME.

Half the cake was now gone. Natalie was starting to wriggle and squirm as I fed her bite after bite. Her eyes still closed in bliss, her free hand rubbing her massive gut.

I fed her more. There was only one forkful left. I deftly scooped it onto the fork and prepared to feed her.
I shifted position slightly, so that as I fed her the last bite,

I kissed her.

It was incredible. I thought my mind was going to melt and my cock rip through my jeans. I felt the hand that had been rubbing her belly, slide up my back and neck to my head as she pulled me in deeper into the kiss, moaning with pleasure, I could her feel her arching into me.

I wanted her and she wanted me. This is what I'd been waiting for, what I'd wanted all along, this .......

"Wait" said Natalie with a perplexed look replacing the one of lust on her face "something feels weird" , she started to reach for the waistband of her jeans, but then she hiccuped.

It happened right there, right then, all at once. Natalie's mighty jeans could take no more. The button didn't pop off, it ripped button hole wider and wider until it tore completely through and causing the zip fly to split as well.
Without the support of the mighty jeans, the Spanx gave way instantly. They split down the front, the waist band riding high up towards Natalie's chest.
There was nothing stopping her belly now. It erupted forward in a gelatinous wave, shredding the remains of the Spanx and causing her top to ride up like a boobs tube.

Her now free, massive blubber filled belly, jiggled and wobbled, it quaked and rippled like it was made entirely of liquid butter. It was not without stretch marks, which was unsurprising. They colonised her sides and lower belly. There was an angry red mark where the once mighty jeans had been cutting into her and another lesser mark from the Spanx. Her navel was wide and deep, it looked like it went on for ever.
Her fat gut, now mostly free of any confines, poured over the side of her jeans and out of the rent at the front onto her thighs. Upon impacting her lap, a counter shockwave ran back up her belly, making her chest and neck fat quiver.
Finally wobbling gently to a rest, her belly sat there, immensely swollen with food and fat.

Oh and I came. I shot my load into my jeans so fucking hard I thought it must have surely punched a hole all the way through them and through the floor below.

Natalie sat there, gloriously fat, bloated, huge and ..... absolutely mortified.
She was bright red and had tears in her eyes.

I reeled my lust in, she looked really upset.

"Hey don't cry" I soothed, "it's only a pair of jeans, they were probably faulty or something"
I reached out to touch her shoulder. She flinched away. Then she got mad.


Oooookay this had taken a turn.

She tried to get up, to cover herself but she was just too damn fat and stuffed to get off the sofa.

I moved to help her but she slapped me away. She was crying again.

"Why are you even here with me Dan?" She wailed "I'm a ***ing pig and I can't stop eating. You deserve better than this!" She said, shaking her gorgeous blubbery belly.

"You're not a pig Natalie, you're beautiful and curvy and gorgeous" I replied trying to be calm without being condescending, the volume of my voice rising as I became more and more upset with what she was saying.

She wasn't having any of it.

"Look at me!" She wailed "I'm even too fat for the scales!" - ahh that explained the question marks on the chart, it also caused my balls to throb painfully.

"Natalie you're ...." I tried to say, it she cut me off.

"Just go Dan, please go" she cried, there was genuine pleading in her eyes.

I grabbed my jacket walked to the door, I looked back once at the girl of my dreams, fat and crying on her sofa.
Then I left, walking out into the street in my cum blasted jeans with no idea what
to do.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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Profcat 6 years
Really good pls continue
RFBurton 6 years
You have to finish this! It is insanely good!!
Fatrnfatr 7 years
A very fine story. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Jazzman 7 years
Great Story. Kind of wishing He would Grow a Pair! And wishing she would stop lying to everyone Especially herself. I sound impatient But you really write well!,☺
Jazzman 7 years
Have him turn right around and go back to her like a real FA man instead of insecure wimp who is unable to sooth her hurt. Since you asked.
Love the story!
Northern Dude 7 years
I really appreciate all the comments and I'm glad everyone seems to be enjoying the story.
I've drafted out the next couple of chapters but I'm wondering if anyone has any particular thoughts on where things might go? (Don't worry I still have plenty of
Jazzman 7 years
Goodworks you just take your phone and multiply by 14.
I like Stone even as an American because many of the classic authors like Swordfish use it too.
Great Story!
Goodworks 7 years
Great story, I mean it, but why oh why would you use stone? Take some pity on the rest of the world and at least put it in pounds in parenthesis.
ChrisBsmurfin 7 years
Very enjoyable story & well written... looking forward to the nxt part. I like the style it is written in from an F.A./feeders point of view, I also really like the way you keep an air of mystery about Natalie's belly and the fact that she is in denial or
Northern Dude 7 years
Just realised that the end of that chapter 6 has been cut off. I'll sort it out in the next one.

Thanks for all the positive comments guys!
The Donut King 7 years
Great story! Looking forward to the next chapter! smiley
Rustydog7 7 years
Nice story, please keep writing more, I can't wait.
Jazzman 7 years
This is Terrific. I think you wanted to say "hopefully the friends wouldn't stay too long ".
Please keep writing. The premise is realistic and exciting
Leuco 7 years
We need more thx
Northern Dude 7 years
Thanks for the positive comments guys, it really is appreciated.
QuebecFA 7 years
I really love the story and the writing is excellent! I hope you'll continue the story! :-)
RFBurton 7 years
Excellent! Every F.A.-Feeders fantasy coming to life. Now let's see where you take it from here. Great work.
FatAdvocateFA 7 years
Well, jee wizz, good stuff. Distinct voice, brought about by some lucid phrasing of social commentary which made me laugh, sprinkles of subetextual evidence in favor of character traits (good because outright telling is boring), precisely stated
FatAdvocateFA 7 years
description and character reactions to those things described, uniting narrator and reader. Good work. You're in a way obliged to keep going, now smiley
Jktab 7 years
great start more please
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