Moving on, bloating out.

chapter 10 - gym woes

Three days later found me sat despondently at my desk at work. My eyes were looking out of the window but I wasn't seeing the dreary British weather or the bare trees swaying in the wind.
My mind's eye was turned inwards, thinking about the events of the weekend. How awesome it had been and how terribly it ended.

I hadn't heard from Natalie since 'the incident'. I tried to give her space but I'd messaged her once, briefly, each day since.
Each message was more or less the same 'hey I hope you're doing ok. I had a great time with you at the weekend.' Or variations on that theme.

I heard nothing back, until Tuesday morning, my phone buzzed with two messages in quick succession.
'Hey I had a good time too'
Followed seconds later by
'I've joined a gym'

My heart soared and then crashed back down. She'd finally messaged me back - wooooohoooo!
But she'd joined a gym - noooooooooo!

Against my own wishes I replied with a quick supportive message
'Hi Nat, that's great, not that you need to though, you look great. Great to hear from you'
I sent the message then banged my head on the table - who use 'great' that much in a message anyway!

I typed out another email to our quality department again asking them to actually monitor quality rather than spending all their time on Facebook, then I logged off for the day and headed for my car.

This evening would see me attempting to purchase a new hard drive from PC World, I did not relish this. The staff always insisted on helping me select the best product, even though I'd already done my research and new exactly what I wanted.

After struggling through traffic I pulled up into the retail park car park 7pm
In addition to PC World there is also a sleep master bed store, hobby craft, gym, KFC, Starbucks, B and Q DIY store and the latest from American - a Krispy Kreme drive through.

I walked into PC World, grabbed the hard drive, made a dash for the till.....
and was ambushed by a sales assistant who simply 'had' to help me.

25 minutes later I escaped.
Huddled in the safety of my Ford Focus I review my purchase. Everything was in order and my pc would soon be back in action.
I shoved the keys in the ignition and started the car, BBC radio 4 droning out of the speakers.
I was just about to pull away when a girl in a grey hoodie carrying a bucket of KFC clutched in her arms, with a drink balanced on top waddled past.
Her hood was down so even though it was dark I could still see her face - it was Natalie!

She crossed over two rows and got into a swish looking Audi. I lost sight of her.
I checked around for traffic then pulled forward into the next row, giving me a perfect view into the driver's side window of the Audi.

The interior light was on and when I switched off my own car I could faintly hear destiny's child, muffled, but obviously loud for me to hear it inside my own vehicle.

From my vantage point I had a perfect view of her ripping the cover from the top of the KFC bucket and diving in.

Wing after wing, thigh after thigh and chip after chip where devoured. She ate mechanically and with intensity, like she had in the kebab shop, occasionally stopping to slurp from her drink.

I felt like such a pervert watching her, it was also fucking hot. I hadn't seen her for a week and here she was, stuffing her beautiful face.
Should I go over? Should I 'happen' to bump into her? Yes? No? Maybe?

Would that mean she'd know I was watching and therefore a total weirdo?

I had a flash of inspiration.
I got my phone out and messaged her
'Hey just been to B and Q with Pete to get some sealant to help him with his bathroom, I'm sure we just drove past you'
I watched from the darkness of my perverts hiding place.

B and Q was in the opposite direction from where I was laired.
I waited and watched.
Natalie broke the rhythmic destruction of the chicken bucket, the glow of her phone came into view.

'Going to the gym again' she replied.
I snorted in laughter at this blatant lie.

Continuing to watch I saw that she seemed to have have finished her huge meal and was draining the last of her drink - I bet that ironically it was Diet Coke!

Natalie struggled up out of her car and waddled over to the bin, dumping the now empty fast food packaging into it.
I got quite a good view of her as she passed under a lamp.
Hair tied back in a ponytail displaying her fat face and neck.
An enormous grey baggy hooded sweater that hid everything on her torso under a shapeless sack.
Bright turquoise and orange gym leggings, that looked pretty expensive, they also looked very tight. The showed off her massive thunder thighs and meaty calves perfectly.
Dainty box fresh lime green trainers, which I new would be a size 6, finished off her outfit.

She waddled back towards her car, stopping briefly to hitch up her leggings which to my delight where revealing a large amount of her ass spilling out.
She squeezed into the driver's seat.

I thought this was the end of the show - I was wrong and I was not disappointed.
As she pulled away she indicated left but then swerved right nearly causing an accident in the process.
I'd stopped with my keys halfway to the ignition and watched her pull into the new Krispy Kreme drive through. Money was passed to the serving window then a medium sized bag and a coffee was passed back. Then Natalie sped off like a demon, destiny's child still booming from her stereo - who knew they had been so prolific?
This time indicating right but turning left.

Some serious mixed signals from Natalie.
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