Moving on, bloating out.

chapter 3 - main course

In the end 'we' got a large nachos and a garlic bread to 'share' whilst we decided on the main course, I wanted to see what her appetite was like. She'd always had a greedy streak when we were together and if her current state of fattened curves was anything to go by then it hadn't lessened any.

The nachos and garlic bread arrived, I helped myself to a slice and a couple of nachos so that we were 'sharing'.
She was hesitant at first but soon started tucking in as the conversation began to flow again. In between telling me about how she was thinking of upgrading her car on the company scheme and deciding on a main course, she finished both starters.

I chose the meatballs and she, practically squealing in excitement, chose the Latino meats plater.

The greedy streak was well and truly intact. In fact it seemed to have grown if the way she scrapped the garlic bread around the nacho dish and her reaction to ordering the plater was anything to go by.

"That was delicious wasn't it. You were right that we come here Dan, I can't wait to see the main course"

Whilst we waited for the main course to arrive Natalie got all serious looking.
"Listen Dan, I'll just say it. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you. It was all getting a bit intense for me and I panicked. I was an inconsiderate idiot, can you forgive me? I still want us to be friends"

I sat quiet for awhile, thinking. Be friends? I wanted more than that, but perhaps it's for the best.

"It was really tough on me when you left, but yeh I forgive you. I'm not sure on the friends part, I'd like us to be more than that." I answered.

She smiled and looked like she was going to speak but then the main course arrived and Natalie's attention was diverted instantly.

"Oh my god these wings look incredible, oh and the steak, oooooh ribs too" she exclaimed and began to devour them.

Natalie tore into the wings and I sat back and admired her skill at continuing conversation whilst simultaneously demolishing a hefty pile of wings.
Watching her eat it was obvious how much she enjoyed everything about food. The taste, the texture, even biting into the food brought happiness to her face. In the past there had always been a certain reticence to her eating something good because she was always doing weight watchers or slimming world or Atkins or some other fad diet.

There was none of that hesitation now, just enjoyment. With loads of umming and ahhing, with occasional unconscious grunt of satisfaction at a particularly tasty morsel.

As she ate and talked I was mesmerised by her fat neck wobbling and jiggling, she was carrying some serious weight in her face.
The way her plump lips parted to engulf each bite of food and then came together again was entrancing. The odd crumb would fall to her chest and ......

"DAN, DAN! are you ok? You kind of spaced out there"

Whoops! Back in the room man, the lady is talking. I'd been totally focusing on how much fatter Natalie is and how watching her eating, rather than listening to her. But who could blame me. I'd always fantasised about her gaining a lot of weight but it had never happened. She always gain some weight, then do a fad diet, then fall off the wagon and gain weight, rinse and repeat.

Now here she was all bloated up right in front of me and it was making it difficult to think straight.

"So anyway I'm trading in my VW polo for an Audi A5, I think it's time to get a grownup car" she said laughing, and added "and it will be nice to have a bit more space"

Oh god the thought of her crammed into her dinky little polo was HOT!

"Mmmm yum! That was delicious!" Natalie said in satisfaction, leaning back and placing her hands on her hefty belly.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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Jazzman 7 years
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