Moving on, bloating out.

chapter 5 - anticipation analysis

I'd met Natalie at the weekend on Saturday, a couple of days later on Tuesday morning I got a text at work.

'Hey Dan it was great seeing you. I'm going to be out in town with a couple of girly friends this Saturday night, it would be great if you could join us - Nat x'

What the heck did that mean? So many mixed messages in there, it seriously confused me.
At least she wants me to come out, so that's good, right?

I pondered my reply and what her message meant for the rest of the day at work, just drifting through my to do list on autopilot.

When I finally got home I'd decided on a reply, keep it calm but positive.

'Hi Nat, Saturday sounds great, let me know where, when and I'll see you guys there'

2 mins later my phone buzzed with a reply

'It's going to be so much fun! Tanya and Daniela are going to be there too but they said they might have to leave early, so it could end up just being you and me, is that ok?'

Is that ok? Of course it is! Looks like I was worrying over nothing. Maybe I had over analysed her message a tad.
I replied.

'Yeh that's great x'

Arghhh did I just put a kiss on the end of the message. Don't freak out man it will be fine.

I threw a steak into the pan and prepped some spinach to go with it.

I remembered Tanya and Daniela from when I'd first dated Natalie. They were nice enough. Tanya was a tallish blonde girl who was overly keen on high heels. Daniela was short, a prolific drinker of vodka red bull and seemed to have the metabolism of a humming bird. Both were pretty chirpy and bubbly. Oh I should also mention that they were both slim, well Daniela was slim, Tanya was downright skinny.

Natalie had always been the fat friend of the threesome even when she was just chubby.

Remembering of how Natalie was the fat friend set me thinking about her weight gain again. Bah who am I kidding, I hadn't stopped thinking about it.
When we broke up she was at an all time high of around 17 stone (she would never actually say).
From the way that dress clung to her body she had clearly gained a lot. Maybe around 2 stone, maybe more. I was dying to know!
Everything about her was so bloated and fat. If the way she tackled the meal at the restaurant was anything to go by, then her eating habits had gotten pleasingly out of control.

Well hopefully the two friends wouldn't stay for too long, which would mean I'd get to have a drink or two with Natalie.
If there was one thing that girl loved as much as food it was drink. The sweeter and more alcoholic the better.

Drinking = drunk, which in Natalie's case also = hungry.
Saturday was shaping up to be a very interesting night indeed.

My phone buzzed again

'We will be at revolution from 9, see you there'

Saturday couldn't get here soon enough!
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