Moving on, bloating out.

chapter 6 - another round?

Saturday rolled around with glacial slowness but finally, blessedly arrived.
I hadn't heard from Natalie for the rest of the week, but I was trying to play it cool so I didn't message her either.

After getting ready, I sent her a single message 'on my way x' - arghhh I'd auto kissed again.
I received the terse reply 'kk' - uh oh, had I played it too cool?

Entering revolution (the bar) I looked around, almost immediately spotting Daniela and Tanya, but no sign of Natalie. I walked over to where they stood, the gushed their hellos in a super chirpy bubbly way.

"So erm where's Natalie?" I asked trying to act casual. The two girls where having none of it, they laugh at me before gesturing over to the bar.

I looked over and my jaw dropped.

Long dark hair cascaded down the back of her short black leather jacket.
Beneath that, encased in dark grey jeans her ass bulged out backwards and sideways, in an enormous globular shelf. It looked firm and bouncy, rather than the twin tanks of blubber I had previously seen it to be, thanks to the constraining might of her jeans.
Her large meaty, powerful thighs tapered down to knee high boots that fitted tightly around her calves.

She was laughing at something the bartender said as she turned towards us, baileys in hand and a gorgeous smile on her face.

My gaze travelled down from that beautiful chubby face of hers.

Under the open leather jacket she was wearing a loose white top, with black accents and a scooped neckline that revealed a moderate amount of cleavage.
Also prominently on display was the long silver necklace that I'd bought her during our time together - that must be a good sign right?

Every zip, vent or adjustable part of the jacket was let out to the max, there was no way that jacket was ever going to zip closed over her chest, yet a lone her belly.

And that belly! I was trying not to stare, but I couldn't help it.

It was divided into two parts where her jeans came up high beneath her top and split that glorious gut into upper and lower sections.

The upper part jiggled and wobbled, loosely covered by her top, bulging out past her breasts.
The lower part, contained by the same mighty jeans as her ass, held firm but bloated out even further than her upper belly.
From the way she was standing it also kind of looked like she might be sucking it in but I wasn't sure.

She tottered over on her heeled boots

"Dan! You made it" she yelled over the music, beaming.

From the flush to her cheeks and the way she was yelling that wasn't her first baileys or even her second or third of the evening.

Tanya and Daniela looked at us both then each other with knowing looks.

The four of us chatted for a while, drinks where consumed and more drinks were bought.
I was sticking to bottled beers, Tanya and Daniela split a bottle of wine with some vodka shots to help things along.
Natalie was in full drinking mode. Creamy cocktail after sugary creation after multi-coloured booze laden beverage disappearing between her lips.

We all continued talking and laughing. Remembering 'old' times, catching up on holidays.

The ladies left 'to powder their noses' leaving me awkwardly alone in the middle of the bar.

I was just settling another round of drinks on a high table with stools that had become free, when the girls returned.
Natalie came in to view and my jaw nearly hit the floor, her belly looked huge and sexy. She had definitely been sucking it in up to now.

Daniela stage whispered "Psst Nat" and then made a patting gesture on her own flat stomach.

I pretended not to notice but surreptitiously glanced over my beer bottle at Natalie who looked at Daniela in confusion for a moment, then blushing understanding dawned and I saw her glorious fat belly sucked in and her chest thrust out.

Tanya and Daniela lithely perched of the stools, Natalie was a different story. Watching her approach the high stools with trepidation on her face I suddenly had second thoughts. Had I chosen badly? I'd just rushed the first table that became available, not thinking about the possible 'logistical' issues that might arise.

She placed one foot on the foot rest, one arm on the table, took a breath. Then powered herself up on to the stool, landing with a grunt and the stool seat just vanished. Her ass and thighs were so big that the seat was completely obscured.
I clattered my beer bottle into my teeth - focus man, focus! I was focusing, on those over fattened curves of Natalie.

There was a lot of shifting and wiggling, trying to get comfortable. But there was no way that much woman was ever going to be comfortable on that little stool.

"Well Dan, we're going to be going, we've got some fine gentlemen who want to take us for dance" said Tanya. I looked where she was gesture at two tall gym buff looking dudes who looked very pleased with themselves.
"We'll leave you in Natalie's naughty hands" laughed Daniela.

Finally! They were leaving. They were nice enough but now maybe I could get some quality time with Natalie.

The three girls had to go through the obligatory hugging and kissing whilst the gym dudes looked on, impatient but keen.

As Natalie and Daniela were hugging, Daniela stage whispered again (that girl really had no concept of quiet or subtlety) "remember to keep holding your tummy in, you've let it slip a few times and there's only so much spanx can do"

I busied myself with my phone, tying my best to not to look like I was listening. But holy crap! She's wearing spanx to hold her belly in and it's still freakin HUGE!
My mind raced at the thought of how much luscious belly was hiding beneath her clothing.

The two girls left, waving "play nice you two"

I turned to Natalie

"So....." I said

"So...." She said

We both laugh kind of awkwardly.

I spotted a lull at the bar, zipped across and back with a beer for me and a double Baileys for Natalie. She took a chug on it greedily.
Whilst Natalie drank, my mind raced - quick you idiot think of something before it gets awkward.

"I like your jacket, it's cool" I fumbled - arghh what the hell was that, of all the things I could have said, I compliment her jacket, what kind of guy is looking at a girls jacket!
Oh no now I'm obsessing on the jacket, keep it together man!

"Thanks I've had it ages" she replied "although I think I might have shrunk it a bit or something"

She looked a bit embarrassed for a moment, then downed her baileys in one and grabbed my hand.

"Come on, I want to dance!" She blurted

She jumped down from the stool and dragged me towards the dance floor. I was towed along behind clutching my beer, with my eyes glued to her stupendous ass. I wanted to just reach out and ......FOCUS MAN you're going to have to at least vaguely dance, you'll need some blood left in your brain to try to coordinate your arms and legs in someway.

Natalie practically barged her way onto the dance floor area in the bar, turned to face me and started to dance to Taylor Swift shake it off. My mind went blank.

Ho-leeee shit!

Natalie's rhythm lives in her hips and ass. That's were the jiggling, wobbling gyrations started, then spread out from.
She swung hers hips, shook her ass and waved her arms over her head.
As she threw her arms up high, her top also rose and reveal an inch of beige spanx bulging over some VERY strained looking grey jeans.

I just kind of stood there gawking, holding my beer and more turned on than I can ever remember. My brain made a valiant attempt to cobble together something that may look like dancing, if you squinted, in the dark and had never seen dancing before. I bobbed up and down watching this fat goddess shake her stuff.

The song ended and the DJ waffled. Natalie was breathless with a slight sheen of sweat on her brow.
"OMG I totally love Taylor Swift " Natalie gushed, then the music kicked in again with the over opinionated DJ announcing 'shut up and dance!'

I'd just put down my empty beer bottle on a nearby table and now I didn't know what to do with my hands. The felt like bananas and bananas that didn't belong to be at that!

"I love this song" shouted Natalie, grabbing my hands and dancing with me. She let go of my hands and I just kind of flailed around, not knowing what to do with my hands without the reassuring heft of a beer in my hand.

Natalie grabbed my hands again and I thought she was just going to keep dancing but she didn't. She pulled me in close, then placed my hands on her 'waist' which was effectively the sides of her belly.
She threw her arms up in the air again and pressed her fat chest into me, grinding up and down.

I was in absolute heaven. My ex, bloated up into a gorgeous fat goddess, drunk and obviously into me, dancing provocatively against me.
My hands travelled down over her substantial love handles, feeling them jiggle slightly but kept firm by the control top Spanx. I reached both hands around, intending to cup her luscious butt cheeks but I ran into a problem.
Her belly and chest protruded so much in front and her ass so far back that I ran out of reach! Her butt was so vast I could only just get my fingers to the sides - another mind blank moment ensued where I mentally checked out for a few seconds.

When I came back to my senses Natalie was looking up at me, lips slightly parted. Oh my god, this was it! What I'd been day dreaming about all week.I leaned in for the kiss.

"Oy nob ed that's my pint!" Shouted a local lout as he lurched into my back, nocking me into Natalie and causing us both to stagger - arghhhh could I please have some luck!

The bouncer charged over, getting involved with the dispute between two blokes over one pint.

The moment was lost between the two of us and things where starting to get a bit rowdy - time to go, plus I had one last ace up my sleeve.

I hustled Natalie
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Profcat 6 years
Really good pls continue
RFBurton 6 years
You have to finish this! It is insanely good!!
Fatrnfatr 7 years
A very fine story. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Jazzman 7 years
Great Story. Kind of wishing He would Grow a Pair! And wishing she would stop lying to everyone Especially herself. I sound impatient But you really write well!,☺
Jazzman 7 years
Have him turn right around and go back to her like a real FA man instead of insecure wimp who is unable to sooth her hurt. Since you asked.
Love the story!
Northern Dude 7 years
I really appreciate all the comments and I'm glad everyone seems to be enjoying the story.
I've drafted out the next couple of chapters but I'm wondering if anyone has any particular thoughts on where things might go? (Don't worry I still have plenty of
Jazzman 7 years
Goodworks you just take your phone and multiply by 14.
I like Stone even as an American because many of the classic authors like Swordfish use it too.
Great Story!
Goodworks 7 years
Great story, I mean it, but why oh why would you use stone? Take some pity on the rest of the world and at least put it in pounds in parenthesis.
ChrisBsmurfin 7 years
Very enjoyable story & well written... looking forward to the nxt part. I like the style it is written in from an F.A./feeders point of view, I also really like the way you keep an air of mystery about Natalie's belly and the fact that she is in denial or
Northern Dude 7 years
Just realised that the end of that chapter 6 has been cut off. I'll sort it out in the next one.

Thanks for all the positive comments guys!
The Donut King 7 years
Great story! Looking forward to the next chapter! smiley
Rustydog7 7 years
Nice story, please keep writing more, I can't wait.
Jazzman 7 years
This is Terrific. I think you wanted to say "hopefully the friends wouldn't stay too long ".
Please keep writing. The premise is realistic and exciting
Leuco 7 years
We need more thx
Northern Dude 7 years
Thanks for the positive comments guys, it really is appreciated.
QuebecFA 7 years
I really love the story and the writing is excellent! I hope you'll continue the story! :-)
RFBurton 7 years
Excellent! Every F.A.-Feeders fantasy coming to life. Now let's see where you take it from here. Great work.
FatAdvocateFA 7 years
Well, jee wizz, good stuff. Distinct voice, brought about by some lucid phrasing of social commentary which made me laugh, sprinkles of subetextual evidence in favor of character traits (good because outright telling is boring), precisely stated
FatAdvocateFA 7 years
description and character reactions to those things described, uniting narrator and reader. Good work. You're in a way obliged to keep going, now smiley
Jktab 7 years
great start more please
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