Moving on, bloating out.

chapter 7 - let's get a kebab

I hustled Natalie away from the dance floor, heading towards the exit. I leant down close to her ear so she could hear me over the ruckus "fancy a kebab?"

Her smile lit up the room.

The fresh air rolled over me as we left revolution. Outside the bar where the usual collection of smokers, e-cigarettes and too drunk people.

We pushed through them, turning left towards Abdul's finest kebabs.
As we walked, Natalie slipped her hand into mine - when had her hands gotten so chubby? It felt plump and soft in my grip, an electric current running up my arm.

Although Natalie was obviously keen to stuff her face she had also apparently reached maximum speed in her drunken state, a light waddle that an old lady could have outpaced.

She huffed and puffed as we walked, her boobs and upper belly wobbling around like a tub of jelly.
Again my mind wandered off - she was just soooo big now, I needed to know how big.

The glowing green and yellow sign of Abdul's came into view, causing Natalie to put on a spurt of speed for an impressive 3 seconds before slowing back down to her inebriated waddle.

"I'm going to have a donner kebab, no wait, chips and a burger, no I really fancy pizza, or maybe chicken mmmmmm" Natalie said, practically drooling with anticipation.
If she was this excited about a takeaway that would add more to the growing file of evidence of how she got so big in such a relatively short time.

I entered first, holding the door open, Natalie entered bashing me to one side with her hip and stomped up to the counter.

She looked at the menu above the heads of the staff.
"Hmmmmm I'll have ........ a donner pizza, chips and mayo, oh a Diet Coke too please" she said sweetly.
The guy behind the counter turned and yelled the order at the top of his impressive baritone voice to his colleague at the pizza oven, then turn back to Natalie, politely saying "that will be 8 pounds 95 pence please lovely lady"
She handed over a 10 pound note and took the proffered can of Diet Coke.

After taking her change she plonked herself down on one of the integrated chair / table units with a grunt.
I ordered myself a cheese burger.

I was kind of surprised at how little food Natalie had ordered. Yes it was a lot, but for a drunken fat girl I'd expected more.

"Daaaaan when is my pizza going to be ready? It's been aaaaages and I'm starving!" Wailed a distraught Natalie.

It had be 2 minutes, that girl was impatient.
She was eyeing up the box of chicken wings sat between the guy and girl on the next table. They'd each picked at 1 wing each and where now getting up to leave.
I glanced at them as they were leaving, the guy pinched his partner's bottom, she playful slapped his hand away but didn't look displeased.

When I looked back at Natalie, she had snatched the remaining box of 4 chicken wings and was devouring them with obvious relish.

Taking a break from the wings, she took a swig from her Coke and then belched like a Wookiee, not seeming to notice before diving back in to finish if the chicken.
Christ it was hot watching her demolish that food. They way she enjoyed every part of eating and seemed oblivious to all else.

My pervy thoughts where interrupted by the baritone voiced man bellowing "LARGE DONNER PIZZA AND CHIPS"

After my eardrums stopped ringing I went up to collect Natalie's order.
My initial assessment of the food situation was proven wrong, the pizza was colossal! It was at least 15 inches across and looked like it had basically had an entire donner kebab dumped on top.
The polystyrene carton of chips was the size of a brick.

I left the chips on the counter and carried the pizza over with both hands, placing it down in front of Natalie. Her eyes practically gleamed with excitement, but then her face fell.

"Hey where are my chips?" She complained.

"They're coming, just give me a second" I replied quickly before she could become upset and break the spell of gluttony she seemed to be under.

I hurried back to the counter grabbed her chips and my burger which had appeared, then hustled back to the cheap plastic table.

Natalie has finished with the wings, casting the box to the floor and started tearing into the pizza like a lion devouring a zebra.

The guy behind the counter looked over with disapproval at the discarded wing box on the floor. I scooped it up and through it into the bin - a superb shot, but when I looked around to received the adulation of the crowd, no one had seen or if they had they didn't care.

Natalie was now alternating between pizza and chips, with the occasional swig of Coke.

The conversation was very nearly completely one side, with me prattling on about the new tesla, the weather, work, basically anything that popped into my semi-drunken mind whilst I watched this goddess in front of me a gorge herself on takeaway.

For her part Natalie just grunted occasionally, which could have been in response to my chatter or just as easily been directed towards the food.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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Profcat 6 years
Really good pls continue
RFBurton 6 years
You have to finish this! It is insanely good!!
Fatrnfatr 7 years
A very fine story. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Jazzman 7 years
Great Story. Kind of wishing He would Grow a Pair! And wishing she would stop lying to everyone Especially herself. I sound impatient But you really write well!,☺
Jazzman 7 years
Have him turn right around and go back to her like a real FA man instead of insecure wimp who is unable to sooth her hurt. Since you asked.
Love the story!
Northern Dude 7 years
I really appreciate all the comments and I'm glad everyone seems to be enjoying the story.
I've drafted out the next couple of chapters but I'm wondering if anyone has any particular thoughts on where things might go? (Don't worry I still have plenty of
Jazzman 7 years
Goodworks you just take your phone and multiply by 14.
I like Stone even as an American because many of the classic authors like Swordfish use it too.
Great Story!
Goodworks 7 years
Great story, I mean it, but why oh why would you use stone? Take some pity on the rest of the world and at least put it in pounds in parenthesis.
ChrisBsmurfin 7 years
Very enjoyable story & well written... looking forward to the nxt part. I like the style it is written in from an F.A./feeders point of view, I also really like the way you keep an air of mystery about Natalie's belly and the fact that she is in denial or
Northern Dude 7 years
Just realised that the end of that chapter 6 has been cut off. I'll sort it out in the next one.

Thanks for all the positive comments guys!
The Donut King 7 years
Great story! Looking forward to the next chapter! smiley
Rustydog7 7 years
Nice story, please keep writing more, I can't wait.
Jazzman 7 years
This is Terrific. I think you wanted to say "hopefully the friends wouldn't stay too long ".
Please keep writing. The premise is realistic and exciting
Leuco 7 years
We need more thx
Northern Dude 7 years
Thanks for the positive comments guys, it really is appreciated.
QuebecFA 7 years
I really love the story and the writing is excellent! I hope you'll continue the story! :-)
RFBurton 7 years
Excellent! Every F.A.-Feeders fantasy coming to life. Now let's see where you take it from here. Great work.
FatAdvocateFA 7 years
Well, jee wizz, good stuff. Distinct voice, brought about by some lucid phrasing of social commentary which made me laugh, sprinkles of subetextual evidence in favor of character traits (good because outright telling is boring), precisely stated
FatAdvocateFA 7 years
description and character reactions to those things described, uniting narrator and reader. Good work. You're in a way obliged to keep going, now smiley
Jktab 7 years
great start more please
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