Moving on, bloating out.

chapter 7 - let's get a kebab (continued)

I nibbled on my burger but wasn't really interested, Natalie was now half way through her pizza and showed no signs of slowing down.

I took another sneaky look down at her belly, which was mostly hidden by the table.
I was confused for a moment by what I saw. There seemed to be a third belly section forming from her upper belly, which made no sense until I realised that it must be the Spanx!

Her belly way becoming so engorged that it was overpowering the specially design control underwear and forcing it down. I had another mind blank moment before my brain reset.

My mouth was dry and I was trembling a bit, this was getting way too erotic for me, especially in public like this.

I dropped my burger back into its polystyrene box and lurched over to the counter to get a can of Coke for myself.

I slurped some down, composed myself whilst pretending to read the wall mounted menu.
I glanced over at Natalie, my position at the counter giving me a side view.
My legs nearly gave way.
Beneath the table her belly bulged out hugely onto her lap, completely filling the space between the underside of the table and the tops of her thighs.
The grey jeans, in conjunction with the Spanx where just about managing the contain her curves. The white top however now looked skin tight.

I leant on the counter for support and turned away trying to catch my breath.
Embarrassingly I caught the eye of the man with the booming voice behind the counter, he winked at me!
I went reeeally red but her just tapped a picture on the wall, saying "my wife", I looked at the picture which showed the man with a huge grin stood next to an equally huge woman.

He cleared his throat and slid a slice of chocolate cake across the counter to me.
Saying, in a surprisingly quiet voice "No charge, for your lovely lady" and winked again.

I returned to the table, just in time to see Natalie finish off my burger. Without breaking her rhythm she paused for a brief moment looking satisfied, then turned her attention back to the pizza.

She huffed and puffed, ooohed and ahhhed at the feast, her eyes gleaming with fulfilled desire.

I quietly placed the chocolate cake on the table, trying to stay unnoticed. Her eyes snapped to the cake and she reached for it greedily dragging it into her circle of devastation.
She didn't immediately began eating it. Just parked it near to herself then continued with the pizza and chips.

My hand was shaking as I lifted my can of Coke to take a sip. This display of gorgeous gluttony was really getting too much for me. The hard on it was inducing was actually painful.
I wanted her right there and then, stuffing her face whilst I stuffed her in a different but equally enjoyable way.

But I couldn't. So I restrained myself and attempted to pull myself together.

"Sooooo Nat how's the pizza" I ventured.

She looked up at me, whipping her mount. "It's sooooooooo good! It's my absolute fave! It's so naughty and yummy" she gushed, before cramming the last slice into her mouth in a very un-ladylike way, a look of bliss spreading across her face.

Natalie picked up the box of chips and tipped it up, scoffing them down into her waiting mouth.

As she did this her phone, which was sat on the table, buzzed with a message.
Instinctively my eyes where drawn to it.
Even upside down, tipsy and horny out of my mind, I could still read the short message from Daniela

'Remember to watch that belly of yours girl! x'

Daniela might as well have sent that message to me. I couldn't take my eyes of Natalie's belly as she leant back tipping the last few fragments of chip into her waiting maw.

She dropped the now empty box to the table and grabbed her Diet Coke to wash down the meal.

She banged the drained can down on the table and leant back in her seat, causing it to creak quite alarmingly and revealing her now massive belly, still just about contained by the skin tight top. She absentmindedly placed her hands on her belly, sighing in satisfaction.

I was in absolute awe of this fat goddess. I quite literally could not speak, all I could do was stare and worship.

Then the moment was broken as Natalie's phone buzzed again, repeating its demand for the message to be read.
Natalie picked up her phone and read the message, it seemed to break whatever spell she had been under and she flushed a deep bright red.

Then she burped.

Now saying that she burped it like saying an atomic bomb releases energy or that a volcano eruption is a natural discharge of tectonic stress.
They are accurate statements but they don't fully convey the drama or magnitude of what is happening.

Natalie burped like Homer Simpson, Barny Gumbal and stegosaurus all at once.
It was loud, very loud and went on for several seconds. Her belly and fat neck juggled and shook the whole time.

When she had finished she looked mortified.

This was another crisis moment and I knew I had to act fast.

I smiled and chuckled "well you definitely enjoyed that pizza and it's just what's called for after drinking, in fact it's practically mandatory. You won't get a hangover tomorrow morning now"

Natalie looked like she was going to say something else and had repositioned herself as best she could, hitching her shirt down over her almost but not quite exposed belly.
"I erm ........ Really? Pizza stops you from getting a hangover" she asked.

Mission accomplished she was distracted.

"Oh yes" I continued "that's why there are so many takeaways near bars, it's always a good idea to have a good meal after a night out"

"I bet that's why Tanya and Daniela are always so hungover, they never get any takeaway with me, they just get a Coke or something. They say it goes straight to my bel....." she cutoff, then continued.
"Anyway they're not here and that was soooooo yummy"

Her eyes drifted to the cake, her phone and the message it contained apparently forgotten.

I scooped up the box of cake, flipping the lid shut.

"Come on let's go, we'll get a taxi before all the ***s start piling out of the clubs.

Natalie looked disappointed to be missing out on the cake.

I swiped a plastic fork from the container on the counter, then went to help Natalie out of her chair, which was easier said than done.

She had definitely swelled somewhat since she had first sat down and it proved a challenge to extract her but with a little critical back damage on my part we managed it.

Looking at her stood their, stuffed to bursting, every item of clothing on her straining and tight, as she attempted in vain to readjust her top and jacket, I nearly lost it again.

Then out of the corner of my eye I saw the orange glowing light of a back cab waiting ready for customers.

"Come on let's grab that cab" I said and grabbed Natalie's hand.

She'd been trying to jam her phone into her jeans pocket but that was never going to happen, they looked sprayed on and there was not a chance in hell that phone was going to fit.
She jammed her phone into her bra which caused me to ogle hers magnificently fattened breasts for a moment.
She looked up and caught my eye, smiling slyly, she knew exactly what she was doing and had caught me looking. I blushed but continued to hustle her towards the door and the waiting cab.
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