Moving on, bloating out.

chapter 8 - taxi ride

I waved to the cabby and he nodded. I walked over leaving Natalie behind so that I could get the cab door.
It swung open on its reverse hinged suicide doors and I stood back, gesturing like a chauffeur for Natalie to enter.

She laughed and stepped into the cab, stooping over. This caused her to thrust out her ass behind her and I kid you not - it filled the cab doorway completely. For a moment I thought there might be an issue but she swung round relatively gracefully considering how much she'd had to drink and the sheer bulk that she was manoeuvring. As she sat down with a bump the whole cab sank down on its suspension briefly and groaned before recovering.

I hopped in slamming the door behind me. I leant forward to the driver "the wholesworth building, Devon road please."

As the cab indicated and started to pull out into traffic I sat down on the bench seat next to Natalie.

Now the bench seat of the mighty black cab is designed to take 3 occupants. I'm sure it goes without saying that Natalie commanded more than her fair share of space on the seat, but hey I wasn't going to complain one bit!

As I sat down my thigh brushed against Natalie's and that jolt of electricity shot through me again. I heard Natalie's breath catch in her throat.

I squeezed myself in next to her, then angled myself slightly towards her so we could talk, it also broke our body contact and the electric feeling faded.

Looking at her sat there in the dimness of the cab I was breathless.

In the bar she was stood up.
In the takeaway she was partially obscured by the table.
Now there was nothing to hide behind.
Her belly looked enormous and bloated and fat and sexy as hell.
Her boobs sat on top of it, big and lush looking but over shadowed by the immensely stuffed gut.
I wanted to reach out and rub it, kiss it all over, feel it's ....... a handbag appeared and cut off my view, the sides of her jacket pulled round to obscure her sexy mound of fat. DAMN IT!

Ok ok ok pull yourself together again, yes she is sat right there, all fat and sexy. But she's also drunk and still insecure about that sexy sexy belly, all stuffed ..... - CONCENTRATE MAN!

"I wonder how Tanya and Daniela are getting in with their gym boys?" Asked Natalie.

"I'm sure they're having a great time but there is no way they are having as much fun as us" I said smiling - go for it man, DO IT!

I placed my hand on Natalie's thick luscious thigh and it was like someone had reconnected the live wire between both of us. There was a sharp intake of breath from Natalie and she got a lusty look in her eyes, I leant in to kiss her.

"Right mate that'll be seven twenty" chirped the taxi driver as we lurched to a halt.

aaaaand composed again.

"Here you go, keep the change" I said thrusting a 10 pound note at the cabby.

I looked back at Natalie who was looking flustered and breathing heavily.

I exited the taxi first, Natalie following behind. Her exit wasn't quite as graceful as her entrance and she stumbled forwards pile driving me into the wall of her building, the unstoppable force of her belly meeting the immovable object of the wholesworth building. I just happened to be sandwiched between the two on the verge of dying happy.

Regrettably Natalie pushed herself off me and my moment of near death nirvana ended.

"Thanks for seeing me home Dan. Erm do you want to maybe come in for a coffee or a drink or a tea or erm something" she rambled. - of course I did!

"Yeh that would be great way to finish off a great evening" I replied.

She smiled in relief.

We walked up the path to her building, hand in hand.

She swiped at the access pad with her key fob a few times before realising she was actually using a wrapped sweet that had become entangled in her key ring.
Muttering to herself she managed to swipe the fob and the door lock clicked open.

I followed Natalie up the stairs to her apartment on the second floor.
As she hauled herself up the stairs her ass swung from side to side, bumping one wall then the other. If we'd met anyone coming down the stairs there was no way they would be able to pass.
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