Pantyhose piggy, trapped in rubber.

chapter 3

"Aww is that jelly belly of yours getting in the way, can't you get off on your own. Does piggy need to use the sink"

The master laughed at his struggling piggy, trying to reach his hard dick.

"Come here porky, I'll lift that huge blubber gut for you"

The pig walked over to his master, and got ready.

"Jesus fat boy, what a weight this big thing is. Your one big butter ball" said his master, lifting his belly. His master grunted while lifting it.
The weight and softness of his fat boys belly drove him wild, his fingers sunk in to the blubber belly.

"Come on tubby get going, I can't hold up this pork belly all day"

His pig blushed as he stood there getting his belly lifted, then reached down grabbing his little dick. Then started pumping it.

"Ohhh yeah, I can't feel all this blubber jiggle in my hands, pump harder piggy, get this belly wobbling" the pig tried the best he could, but it was still awkward as there was still so much fat in the way.

"Come on jelly belly, you can do better than that. Look at you needing someone to hold up your gut while you get off. What are you?" Said his master. The pigs hand started to go faster at his masters words.

"Ohhh ohhh I.....I'm...... A big helpless fatty with a huge jelly belly, who.... Who can't get of unless my belly is being lifted" he muttered between breaths. He was about cumming.

"Yes you are you big porker, your the biggest porker I've ever seen. I mean look at you, aren't you ashamed of being such a flabby fatty, most people would be hehe" the pig could only moan, getting closer and closer to the only thing he wanted to do.

"What must people think when they see you, that big jiggly belly hanging out of your tshirts, big, white and pale. Bare for the world to see" he kissed his pigs belly.

The fatty was lost in the moment, pumping his little willy. He felt the feeling build and build, he was getting nearer. His master saw this and then done something cruel. He dropped the boys big belly. The falling pile of fat pushed his arm away, making his hand slip of his dick.

"Huh?" He said, looking confused and disappointed. He was nearly there.

"You were taking too long, as I said, I can't hold up that pork belly all day."


"Yeah you have got a butt, a big fat jiggly one. But what does that have to do with anything. I thought you were wanting to cum. I guess not" he said looking into his frustrated lights eyes.

"Anyway piggy, were going out soon. I called a friend an hour ago to set some stuff up. So lets get you dressed"

He lead his horney pig into his clothing room. It was a room filled with piles of kinky clothing. Lycra, rubber, nylon, tight clothes, dresses, see through dresses and stacks of new pantyhose in boxes.

"So I'm thinking slutty heheh, what do you think fatso?"

"Slutty master, make me look like a big fat slut"

"Do you want your jelly belly to show?"

"Yes master, I want my jelly belly to be bare" said the piggy

"Jeez I said hanging out a little bit, not completely bare"

"I didnt mea....." Said the piggy panicking

"Well piggy I'm sure we can find something to show of your whole belly" the master cut in. He started to look around at the clothes, then he spotted something.

"Ahhh how about this" he held up a spandex top, it was a woman's workout top, that just covered there breasts.

"This will look great on you fat boy, it'll show of your entire jelly belly. What do you think, do you want to wear this?"

"Yes it looks perfect master, I can't wait to show of my fat belly" said the piggy. He hated having a little bit of fat showing in public, but his whole belly. He got a warm fuzzy feeling through his body.

"Haha I imagine you'll get alot of attention at my friends place wearing that. A word of warning, he gets a bit handsy around a fat belly. Especially around a big bare defenceless one" his master winked at him.

"Now, what are you going to wear on those big lardy hams you walk with, somehow haha, I'm thinking pantyhose, with some sort of Lycra sports shorts. It will go with your top" said the master hunting around for shorts.

"But I ..... I can't be seen like that, this is so humiliating" thought the pig.

"Found some, these look nice and tight. They will make you look even fatter. Now get to it pig, get this stuff on. Come out when you are ready"

The piggy took about ten minutes struggling to get into the clothes, everything was so tight. Once he got it all on he looked in the Mirror on the wall. He looked obese, his belly looked huge and blubbery. A gigantic mound of white jiggly fat that stuck out miles in front of him.
He couldn't stop staring, his dick spring into life again, he was so turned on by his big belly.

"Why do I love thing pile of blubber so much. I know I shouldn't want to be this fat, I should be disgusted by myself. But I feel so sexy with this blubber belly growing on me, I want to get it even fatter." He thought while his hands roamed the huge area of his soft belly.

"You ready yet fat boy?" His master shouted, breaking his trail of thought. He composed himself then headed out.

"My god. Look at you. You big sexy butterball, you look so fat in that. I think I picked well today, you'll be wearing that more often" he stared at the big piggy in front of him. Dressed in pantyhose, Lycra shorts and a Lycra bra with his huge bare belly hanging over the shorts. It looked defenceless.

"Do you like it fatty?"

"Yes master, I love it"

"What do you love about it"

"I love how fat it makes me feel, how my belly jiggle freely when I walk. I love how my fat legs look in the pantyhose. I love how the Lycra feels on my boobs and I love how I can't hide my belly, how eveyone will see it" he again got lost in the moment and never thought about what he said. The master took everything literally.

"Ohhh I was going to give you your normal clothes until we got to my friends. But if you want everyone to see your belly then it's fine by me hehe. Your one brave fatty, wanting to be seen like this." His master said, he loved taking everything the piggy says and twisting it.

"The only thing is I can't find my car keys, so we will be walking"

His pig guys heart sunk lower than its ever been, getting seen in public like this. He didnt know if he could take the embarrassment, being out there getting looked at by strangers judging him. Wondering why there was a huge cross dressing fatty walking about with his blubber belly hanging out. He could imagine the things that would be said and shouted. They wouldn't be nice. They would comment on how his belly jiggles when he walked, how deep his naval is, how anyone could walk about dressed like that with his body. This and more kept going through his mind, not knowing things would get worse once they were at his masters friends place.
His masters phone started to ring, he answered it.

"Hey man is that you in, cool well get heading the now" he said smiling at his terrified looking piggy.

"Yeah yeah, ohh he looks great, you'll love it. He's being brave and walking to your place dressed like this. No I'm not sending you a pic, it would ruin the surprise haha. Yeah haha. See you soon." He said the pig could only hear one half of the conversation.

"Right, just need to grab a few things then were off. Ok jelly belly"

"Yes master" replied the pig, thankfully for the extra few minutes it will take his master to grab a few things. The master walked over to the fat boy and grabbed both of his fat boobs.

"Now that's done, lets get going jelly belly" and grabbed the bottom hang of the pigs belly and headed towards the door. Not giving the fat boy a chance to refuse or try to get out of what was going to happen.

12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 7 years
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Potbellysissy 7 years
Hey, I ran out of letters in the 10th chapter, that's how it ends abruptly. I'll put the bit that couldn't fit into the next chapter.
Potbellysissy 7 years
Hey thanks for the comments, I'm glad your enjoying the story. I've had to break up chapter 4 so it will continue in chapter 5. I reached the max amount of words.
I hope you are all well.
Angerday 7 years
Perfect story - big fat sub edged, trapped in rubber and fed over and over - so hot! Thank you!
DikkeGert 7 years
I LOVE your stories about public fat shaming and humiliation. special the flash backs about piggy's youth.
Fatlilboy 7 years
You're so want you!!