New beginnings

chapter 8

doctor Jason had been watching Ian since he arrived in the office that morning. He'd seen his binge breakfast. Wow! He was turned on by that! He knew he would be hungry again at lunchtime, so he decided to ask him out for a business lunch.
He said he had some marketing ideas for the business. Things were so slow recently, a little advertising might do the trick.
Of course, the 'business' part of the lunch did not exist. It was all a rouse to get Ian in the restaurant.
Ian seemed preoccupied with something. Jason suspected he was hungry. He watched with glee as Ian wolfed down a large starter of garlic mushrooms with lots of butter. Good boy! The large plate of battered fish, chips and peas went down the same way, although he did slow down considerably near the end. He ate messily and mercilessly. Speed was essential, not manners.
Jason watched him as he sat back, with an empty plate. Ian unconsciously ran his hands over his tight belly and let out a large belch. He looked ready for dessert.
The dessert was a generous portion of syrup sponge and custard. Ian ate more slowly as there was not much room left in his belly, but he still pushed huge spoonfuls into his open mouth. It was not in his mouth long enough for him to chew and savour the flavour. Ian was going to be one of Jason's triumphs!

Ian did not know what had come over him! He started feeling guilty in the limo, after the meal. How could he have eaten so much! As he made his way to his desk he felt so bloated, so full! Sitting down made his trousers uncomfortably tight. He loosened his belt off a second notch and moaned. What was he doing to himself? No one liked a glutton, but that was exactly what he was, a greedy stuffed pig! He would have to live on starvation rations all weekend now. His plans for the whole weekend evaporated when he realised he was going to have to spend most of it in the gym.
He couldn't be bothered with work. It was Friday afternoon. Everyone was winding down for the weekend. There wasn't much work to be done. He could catch up easily on Monday, he told himself. He turned on to the internet and found a game that he could play online and keep him occupied for the few hours left.
He angled his screen so that his boss could not see what he was doing. It had to look like he was working.

He was not to know that Jason saw it all on his hidden cameras.

Late afternoon, Jason thought that his willpower may be getting stronger again. He doubted he would be hungry, but he wanted to send him home feeling as full as he'd been after lunch.
He sent Joyce in from the secretarial pool with cake for him. She was under his spell. She would do anything for his boss that he wanted her to do.

Joyce took two large slices of thick dark chocolate cake to reception. She said they were left over from Catherine's birthday. It would be such a waste to throw it out because it was so delicious!

Jason watched Ian as he tried to ignore the cake as he played his game. He watched him as he picked up some crumbs of cake from the plate when he got through to the next level on his game. He watched him as he looked at the cake and turned away, debating to himself. Determined not to give in, yet being tempted at the same time. There was only half an hour to go before home time. Then suddenly, Ian picked up the cake and rammed it into his mouth! He was not taking delicate bites, he was trying to push the whole thing into his mouth at once.
After eating both slices of cake like a crazed madman, he had chocolate crumbs and chocolate buttercream everywhere.
Jason smiled as Ian walked over to the water cooler to wash down his cake. That was exactly what he wanted. Ian would start to get hungry again on his way home. The results could only be good! He hoped to be able to see the evidence on Monday.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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Balloon 7 years
This is going to be wonderful