Blind date with a feeder

Chapter 6 - our lives will never be the same again

She shifts her weight off me, hugging me hard as she does. For the first time ever, I feel so secure, so cared for, so loved. I start weeping with joy. Knowing what we both want, I look into her light brown eyes, and her pupils pulse in the candlelight. I kiss her as she shifts beneath me, and soon, I am on top of her, my weight pushing her into the couch cushions.

"Oh god, you're so heavy! What a delicious body you have!" she shrieks loudly, grabbing at my love handles as we kiss again. I shift myself up some, and now my heavy soft moobs are dangling in her face, swinging about vigorously. She stretches her neck, kissing, sucking and nibbling upon them wildly, all the while making gleeful noises of joy.

Both her hands are moving across my belly now, and they lift it to grab hold of me, one hand on my shaft and the other lost in the soft sweaty flesh between my thighs as I writhe in pleasure atop her. She kisses my neck and moans into my ear.

She reaches down and skillfully guides my aching shaft into her love grotto. Before I know it, I am inside of her and moving up and down upon her as her moist hot mouth returns to my large pendulous breasts, sucking one and then the other. Her hands grab my love handles, pulling me deep between her legs. Her hands are back on top of my belly, and her thighs wrap around my fat body, squeezing me hard.

"Oh my," I moan excitedly.

"How fat I'm going to make you!"

I am moving rhythmically atop her, in and out of her. I feel my belly slapping against her voluptuous body, but then, I can no longer hold the weight up off her, and I plop my body's full weight on top of her. She moans again, not from pain but from the pleasure of my bulk upon her.

"I never imagined that I would ever find a sexy fatty like you," she slobbers her words into my soft man-boobs. "This is everything I ever thought it would be." I feel her shudder and cry with tears of joy.

"For me too," I say, breathing hard now, feeling a bit winded from all this activity.

Soon, she wiggles about and struggles out from beneath me. She pushes me over onto my back and rolls over on top of me. She pushes my belly upwards, driving my manhood right into the source of all that juice and sexual energy between her legs. We follow each other's sensual movements, like we are performing a ballet. We are in synch, and she is devouring my manhood between her legs, as my mouth now licks and sucks her beautiful pert breasts, so soft and tender and yummy.

We reach a peak of erotic excitement at exactly the same moment, both screaming and shuddering as we look into each other's eyes, so deep in there that I feel she can see the center of my soul and I can see hers. She pulls me up to my feet and pushes me ploddingly toward the bedroom, and we plop onto my bed. Our bodies are spent in every way, and we are still breathing hard as we fall asleep in each other's arms.

When we awaken, the warmth of the rising sun is on our faces.

I look over at her, and I know my life will never be the same again. I start to speak, but she pushes a finger to my lips to silence me.

Nancy looks at me with adoration and gives me a big sloppy kiss. With a gleam in her eye, she then asks, "How about I fix you a little breakfast in bed, my big hunky lover?"

Yes, my life will never be the same, and neither will hers. And I know I'm never fitting back into those jeans again.

The End (?)
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Td0057 4 years
Very well written! Great descriptions and a good story to go along with them. Like your stories very much. Thanks for this.
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
As always, otherland78, you keep me inspired and writing these stories! Thanks.
FrecherTyp 8 years
so lovely i would love to have such a blind date tonight ;-) ^^

a really lovely and well expressed fantasy ^^ and i allways love your love in the stories smiley
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
That means so much to me Jesse! Thanks.
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
Thanks, JesseDoll! I will continue with the rest of the story soon.
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
Thanks, Otherland! I always love your comments.
FrecherTyp 8 years
oh hehe this is a sexy and interesting start ;-)

i really hope for more ;-)