To serve man

Chapter 7 - the boyfriend

I pulled up on the road outside his house, only to see a vehicle that didn't belong to him in the driveway. It was big, almost like an ambulance with wide doors on the back of it. Already suspicious of the strange van, my fear peaked when I saw a large Kanamit step out of the driver seat.

My heart started pounding, more than usual at least, as I began freaking out. I gripped the steering wheel hard as a cold sweat started to break out across my body. I knew it would be safer just staying in the car, but my nervous curiosity forced me to investigate. I'd never forgive myself if I just gave up there and didn't see what they were doing in Rudy's house. So, in an act of pure stupidity, I left the safety of my car and shuffled my flabby form up the driveway to the side of the house, thighs chaffing the entire way.

I crept up to the window by the front, crouching down as much as my knees would let me to avoid being seen. The house was a mess, far different from the tidy aesthetic that once dominated the place. Potted plants were dried and withered, having gone without care for some time. Takeout boxes were sprawled across the floor, couch, and coffee table. Dust had accumulated on every available surface. Clothing of various sizes thrown about carelessly. It was like looking into an alternative universe, but I knew it was real because my apartment looked exactly the same.

I made my way around, figuring that if he wasn't on the couch in his current condition, then he was probably in the bedroom. Each step was a strain on my muscles. Just standing still was an extreme burden on my body as a whole. I knew that if they spotted me, I'd have no hope of escaping. I could probably speed waddle a couple of yards before collapsing in a heap of my own adipose, lungs screaming for air like I smoked two packs of cigarettes before running a marathon. I clearly wasn't in the best shape for spy work.

I made it to the back deck, giving me a clear view of the bedroom from the window. My bulbous belly stuck out so far that it squished into the siding when I tried to look inside, keeping my face a good distance away from the wall. I must've looked ridiculous with my gigantic bare ass sticking out behind me as I leaned forward against my gut. Luckily the backyard was pretty secluded from view, thanks to some well placed trees and hedges that were now wildly overgrown. I remember all the nights we used to spend out here, laying out under the starlight in the grass. Him in a pair of boxers, showing off his well-sculpted muscles and me in a sultry negligee, that I would often remove if the ground was wet, allowing the dewy mist to dampen my smooth skin as I exposed myself to the beauty of the natural world. What I'd give to go back to those days. To be the me I was back then. Back when life was good.

But now I could see that things would never return to how they were. Looking in the window I saw what I could only imagine was Rudy. He didn't look like the Rudy I remembered. He was a true bear of a man; hairy and monstrous in size. The buzz cut he held over from his time in the military had grown out into a flowing mane of greasy black hair. His skin, once a brilliant bronze, had turned sheet white; clearly no longer taking the time to sunbathe and tan like he once had. His goatee had sprouted into a full-grown beard, long and shaggy with specks of crumbs and sauce tangled throughout it. He once kept his body as well-manicured as his lawn, but seeing the insane amount of overgrown in the backyard made his equally overgrown body no surprise.

The main shock came from the fact that despite how big I had gotten in this time, he had grown even bigger, though not by much to my own dismay. His bulky body filled up every inch of the queen-sized bed we once shared. His barrel chest now came equipped with massive man boobs, sagging almost as much as mine did. Though where my body was more soft and jiggly, his was stretched and packed. His tank of a gut rose heavy in the air and sank heavy across his stocky legs, his manhood covered just like my womanhood was. The thought of the two of us trying to have sex at our current sizes disturbed me. We got too fat to f*ck.

The Kanamits surrounded him. There was five of them crowded into the room, their heads coming close to grazing the ceiling. It was now that I realized there was a machine by the side of Rudy's bed with a tube going into his mouth. He looked sedated, like he'd been drugged. Maybe he did try to fight back against the fattening of the world, but they wouldn't let him. The machine was cut off and the tube removed from his mouth. A strange paste dripping out the end of it made it clear to me that it was, in fact, a feeding machine. The Kanamits had been force feeding him for who knows how long.

My mouth stood agape, watching as they used their technology to remove the walls from the room and lift the bed into the air. They were taking him away. A sense of dread came over me as I thought that they must be taking him back to their ship to eat him. The dread grew stronger when I realized I wasn't a whole lot smaller than he was. I could barely leave my bed this morning. None of my clothes, despite how large they were, would fit me. Getting in and out of doors was a strategic battle at this point. And even now, despite the horrors I was witnessing, despite having all my paranoid fears validated, I still felt a rumbling in my stomach.

They walked him out to the van and I began to panic even more, knowing that not only was his fate sealed, but that mine probably was as well. He was my best hope and now that hope was gone. I needed to get out of there. I needed to tell everyone. Shout it from the rooftops if I had to. I was going to save humanity if it was the last thing I did. Yet my feelings of resolve were short lived, as I turned around to see a Kanamit standing right in front of me.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Precious dark story. I always loved that Twilight Zone episode. The ending where he can’t stop himself from eating is pure feeder gold. As is your story.
Storyhub88 3 years
Good ol' twilight zone! Probably one of my all time favourite shows.
Waxer 6 years
Ha! I was just rereading this and noticed what the name of the latest chapter was, soild Dr Strangelove reference .
That Guy Fro... 6 years
What happened to the father?
Chrysophase2003 6 years
Awesome! Immobility, drugged stupid, made completely helpless, and quite possibly this happening on a global scale. Will we see if her fears were founded?
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Absolutely delightful!
JonJones 7 years
This is very good. Good grammar and punctuation, wonderful descriptions, and best of all a unique and entertaining plot. Please continue this.
Incubi 7 years
Love your take on this classic story
CrispyCracker 7 years
Girlcrisis 7 years
This is so great.
Fatlilboy 7 years
and to think - it all started with The Twilight Zone. Loved that episode
Nok 7 years
Awesome start. Love the descriptions and the story set up.