Anniversary dinner

Chapter 4 - salad

As the large bowl was pulled closer and the other dishes stacked out of the way, Dennis groaned. Already the skin of his belly was feeling tight with fullness. How could he possibly fit any more in there?

"Awww, are you feeling a little uncomfortable, honey?" Kimberly asked with a false sympathy. "Lets see if we can make you feel better." Plucking a slice of cucumber from the bowl, she rose to her feet and moved behind her husband, her arms draping down his shoulders. "But first you have to take a bite."

Dennis groaned again as he felt the cool moisture of the cucumber pressing insistently against his bottom lip. "Are you trying to-" He began, the words cut off and the entire slice was slid into his mouth. He heard Kimberly giggle as her hands began to slide down his chest to his full stomach.

A sharp bitterness competed for his attention against his wife's wandering fingers as he chewed the vegetable. It was a sharp contrast to the mellow flavor of the cucumber, but distraction kept him from identifying it. Just as he felt on the cusp of understanding, he felt his shirt roughly pulled upward and whisked completely off of his body.

"Oh just look at that adorable little belly bump you're developing!" Kimberly exclaimed, her hands returning to his front. One fingernail began to scrape lightly across his chest while her other hand gently caressed his stomach.

"What?" Dennis asked in surprise. He looked down and saw that his normally tight abs were indeed hidden beneath the swollen roundness of his belly. "Goodness! I really am stuffed full!"

"Not yet you're not, big boy." Kimberly whispered into his ear as she began nibbling on his earlobe. Her fingers crawled down his body until they reached the waistband of his pants, deftly undoing the single button and pushing down the zipper tab.

Dennis groaned happily at the attention, his hands gripping the spindles even tighter to prevent him from tearing the napkins and ending the game prematurely. A lusty sigh filled his nibbled ear as his wife's hand disappeared into his pants and he held his breath in anticipation, but she continued to tease him, touching only the part of his stomach concealed by the material. "Crafty little minx." He growled playfully at her, earning a kiss on the cheek.

"You know you can't have dessert before you finish your dinner." She admonished him, her tone indicating she meant more than just food. Her hand continued to rub soothingly at his stomach while she plucked up a piece of lettuce with the other.

Dennis opened his mouth but Kimberly was not finished teasing him. The ruffled edge of the lettuce tickled his bottom lip before it was slowly dragged down his chin and throat before reversing its path. When the bit of lettuce was finally allowed to enter his mouth, Kimberly leaned forward, her tongue following its path and making Dennis swallow loudly. His arousal grew further, straining against his trousers. He barely noticed the lingering bitterness on his tongue.

Using a fork, Kimberly next speared half of a tiny tomato that tasted sweet as Dennis bit into it, the slick juice washing away the sour in his mouth. He barely noticed the following bites as his wife's fingers and mouth teased him, her teeth grazing his throat while her nails scratched lightly across his growing stomach. When he had been fed the last mouthful of his salad, he felt Kimberly's head rest on his shoulder while both of her arms reached down to gently cradle the bulge of his belly.

Dennis moaned with delight at her attention, finding her stroking soothing as well as arousing. He lifted his hips as he felt her pushing down his pants, but she still had to move around in front of him to pull them down completely. With the last of his clothing pooled at his ankles, Dennis felt a strange mixture of exhilaration and comfort at his exposure outside of the safety of his bedroom.

"I hope you're ready for the main course." Kimberly said with a playful grin. "It's your favorite." From the look in his wife's eyes as they traveled along his naked body, he wondered if her main course was to be him.
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Akwolfgrl13 7 years
I loved it!!!!
Built4com4t 8 years
brilliantly done and you handled the intimacy perfectly...a pleasure to read.
Hurgon 8 years
Dessert was exquisite. I do hope you'll continue the story: love the characters, and your descriptive writing is divinely vivid.
Teralina 8 years
And FINALLY done! Enjoy!
Ccwolf60 8 years
Very nice smiley
Teralina 8 years
Dessert IS coming! I promise! LOL I'm almost done, but distractions keep getting in my way!

Thank you for the compliments on it so far!
Hurgon 8 years
Great addition!
Teralina 8 years
Thank you all for the wonderful comments smiley Working on the next chapter now! I'll try to get it out asap!
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
I have to agree with Built4com4t! Love chapter 4, and what a beautiful cliffhanger.
Built4com4t 8 years
chapter four is a gem...keep it up
Teralina 8 years
LOL Thank you so much both of you. Working on getting the next chapter done as soon as I can.
I'm glad you all like it so far. smiley
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
What a delightful tease you are. Much like your FFA character!
Hurgon 8 years
...Particularly love the little touches: Kimberley's nail-clicking and lid-lifting, Dennis's watering mouth and rolling of potato cubes. Superbly convey her sultry, teasing nature and his hunger for her delicious cooking. Bravo!
Hurgon 8 years
"Oh, you really liked that, didn't you."

Sure did! Smooth flow, style as fresh as that asparagus, natural dialogue, and mouthwatering interplay between them...
Teralina 8 years
Thank you so much. smiley
I hope the finished story does not disappoint!
Built4com4t 8 years
LOVE IT...nicely done. i am looking forward to your additions