Anniversary dinner

Chapter 5 - main course

Dennis groaned as the aroma of slow-roasted meat rose to his nose along a plume of steam. His wife smiled at him as she exposed high-piled plate, filled with thick slices of roast and gravy. Large chunks of potato, carrots and celery filled the rest of the plate. His belly gurgled in protest even as his mouth began to fill with saliva.

"Aww," Kimberly cooed, both of her hands descending to his distended gut and rubbing gently. "Is my poor baby feeling a little full? Maybe you just need something to drink." One hand still resting against his stomach, fingers trailing ticklishly across his stretched skin, Kimberly reached across the table for a wine glass.

Dennis smiled as he watched his wife pour the burgundy liquid into his glass and swirl it lightly. "You know, that's a good idea. Maybe a sip or two of wine will help settle my belly a little." The smile shifted slightly to a playful grin. "Give me an hour or so and maybe I'll be ready to try some of your- mph!" His words were cut off as the glass was brought to his lips and tipped, pouring the wine into his open mouth.

He swallowed as quickly as he could, but still some of it dribbled down his chin to be soaked up by his shirt. As soon as it was emptied, it was pulled away only long enough to be refilled and replaced at his mouth. Kimberly's fingers sank slightly into the soft skin of his belly in order to grab a handful of flesh and squeeze playfully. Her fingers began to knead the soft skin like bread dough, drawing a groan from Dennis as he swallowed the last mouthful of his wine.

"Do you feel a little better now, dear?" She asked him sweetly, returning the empty glass to the table so that both of her hands could move back to his stomach. "Or would you like another glass?"
Dennis belched loudly and groaned again. He was already beginning to feel the intoxication of the hastily drunken wine, and his stomach felt terribly full. The skin of his gut was stretched more than he thought possible, but the feeling of his wife's soft hands was quite pleasurable and he was enjoying her taking charge of his meal. He closed his eyes and took a slow, deep breath before letting it out in a single fast exhale. "Yes, I think I-"

"Oh good!" Kimberly cut him off again, popping a large chunk of potato into his open mouth. "You're ready for your roast now!"

Dennis dutifully chewed the wedge of potato. It mashed easily between his teeth, only the barest hint of firmness to offer resistance before giving way. The chunk of meat he was offered next was equally tender and succulent. He closed his eyes as he savored the delicious flavor, wanting more despite his extra-full stomach.

The next forkful left a drop of juice running down his chin. By habit he tried to raise his hand to wipe it away, but the soft sound of tearing paper froze the action. Kimberly smirked knowingly and lightly tapped the flat of the fork against the tip of his nose. "Naughty boy," she said in a husky growl. "So I need to punish you further?" Without waiting for his answer, she leaned forward and slid her tongue along the line of the greasy droplet, eliciting a low moan from her husband.

"Mmmm, no dear, I'm not sure how much more 'punishment' I can already take." Dennis chuckled and turned his head slightly to steal a kiss from his amused wife.

"Oh, just you wait until desert." She purred, stuffing another forkful of food into his mouth. She gave him no further time to speak, keeping his mouth full every time he opened it. Her free hand continued to explore his plumping body, nails trailing teasingly down his stomach and across his thighs, sending pleasant shivers through him.

As wonderful as the food and her attention felt, however, Dennis felt as if he were on the verge of exploding. He had never eaten so much in one sitting before, and it seemed to be never ending. Every morsel was as delicious, but he was sure his stomach was going to burst like an over-filled balloon if he had much more. Just as he was about to say that he'd finally had enough, he heard the fork clang against an empty plate and dared to open his eyes. He was surprised to find that he'd managed to finish it all.

As his eyes wandered further along the table, he was amazed at the scattering of empty dishes. It was small wonder he felt so full, he thought to himself. She'd made an absolute pig out of him. And apparently there was still more to come!

Kimberly stood up and moved to stand behind her husband, leaning against his shoulders as her arms draped down across his chest. "You have a few minutes to rest while I go prepare your desert." She said before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I think you'll like it."

Dennis let out a low groan as he watched her walk into the kitchen, the sound a mingling of lust and dread. He wasn't sure which feeling he was more concerned about. All he knew was that he looked forward to his wife's return, but also worried about what she could possibly have planned. Looking down at his swollen abdomen, he sighed and wished he could rub his own stomach. "Better digest that meal fast." He said softly to his large gut. "We don't have much time before she gets back with dessert."
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Akwolfgrl13 7 years
I loved it!!!!
Built4com4t 8 years
brilliantly done and you handled the intimacy perfectly...a pleasure to read.
Hurgon 8 years
Dessert was exquisite. I do hope you'll continue the story: love the characters, and your descriptive writing is divinely vivid.
Teralina 8 years
And FINALLY done! Enjoy!
Ccwolf60 8 years
Very nice smiley
Teralina 8 years
Dessert IS coming! I promise! LOL I'm almost done, but distractions keep getting in my way!

Thank you for the compliments on it so far!
Hurgon 8 years
Great addition!
Teralina 8 years
Thank you all for the wonderful comments smiley Working on the next chapter now! I'll try to get it out asap!
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
I have to agree with Built4com4t! Love chapter 4, and what a beautiful cliffhanger.
Built4com4t 8 years
chapter four is a gem...keep it up
Teralina 8 years
LOL Thank you so much both of you. Working on getting the next chapter done as soon as I can.
I'm glad you all like it so far. smiley
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
What a delightful tease you are. Much like your FFA character!
Hurgon 8 years
...Particularly love the little touches: Kimberley's nail-clicking and lid-lifting, Dennis's watering mouth and rolling of potato cubes. Superbly convey her sultry, teasing nature and his hunger for her delicious cooking. Bravo!
Hurgon 8 years
"Oh, you really liked that, didn't you."

Sure did! Smooth flow, style as fresh as that asparagus, natural dialogue, and mouthwatering interplay between them...
Teralina 8 years
Thank you so much. smiley
I hope the finished story does not disappoint!
Built4com4t 8 years
LOVE IT...nicely done. i am looking forward to your additions