Fat kitten

chapter 15

Katie's POV

My mother was such a bitch. I wanted her to pay. Sure I loved the weight on me but watching her swell into a fat heifer was even better. She was almost the same weight as me now, and that was a surprise seeing as in the past 2 months i gained at least 100lbs. I weighed 305lbs and was loving it. I would eat all day usually in front of my mother who was either hooked up to the feeding machine or being fucked by Ryan. She had become quiet. Her eyes drooped and her shoulders sagged. She she hardly responded when spoken to usually in short moans that indicated if she was in distress. These were usually ignored. She was almost stuck in the chair. The last time she got up to weigh was when she was at 200lbs. She now weighed somewhere around 280 and her belly and love handles had made it nearly impossible for her to remove herself from the chair.
It was a Sunday morning and I rolled over in bed feeling Silas arm wrapped tightly around my growing midsection. I was hungry. I snuggled in closer to him placing my nose on his and began to whimper. He slowly opened his eyes and grinned at me. Yawning he turned to the clock which read 9:30. "Good morning kitten. Are you hungry??" She giggled and heaved herself as fast as her wobbling heavy body would go. He laughed and said, "we will use the machine today. Ryan and your mother have gone clothes shopping. Maybe later on we can go to the beach. Does that sound good little pig?" I nodded. I tried to set myself in the feeding chair but found my backside to large. I shoved and wiggled and pushed and finally managed to shove my body down far enough to be sitting properly. The poor chair gave a grown. I giggled. Does strapped me in and flipped the machine onto high. I moaned and closed my eyes loving the way it filled me up my tummy pushed out over my thighs my chest shoving up and over my bra. All of the sudden I felt a jolt and my ass hit the ground. My whole body wobbled on impact and I turned red my eyes snapped open. But Silas was staring at my belly and his morning boner had gotten bigger. He knelt down and began rubbing my belly. It pushed my legs out on the floor in front of me and if my ass hasn't been halfway supporting me I would have fallen on my back. He kissed my belly and smiled. We were happy.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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Secretfantasies 7 years
Spoobutt you're absolutely right. I think I screwed up at the begining of the story. Katy was meant to be a lot shorter so that her weight made her look wider and heavier near the end. I'll do my best to edit and make some changes.
Secretfantasies 7 years
Sorry guys I accedentally deleted chapter 15! It'll be back up soon!
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
This is delicious! Nicely done.
Akwolfgrl13 7 years
I can tell this is going to be amazing!!!!!
Akwolfgrl13 7 years
I can tell this is going to be amazing!!!!!
Wisconfa 7 years
Great writing ! Please continue
Nok 7 years
Great writing and set up, and very cute personality development.