
Chapter 2

She knew that it was not easy to do such a thing but she couldn’t wait any longer and so she said directly “Okay I think we simply start this! I lay down on the couch, you feed me those tasty things you have there and meanwhile we can talk about whatever we want!”

David was obviously happy that she took the opening dialogue. And so they just started. Judy made herself comfortable on the couch while David was running between the kitchen and the living room. Judy got excited as she saw what he had brought her - so many tasty and fatty things and it was all for her….for her alone. There were burgers, pizza, sausages, cheesy sandwiches, meatballs, spaghetti, baguettes and so on. Judy closed her eyes and David gently began to put the treats into her mouth and meanwhile they chatted about many things, especially about David’s love for fat and gaining women and Judy’s wish to be fatter. Judy found out a lot of things about David and began to like him very soon. She liked his shy behaviour when he fed her the food. Hour after hour went by. Judy just chewed and swallowed, enjoying every bite of the fatty food. She had already eaten so much that she could not believe it, but still she wanted more. This was the best thing she had ever experienced. After five hours of non-stop-eating she felt so full that she didn’t want to stand up anymore. She rubbed her now very big and round belly which was very hard now. The four bags were empty. She had eaten enough food to feed a large family. She thanked David for this great feast and invited him to come back whenever he wanted to.

David was happy. “Thank you! Sure I will come back! I will come back as long as you want me to…ehm…How about tomorrow?”

He discharged very politely and left the house…alone – Judy was just too full to get up and bring him to the door. She felt so heavy and she loved it. Rubbing her big belly she let out a little belch and fell asleep. She dreamt great dreams of food, eating and fattening. She saw herself blowing up like a balloon, but not very clearly. Even in her dreams she couldn’t see herself fat. But she felt incredibly huge while filled with tons and tons of fattening food. And she felt an insatiable hunger growing inside her.

Judy woke up at 11.30 in the morning. She didn’t feel full at all. In fact she felt a little hungry! For a moment she thought that this great feeding experience with David had just been a dream. But then she noticed some vestiges of her binge, although David had cleaned up very well. She smiled and cleaned up the few papers thinking dreamily of yesterdays binge. And then she stopped as she thought about something. She quickly ran into the bathroom and jumped on the scale. She had to check how much she had gained. After an extremely long second the display showed her weight: 159 lbs; she hadn’t gained one single pound! She was disappointed! All that food and still exactly the same weight! Angrily she walked into the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. She did not want any breakfast. She was very de-motivated about her not-gain.

She just had taken place in front of the TV with her coffee, when the doorbell rang. Judy stood up and opened the door. It was David.

“Hi” he said smiling. Judy was just remembering that David had promised to come back the next day. “I hope you slept well!” David immediately noticed that Judy was only awake for half an hour.

“I thought you could use a little breakfast!”

“Hm” said Judy.

“What’s up with you?” asked David. “If you don’t want to continue I’ll leave. That’s alright!”

Judy noticed the disappointed look that came into his eyes. “No!” she said “It is just that I didn’t gain a pound! I thought that I must have gained at least one pound after all that food. I guess I am going to stay at 159 forever.

David smiled. “Oh, if that’s all, then don’t worry! In fact I didn’t expect that you were going to gain weight immediately. But I’m sure you will!” He lifted two of six paper bags to show them to her. “Don’t you think a good breakfast would help?” Judy smiled and let him in.

The breakfast was overwhelming. David had brought everything she could imagine. There where toasts, waffles, pancakes, chocolate flakes, muffins, eggs, French toast, croissants, cake and more. She was overwhelmed. She just sat back and let David feed her the best and biggest breakfast she had ever eaten. Her anger about her weight was forgotten. She just sat there and chatted with David like the day before. There never went by more than a few seconds when she wasn’t chewing. Without noticing it, she ate the whole day long. David was well prepared. He was going from breakfast to lunch and from lunch to dinner without transition. It was about 12.30 pm when Judy was too full and too tired to eat one more bite. David noticed that she was very tired and said that he would leave.

Judy just managed to nod slightly and say “Hm!” and then fell asleep.

David cleaned up the room very quietly. Before he left he looked back at Judy. There on the couch slept his sweet little feedee. She was lying on the couch, smiling a bit in her dreams. Her hands rested on her extremely bloated belly. She looked like she was nine months pregnant. She was breathing heavily from all that food in her stomach. David smiled and left the house.

When Judy woke she felt great and, again, not full at all. She immediately went into the bathroom, but there she noticed a note on the scale "Don’t check your weight. Just wait a few days! David J”

Judy was extremely curious about her weight, but she could resist. She just wanted to wait for David, who arrived an hour later, loaded with food.

Two weeks went by, always the same way everyday. David brought more and more food and Judy ate always every single crumb. After two weeks David allowed Judy to check her weight. She was very nervous when she stepped on the scale. What would she weigh after two weeks of non-stop eating? She stepped on and the display showed
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 17 years , updated 2 years
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Johns 13 years
Ahhhh, that was awesome! Thanks so much for the great story, I really would have loved to meet and feed Judy! smiley
Maximum 14 years
Beautiful, i'd love to visit "Judy's Heaven of Food"... smiley
15 years
This story is amasing. Well done!
16 years
You're one of the artists I prefer! Thank you for the enjoy!