
Chapter 4

“Oh my God!” Judy thought. She was shocked; not about the fact that her story was published in the internet, but the thought about how much people would now read about her and……how much feeders could call her! Now she already had eight, but how much people would fatten her in the future?

Once again Judy’s life changed. Her flat was now never empty. At every time there she had visitors who all wanted one thing: To help her get always fatter and fatter. At the same time Judy’s mail box was flooded with mails from feeders who wanted to visit her. David and Jake, who were still Judy’s favourite guys, became also her personal assistants. They kept an eye on who would visit her and that she was always fine. David managed her mailbox. He answered the incoming requests and he also blocked mails which were like “want to visit you and fuck your fat pussy” or stuff like that. After all some of the guys who came to Judy’s house just wanted to fuck her! But those guys quickly learned to know about Jake and his right fist. Jake made sure that nobody touched Judy when she didn’t want it and wasn’t very gentle to those who did anyway. And Judy……she was in heaven! Her days now consisted nothing than eating, eating and eating while talking to her new feeders; just broken by a few breaks for toilet and shower. She always had at least three feeders around her who stuffed her with everything she could imagine. Her belly was now full at almost every waking moment. Her appetite had grown very much. She could eat large amounts of food until her belly was big, round and tight like a drum. And even if she was not eating there was no moment when she weren’t able to eat or even didn’t think about eating.

Three months after Judy was known on the internet the number of feeders reached 15. Her house was always full of people who were all working around the clock just to serve one person: Judy! Big, fat, lazy, sexy, eating 320-pound-Judy! Two of her new visitors, Seymour and Peter, weren’t feeders. Seymour was a Photographer and Peter was an editor. They visited Judy to take pictures of her, write down her progress and everything going on in Judy’s house; to create a detailed documentation about that girl getting fattened by so many people. For the photos Judy had to “pose” every week, which was a little annoying to her because she had become extremely lazy. Some of the pictures were pinned on a wall to show Judy’s progress. It was picture-time again. Sitting Judy pulled of her shirt. David had bought her new clothes one month ago, but they were already far too tight. Seymour took some pictures of her sitting there just in her underwear. She was a sight: Her belly was still divided in two rolls. The only difference was that her lower roll looked now a lot bigger than her calve, rolling over her waistband and the upper one looked like a soft white pillow. She smiled as Seymour took the photos and posed for him sitting. Her arms were very round and fleshy and jiggled slightly when she moved them. With a little gasp she stood up from the couch. In standing position her belly sagged down and covered more than half of her panties. As she stood there posing for the photos her big round ass checks moved up and down when she took a step and jiggled like jello. On her sides her creamy white rolls of flesh moved and created different forms whenever she changed her pose. Her face was still the same, with only slightly puffed up cheeks, barely noticeable.

When the shooting was over, Judy fell heavy on the couch with a big sigh. “Now, boys, feed me! I’m starving!!!” And with that she started eating again and ate and ate until she fell asleep late at night.

Time passed and David and Jake managed Judy’s apartment which was now known on the net as “Judy’s heaven of food”. And as time went by Judy was eating and eating and eating; causing her to grow fatter and fatter and even fatter. More feeders visited Judy and brought more food and sometimes new methods to fatten someone up! A guy named Richie brought her a big can of a powder to mix weight gain shakes. It was not the stuff that was used by weight lifters. Some kind of FA scientist created the stuff. It was loaded with an extremely high number of calories and was created for that special purpose; to help human beings get very fat very fast. Richie had found that stuff on the internet and had ordered several cans. From that day on Judy never again washed her food down with Cola or Lemonade. In addition to her huge amounts of fattening food she was consuming, she now drank weight gain shakes by litres which made her weight explode.

On her 18th birthday, she weighed 440 pounds. 440 pounds of soft, creamy, jiggling and wobbling fat! In the nine months since she met David the first time she had gained 281 pounds. Her body had changed a lot. Judy loved her new wobbling body. Sometimes, at the rare occasions when she was alone, she stripped naked and just admired her own body and was happy about the changes her gluttony had caused: At 440 lbs she was very big. Her belly was so fat it hung down over one third of her thighs. The rolls on her sides were a lot bigger and hung down, too. Her hips were very wide and her ass….. Her ass cheeks were two huge balls of bouncing, wobbling cellulite fat that jiggled with every movement she made. When she sat on a chair her ass overlapped the edges about several inches. Her thighs and calves were wider, rounder, and fatter. Her cellulite thighs rubbed on each other and wobbled with every step she took. She was excited about how wide her fat thighs were when she sat. Her breasts were rounder and hung down and rested on her big belly. Her arms were extremely flabby. Especially her upper arms were bags of blubber. Judy was totally in love with her own fat body. She could spend ages just by slapping her belly or ass and watch and feel it wobble. She often sat on the couch and found sweet little changes on her body: Fat rolls, not the big ones on her sides or her belly, but the small ones forming on the inside of her elbows. She noticed that her arms were forced up, by the growing roll under her arms. Her knees were gone; buried under thick layers of tight fat. She had small rolls of flab on her wrists and ankles. With happiness she noticed, that her toes and fingers were also getting fat with cute dimples. And best of all: She finally had developed a small, cute, little double chin which rolled a little outward, when she turned her head down. Her entire face had finally become rounder.

But it was not only the flab that made Judy feel good. She also loved how heavy she had become. She always moaned and gasped, whenever she stood up or had to bend over. It excited her, how totally out of shape she was. She always smiled when chairs creaked under her fat ass. She looked forward to the day, when she would sit down and the chair would break under her heavy body. She also loved the bumps of each of her heavy steps, especially because it caused her thighs, ass and belly to wobble extremely. It made her happy to see, that she was already starting to waddle when walking.
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Johns 13 years
Ahhhh, that was awesome! Thanks so much for the great story, I really would have loved to meet and feed Judy! smiley
Maximum 14 years
Beautiful, i'd love to visit "Judy's Heaven of Food"... smiley
15 years
This story is amasing. Well done!
16 years
You're one of the artists I prefer! Thank you for the enjoy!