
Chapter 7

As Jake and David helped their jiggling, young feedee get up from the toilet Judy promised herself "Soon standing up won’t be the only thing I’m too fat for!!!”

After that day Judy’s eating habits once again changed! Of course she ate even more as before, but besides that she drank a lot more of the weight gain shakes. She still enjoyed her food very much, but most of her thoughts were on one thing: To become as fat as possible as fast as possible! The Boys quit looking for clothes for Judy. She outgrew even the stretchiest clothes in no time. She didn’t even mind being naked in front of the boys.

Only one month after she realized that she couldn’t stand up on her own, she reached the second milestone. She once again was helped getting up for her waddle to the bathroom – she hadn’t been there for three days; too busy eating! When she reached the bathroom door she turned sideways to fit through...and didn’t fit! She tried again…and failed again! And then she took a good look at herself and realized that she could stop her efforts. She really was too fat to go through this door!!! No matter if she tried it sideways or frontal: Her wide hips and her huge belly and ass were all about half a foot to big for the doorway! She was so excited about her fatness, but she had to go to the bathroom…NOW! Three of the feeders pushed Judy’s body, while David and Jake kneaded her fat to make her fit through…and Seymour took many pictures! Two minutes later Judy really entered the bathroom; sweating huffing, puffing, totally exhausted but very happy!

“I’m too fat to fit through doors!” she thought “Unbelievable!”

After Judy had been pushed out of the bathroom again she stepped quickly on her scale, before she fell back on her couch.

“815lbs” she thought as she started to gulp down a two litre bottle of weight gain shake. “69 lbs in one month!”

Jake told Judy, that he would call somebody to widen the doorway to the bathroom immediately, but he was not completely honest. Of course he would call someone to widen the door and help sweet Judy, but he would call him in a few weeks or so. After the first time every time she had to go to the bathroom the boys oiled Judy’s flab to make her slippery. The boys enjoyed this very much, because they had not often the chance to feel Judy’s fat body so intensive. Jake wanted to keep that joy just a little longer! But he didn’t have to do it secretly. Judy herself loved the feeling of so many hands kneading her jiggling fat and so she threw all her stoppages away and more and more often asked the boys to massage and kneed her fat body while she was eating!

She felt like she was in heaven: Eating fattening food, drinking fattening drinks and being massaged by at least three feeders all day long made her lose every sense of time! And she kept on growing bigger…..

Judy’s flat –“the heaven of food”- now was the second home of over sixty people. All of them were Feeders or at least FAs who liked to meet and get to know that amazing young gluttonous super sized girl. And by now they weren’t all male anymore. There were a few FA-women who were not really lesbian, but enjoyed the sight of so much young female flesh. Seymour and Peter had now a huge collection of photos, reports, statistics and video tapes of Judy – a collection that some FA would pay her last Penny for! But they kept it all and collected it to document Judy’s growth and create the ultimate report.

It was now one and a half month after Judy’s first experience with the bathroom door. The door still hadn’t been widened. Not because Jake didn’t call someone – because he had! But he called him back again! After the “door day” Judy had made a glutton of herself as never before. She ate not only unbelievably much, but as fast as she could as well! The moment when her belly was full wasn’t the moment she stopped eating anymore! Every night she fell asleep, bloated to the upper limit - not only full of food but of a large amount of the weight gain shakes as well!

Judy grew at an incredible rate. Her belly, while getting bigger, hung down far over her knees – or the place where her knees were a long time ago. Her legs had swollen unbelievably, creating always new wobbling folds, rolls and sacks of fat. With both arms a man could only reach half around one of her thighs. Her feet had become much fatter, too. They were soft and wide with fat fleshy toes and half covered by the fat of her calves. With those legs she only managed to make tiny little steps. But each of those steps made the ground shake and caused Judy’s huge body to wobble and jiggle like an ocean of jello. Her fat ass stuck out behind her nearly as wide as her belly in front and hung down nearly to knee level. Her heavy arms stuck out to the side with her upper arm flesh hanging down over her lower arms. Her fingers were fleshy and had folds on the joints. Her huge breasts, each three times the size of her head, hung to each side of her belly. Only her face resisted the effects of her gluttony one more time. The guys had more and more difficulty to squeeze Judy’s mass through the bathroom door and still she was growing bigger and bigger every day!

And so before the new door was installed Judy had become so heavy, that it was absolutely impossible for her to stand up! She hadn’t stood on her feet for days and so one morning six strong guys tried to pull her to a standing position. Judy could do nothing to help them. She had never been sporty, but now her little muscles were almost completely swallowed by her fatness! When the guys had pulled her about one foot from the couch, although her ass still touched it, they had to let her go……She fell back and with a big “CRUNCH!” the couch was blown to pieces! And on the floor within the ruins of the couch lay Judy! An 18 year old girl finally being too obese to stand on her feet. She lay on her back and laughed. She laughed deep from her soul, because she felt so damn happy. She had reached another milestone: She was immobile! This thought filled her with joy. As she laughed her blubber jiggled all over which made her feel even better! Her feeders stood around her and after the first shock they laughed with her and applauded.

After that day David and Jake decided to rearrange the room. They didn’t want to place Judy on a couch again, because she had outgrown the old one anyway. They decided to buy her a huge reinforced king size bed which would be strong and big enough to hold her. It was no small task for the guys to lift their swollen sweetheart. Not only was she so heavy (no one knew how heavy, because she hadn’t been weighed lately). It was also extremely difficult to hold her because she was so soft and jiggly. Her fat oozed through the arms of her helpers and it took them hours to heave her super sized body on the bed. Judy was a little worried, but also enjoyed the process.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 17 years , updated 2 years
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Johns 13 years
Ahhhh, that was awesome! Thanks so much for the great story, I really would have loved to meet and feed Judy! smiley
Maximum 14 years
Beautiful, i'd love to visit "Judy's Heaven of Food"... smiley
15 years
This story is amasing. Well done!
16 years
You're one of the artists I prefer! Thank you for the enjoy!