
Chapter 9

And with a happy smile on her face Lisa ran to David, who immediately picked out three of the feeders to help Lisa gain weight.

“Wow!” Judy thought, as she continued to eat “now I have an apprentice”!

As the weeks went by Judy did her best to be a good idol for Lisa, who was fed, by her own three feeders for a few hours every day. Judy ate all day long. She started eating immediately when she woke up and didn’t stop until she was simply too tired too eat and fell asleep. She was now insatiable, which made her proud. The fact that she couldn’t hold out 15 minutes without eating turned her on. And still she tried to increase her daily food intake even more. She also drank incredible amounts of weight gain shake – and it showed. Within 4 short months her weight shot up to 1382 pounds! Because Judy was now getting way to big to see all of her body, her friends installed huge mirrors all over the room so that she could still admire her obesity. Her body spread over her huge bed to every side. Her legs were spread as far apart as she could and still her huge blubber laden thighs touched each other. In fact the endless rolls and sacks of her thigh flesh grew to create one single mass that had curves and folds and rolls all over. And at their end were her feet which were now round and fat, with dimples folds and fat toes. Wiggling those fat toes was the only movement she was able to do with her legs. One reason was her huge belly that lay on top of her thighs and in front of her on the bed to where her feet were. A huge globe of creamy blubber, jiggling with every movement and going slightly up and down when she was breathing. Behind her was the huge cellulite mass of her ass cheeks and on top of them three fat juicy rolls going from her waist to her back and hanging down on the bed to both sides. On top of her belly lay her big breasts hanging down the sides. Her upper arms were so fat laden, that the flab rested on her waist rolls and touched them even when she lifted her arms up as high as she could – which was getting harder and harder for her. Her lower arms were now one third covered with upper arm flesh and had the size of a pillow. Her hands were so bloated, that she got problems bending her fingers, but that was something, that turned her on, too.

‘My fat little hands become too fat to move, too! Wow!’

And best of all, her face had finally decided to give in to her obesity and store fat! Her former sweet little double chin had grown to a big juicy fat roll that encircled her neck and hid it completely. Her cheeks had swollen too.

“After all that! My own fat double chin! I had to bloat to 1300 lbs to get one!”

And day by day she kept stuffing her new fat face to make it even fatter. But as she grew, it got more and more difficult to feed herself. Her arms were getting so heavy, that she only could lift them to her fat face with much effort. She had to rest more and more often and let the others feed her. But the feeders couldn’t feed her fast enough without her help. And so she was always hungry even while eating all day long. The feeders had now hard work, but gave their best, but Judy’s appetite was too strong and she never could get full enough. She was about 1511 lbs. when Lisa stepped at Judy’s bed followed by all of her friends to tell her some news. The former chubby little teenie-girl had blown up to a young lady of 350 lbs.

“We have something to tell you!” she said!

“We’re all proud, that we could help you get your dream body!” said Jake “but now we realize that we can’t feed you any longer!”

Judy was shocked! ‘Oh no! They can’t leave me now!’ she thought. “What do you mean?” she asked close to tears. “We can’t feed you” Jake continued “…….because you are to fat for us!” Judy looked confused and then she noticed Jakes grin. “That’s why we have this!”

Jake and the other feeders stepped aside and Judy’s view fell on something big covered with a blanket. David pulled the blanket away and Judy could see a machine under it. A machine with a big funnel and a pipe system.

‘A feeding machine!’ she thought. “A FEEDING MACHINE!!!”

She thought that she would turn crazy! “That is the best present I ever got. Wow! That is wonderful! How can I ever thank you?”

Jake grinned and said “By being a good girl and eat everything we put into that thing!” Lisa said laughing “And by letting me use that one day, too!” and David whispered in her ear “That machine has more than one funnel!” He twinkled and turned to Judy again and Lisa’s eyes grew wide and bright!”

Tears of happiness rolled down Judy’s big cheeks as her friends loaded the machine full of food and WG-shake. Ceremoniously Lisa came to Judy’s head with the funnel in her hand.

“Thank you!” Judy said happily and then she had the funnel in her mouth.

David then started the machine on the lowest level. The food in the tank got mashed and slowly the light brown thick and calorie laden fluid made its way to Judy’s hungry mouth. Seconds stretched to hours for Judy as the fluid went up over her waist rolls, past her huge breast, up her belly, reaching her double chin and then it hit her tongue. She closed her eyes and sucked hard on the funnel. After a few seconds she lifted her arm and her fat index finger pointed upwards, meaning that the boys should speed the machine up. David turned it up to level 2 and the fluid flowed faster into her mouth. She kept sucking, but also kept pointing upwards. So David increased the flow rate even more, but it still wasn’t enough. At level 5 Judy let her arm down and totally relaxed swallowing the endless flow of food. She moaned silently as she sucked and her belly went up and down from her heavy breaths. Everyone stood there and stared amazed on that gluttonous huge blubber ball of a teenager. As for Judy: She was like in trance. A daydream consisting of nothing but food. She thought about what changes her new tool would cause to her body and the possibilities turned her on. And so she kept swallowing. The changes were amazing! Judy was totally overwhelmed by the joy the constant food flow gave her! And while she sucked down the fattening fluid she could really feel her own body getting fatter and fatter! When she closed her eyes she could feel every new pound of blubber settle down on her! She felt her body expand over the bed! She felt, that her body was pushed upwards by her enormous butt and thighs! She felt herself getting huge and never felt better in her life!
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 17 years , updated 2 years
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Johns 13 years
Ahhhh, that was awesome! Thanks so much for the great story, I really would have loved to meet and feed Judy! smiley
Maximum 14 years
Beautiful, i'd love to visit "Judy's Heaven of Food"... smiley
15 years
This story is amasing. Well done!
16 years
You're one of the artists I prefer! Thank you for the enjoy!