Post wedding paradise

Chapter 7 - bubble butt

"Ugh, honey, can you pick me up? Sitting up is too much work for me now."

That is what I woke up to for an entire week, and god was I loving it. We're honeymooning in Rome, and when in Rome, people eat pizza. I think my wife is trying to eat ALL of the pizza. She hasn't left the room since we got here, and god was it a pain in the ass getting here.
Airports are not meant for people that no longer move fast. She hasn't really walked in weeks, and it really showed. We had a 100 yard walk from security to the terminal and she had to stop 5 times. 5 times she had to stop walking to let her huge thunder thighs stop rubbing eachother. 5 times she had to try to cram all of her gorgeous ass into a chair that was not designed for so much sexy. 5 times she ate lunch wile taking a break from the back breaking walk.
The sad part is she only weighted about 220 pounds at this point. She really wasn't that huge. She just hasn't had to lug her enormous self anywhere in weeks.
But that all changed once we got there. No, she didnt get into shape, but she did get that huge.
Iv never seen someone drink this much wine, eat this much pizza, and inhale this much pasta in this short of a time. She started the day with 4 deep dish pizzas, all meat lovers, then continued to have 2 bottles of wine and about 5 pounds of pasta for lunch. Dinner really was the most extreme however. She consumed her breakfast pizza, her lunch alcohol/starch, and then proceeded to add 10 Italian sausages, several gallons of Alfredo sauce, and enough fresh mozzarella cheese to, well, make someone unbelievably fat.
She ate about 12 hours a day, and then paid for it the other 12. She was in constant pain, also really drunk, but mostly pain. She just loved the food and the size so much she couldn't wait to have it. There was nothing more in the world that she wanted than me, and food, and right now she had both and she was loving it.
By the end of every day she couldn't move a muscle. There was so much more of her than there was that morning it was almost too much. Her belly stuck out 2 feet from the rest of her by 7 o'clock. Her arms were as big as her thighs were when she started, and her thighs are as big as her when she started. I'm pretty sure if it weren't for me being here she wouldn't be able to get the giant things past eachother to walk. Her ass inflated to about 3 feet across, and that's saying something for someone 5 feet tall. She's absolutely gorgeous, and she's getting bigger and better by the day. I got her to a scale today, and it read 320 pounds. That's a 110 pound gain in a week of being in Rome. Imagine how big she'll get by the time I have to find a plane big enough to get her home.
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Nok 6 years
Great descriptions, and good length and pacing.
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
Suggestion: Include her feelings of ambiguity, maybe even fear of what is happening, as well as acceptance. Narrator's feelings also.
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
You are doing a great job. I love these stories where a new relationship or marriage suddenly seems to change people. Nicely done.